Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1936, p. 20

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Skill in Gym The tenth annual indoor physical training demonstration by the' pupils of the Wilmette public, schools will bc presented atthe Howard sçhool gymnasium this week and the follow- îng tWo weeks. ,Thefirst demnonstration will bc held. today (Thtrsday), and will bc given by the pupils of the second, third and, fourth grades. 'The second demon- stration -will be held Tuesday evening, Marcb 24, by the fi fth and sixth grades, and the third by the pupils of the $eventh> and eighth grades Wednes- day. April 1. Daniel M. Davis, director of rec- reation, and superintendent of public schooi physical training, states that ail demionstrations are given for the benefit oif the: parents to sec the various phases of physical training work carried on in the. public. schools. Folk dances, rhythmic drills, formai gymnastic training, formai marching drills,' athletic drills, and posture drills, for each grade will have a place on the prograni. Assisting Mr. Davis with the pro- grami are the instructors of physical training in the various schools. They- are Mrs. Gertrude Fanckboner, girl's instructor at Howard school; Miss Janet Brown, girl's instructor at Stolp of pnysical training for the Jower grades. The three demonstrations are open to .the general public and will beginý at 7:30 o'clock. SThere wiii be a tnodestadmission 1charge. which will go'.to defray ex- penses for "letters" anidother awards presented to the grammar s chool athîctes during the year. This evening, March 19, the pro- . GIRLS' LEAGUE The North Shore teani in the Play- ground and Recreation board Girls' Basketball league tightened its hold on first place by beating the Stars 66 >to 2,z Ann Komen was high: scorer' for the game with 26 baskets for, a total 'for 52 points. Irene Christensen scored. the only. poin ts for the' los ers with. one ýbasket for 2 points. the ýT. N, TVs won a close game from the suburban 30 to 24. Mar- cella Kummer of the losers, wag the high scorer of -the game with 10 baskets for a total of'20 points and Dorothy 'Davis was high scorer for the winners. with 7 baskets and 3 free throwà: for a total of 17 points. Bessie Bouchicas was net 'on, her teamn with 9 points. Girls' l, eague tenni. standing March 9: Teamn W.> L. Pet.. North Shore,,.....4 O 1.000 T. N. T. 's.......3 I . SUi :i i ..250, Stas .~ . ..O 4 ..00 MEN'S "'A" LEAGUE As the -final round. of the Men's "A" League basketball race cornes to a. close the C.'Y..,O. and Hoffmannýi Ace are at the toj of the heap, each with the' samie number of gaines won. .The Nelson Launcdry took their game from the Locusts putting the Laundry boys in position to share third place honors with the Wilmette Iieiow are the fnual standing tearns. "A" League team sl Marc iIl: Teain w C. Y.o0.............6 Hoffmann Floriots..... Nýeison Laundry ........... 4 Weilmette Battery .......... 4 L.oeust Farm Products i.. ý 2 lied norses... "............ WuIlnette Bicycle S1hop 4'D" LEAGUE dings Pet. 857 Ë67 667 333 1ý6' [oward gym each evenings.1Thisi ith the universal n for the fastest *Recentlyrnuch publicity bas beeft givexi Badminton. Newspaper ai ticles describe it as the,"smartest," "most stylish,",,-most'popular" sport. De- signers of Women's clothes bave cre- ated colorful '"'outfits" for th e gaine. It .vou want to-be «'smrat", ýor 9"popu- la r" play, Badminton. The. Playground and Recreation 'board -offers instruction at the I-Iow- ard gym. each Monday' evening at 8. o'clock, and 'at 7 o'clock 'on Friday evenings. thé Willies., Kenneth Harrrnann. flsycenter for the St. Johnî's, won high point honors withi 7 baskets and a free throw, for a >total of 15 points. Fred Aschbacker of the Nit Wits enjoyed ýhigh point honors for the' gamne between his team and the Tig- ers when he made 15 of lus tearn's 32~ points to 8 made by the Tigers. The scores of the games and the. team standings follow: "D" League team standing, Mari 12.: Team, W. L. Pet. St John'à ..7 3 -700 W illies .:....713 .700 Panthers ............ . 5 .444 Tigers .............2 8 .200 Nit Wits OM ... 9 .000 White Stre.fk.i -0,i1 .006 UC" eleagu e, Moved up to the "C" league' sthis week. and started in by defeating the Epworth League 31 to 12 in the' first game -of the third round. Led 7by the scoring of their hefty center. 7Bob Ehmer, who made 10. of hiis 7 team's poi nts, the Eagles led in the aLscoring all. of the game.> The Wacket A. C. took the second game of the evening from he Ter- riers. A scoring battie between john Gleason of the Terriers and Earl p Gray of the Wacker A. C. ended with Getting Hotter Many matches have been played in the Adtjit Ladder Table Tennis tour- t.iarnent this week. Wally Schuett re- fuises, to be knocked froin' the flrst rung of the ladder. He ilas plgyed nine liard matches but so far no one bas. been able to beat bum. EMer Carlson haàs'also been able to beat ail . &iffers this week and, is stili. on the second rungof the ladder. Walter Tobin- -%vho has held the fourth ru-ig, of the lad- der since the beginnîing of the tourna- ment' beat HRarold Fischer in a well played match and.thereby h-, gained the third . rung of the ladder, Bud Schwall bas played some very fine table tennis this week and bas corne aIl the way from the 22nd to the l4th position. A great deal of interest',bas also been shown ini-the Children's lad- der tournarnent. Ralph White,, who f-iight his way to the top of the lad- der last week. bas beaten aIl challeng- ers this week and is still on the first runiz of the ladder. Norman Hoffînan and Jolitn Katifmann are on the sec- ond and third rungs of the- ladder as thie% véwela5t ,veek. Girl Groups Organize Clubs at Play Center The girls who attend the clasý,es at the Wilmnette Cominunity Center have organized two clubos. The High School Girls' club of the Center will meet Friday at 4:30 o'clock to corn- plete organization of the club. All high school girls are cordially invited. to attend thîs meeting. The Girls' club for pupils in the. sixth, seventb. and eighith grades har, planned a hike to Riverside' on Sat- urdav, March 21., at 1.1 o'clock. The girls also plan to.play- basebal a.nd mrtn different types of races. Each girl is to bring ber own picnic lunch for the hike. AIl girls of sixth, seNv- enth and eighth grade .age who wish to go on this hike are invited to re- some activity for The children of the Tuesday after- given to the winners. Dois bcflwaii; the Mapie Leafs. croppeci the oall iin noon Tap Dancing class heid a $t. entertained the girls with two tap the basket to win one of the closest Patrick's party at the Wilmette Coi»- dances, and Carol Anderson gave a' and hardest fought games of the sea- munity C enter Saturday afternoon. piano solo. . *. son. Yorty children attended the party and The hall was attractively decorated Leagüe team, standing, March il1: were chaperoned by Carol Anderson, in green and.white. and Shamrocks. É~ealhm W. U.. Pet. Flashes . 0.1 1.00 Bessie Bouchicas, Maunine May, Lor-, Several of the, chiidren wvere in cos- Eagles........... .00 raine. Cross, Thelma Bondy,- and Vin- turne and refreshmeuîts were erved. 'Maple Leafs......... o 1.0-00 Ll.ark 3treet, L.nicago. iTne UrXcus are to be used for the scholarship fund of the Parker school. Tickets are on sale at the school. Reserva- tions may be made by letter or tele-. ,phone and the, tickets picked, up at the box o ffice before :the performn- ance.-

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