Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1936, p. 18

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to lame as tne "Singing Couîege.; 1 .ountr,% clîub ivarcn 18 to 21inlu- This reputation lias been gained by! sive. the number and variety of its campus - songs and spread by -means of its jcbH ls iso mýusical club. As early as. 1830 Ar- cbH.Gas is herst -had an organized group of Street of Heart'Attack sinigers and -musicians 'known..as,.the j acob H. Glass, 53 years old, 51 0 BthoeîScet.Thsogaa Fifth street, died of a -heart .attack, ton was in existence there until last week on the. stree t near lis"home. 1869 and .belped inmeasurably ini developing musical talent, among the. Funeral services were held Monday students. .lu 1860:,the Class of lb62 inûrQîng at a funeral. chapel on the publisbed.a compilation called "Sônigs ot >e fCiao of Amherst". comprising >miany melo-. Mr. Glass, wbo held a law degree dies which are favorites'today.. 'lite- from the- University't of, Vienna, was irst recorded 'Public ,concert by Aîi- for 1rnany yearsenae in the herst students of which there is a financing business'iii Chi cago., record took, place at Rutland, Ver-. He is survived. by his 'widow. Jo- mont on Oc. 12P, 180. A ,popular 'sephine; by a son, .Walter of 'Evans- device in those days to raise money ton. and by a daughter,- Mr s. M. 11. was thie.minstrel show. , Miller.. 3219. Lake avecnue. Girl Students at Secars Will Exhibit Gym Work Parents, of girl studenits.. at thec Jo-. seph Sears school were this week in- vited by Miss Elizabeth Mlacauley of the gymnasium departient, to an ex- hibitioni of the work done in the physical education program of the school, Saturdav eveiiing, heginning at 7 :30 o'clock. Former Resident KilIed in Automobile Accident News of the deatla of William M.%c- Ginley. former resident of Wilmette, and one-time memiber of the state legisiature from Decatur, was re-, ceived on the north shore Iast week. Mr. McGinley, who was in the oit business, was kill ed near Carlsbad. N. 'N. Funeral services were hield STUDIO RECITAL Miss Edith Ray Young, 1133 Cen- ',\r. .and Mrs. Raymond Hoffrnap. 'al avenue, presented a group of ber 1809 Walnut avenue. entertalined ino pupils last Saturdav afternoon eight neembers of their *"50" club at a stud4io recital. tl'eir lhome Fridayý evening. Get your Bicycle in shape to ride to school. Low Prices on Overkauis QIkServie Free icék-up and flellvery GwLENMCO0E BICYCLE SHOP 708 Vernon Ave. Cl1.encoe 57 MIL BU RN J 704,CHURCH ST., EVANSTON Oradley Knits Exclusively, 4 Grotund sclhool classes at Curtiss airport Nvill be resumned on 'Mardi 24, it m'as anniotilccd this week by E. S. Staples. *Miss D)oris Sta.icoe, 1015 Main stee, etrndhom'e Monday after, Spenldifig a feW days ini Peoria. Mr. Corns was born in Wilmette, where his parents still reside, and was formerly associated with the Wil- mette State bank and the First Nl.a- tional bank of Wilmette. At present lie is with the City National Bank and Trust company of Chicago.. Mr., Corns leaves Saturdayý to join Mrs. Corns. and their three children, Danny, Mary Helen and Marsha Ann. i'n Leesburg, Fia.., for a few weeks' vacation. Hold FuneralWednesday for Lufe-Long. Resident Funeral services, for Mrs. Rose MÙýartini Miller, 1752 Washington ave- nue, life-Iong. residenit of Wilmette, who died last Sunday evening, were, held \\ediiesday niorning at St. jýo- seph's churèh. Mrs. Mutler, who was born in the Village of. GrosÉs Point (now west. Wilmiette), was'buried near:her girl- hood home,. iip'i t. Joseph's cemnetery. -She is survived -by her husband, Frank, by two children, Marjorie and Earle, by,, lier sjsters, Mrs. joseph Rengel, Mfrs. Dora Mick, Mrs. John Steffens, Mrs. James Hoffinan, Mrs. Nicholas Borre, and Miss Mary Mr tiiii, and hbv a brother. Anthony.. Burton Holmes to Give His Lecture on Ethiopia Burton bInmes, of travel talk' faine, willclose his regular Orchestra Hall season of screen travel revues with appearances this Friday evening andý Saturday afternoon. "What 1 Saw in Ethiopia" will be the traveler's illustrative theme for this closing. week. With the attention of the worid f o- cused, upocn Africat s black empire of Ethiopia 'it is expected 'that Mr. Holmes' screen story of his trav.els in this country will'afford his hearers first-hand information of just what it is like over there.

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