Il tw< rs DesrafrVaeauit LOT 75'x235', ON MAIN STREET. WILMETTE. ZONED FOR INDUS- TRY. IDEAL FOR MOVING, PIC-, TURE ýTHEATER OR GARAGE. Ac TUAL TRAFFIC COUNTl 17.000 AUTOMOBILES PER DAY. ADORESS; 8-423-80X 60-WILMETTE. ILLINOIS "Matter" wil be the subject at the services in First Ghurch of Christ, Scientist, in iWilmette Sunday morun- ing, Mardi 22, at Il o'clock, held ini the edifice at 1003 Centlral avenue. Sunday sciool convenes at 9:45 0 clock. Miss Dorotiy Fisher, who is at Northampton School - for Girls, ar-ý rivestoday (Thursday) to'spend ber sprinig vacation. with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs..John ,W.- Fisher,, Jr., of 826 Greenwood avenue. Miss Jeane Fisher, who is at Mfount Hol)-ôke, plans to spend lier vacation with lier roonîmiate;, Lois Soul e, at Rye, N. >Y. Let Us .Fight the "BRAIN TRUST*" d NEW DEAL withi HENRY FOWLER Of Wilmette, Candidate for Republican Cominitteeman, New Trier Township Republicani The General Assembly of Illinois bas changed the Iaw governing party organization in Cook County, eliminating the election of Precinct Coinritteeinen by vote of thet people, and .providing for the election of a Township Çommitteeman. The duties of Township Conimitteman consist of representing. the porty organization in meetings of the County CentraI Commit- tee, appointment of precinwt leaders, nom ingting of Judges of the Circuit and Superior Courts, recommending Judges and Clerks of election; alsô to organhze and get out the voters at primary and elections. There is no salary or other emolument in connection with tliis office. Iis unfortunate that Henry Fowler should have opposition for re-election 'ut a time when the united action of ail Repùblicans ln New Trier is needed to insure the nomination of :astrong national, state, and county ticket to meet the issues of the* "erainiTrust" and "New Dealers" at the November election. Henry Fowler bas faitbfully represented New Trier in the party couneils. He is flot allied with anv of the so-called factions of the miss Jessie M. Sentney -of Ru- .'.nstoup .a' teacher ai New Trier High school since -1920. and proin- inent inemWerof the>,Euanstoit Bi~i- _n1css wa.nd Prof essional ,Wiojicn s' Club. died Tuesday *moriing ai M. ra1c is hos.0sital as the resut ol injuirie sitained ikn a'fallitii P>ale'stine Iast.Julyý. The accidenit occurred W~hite Miss. Sentsiey %vas serving as assistant Con- ductor of a. Mediterranean 'tour. Stçplngon a pebbie as she was, aligliting f ron an automobile, she lipdanid broke lier hp. She wvas taken to the Gernman icbs lital ni ijeruisalei where she ý%,as- Confiiied for. two rnonths.. and then was ilioved to the Jewish' hospital iu the saine city for a *nîontlî, lefore sailing for home. Immediately upon lier arrivai, Novenîher 15, she ',was takeii to St. Francis hospital anîd reinained thiere until bier (leath. Viuieral services were held \\'cd- 1iesday afternooti at 4 ini the chapel of flic First Nlet.hodist church, Ev- aliston., Nwith. the. Rev,. dwîn 1E-dga.r \oigt otfic iating. The body %vas takuîi to 8loIýorinigtoii, 1 i (I., for' burial. MLis,,Se îtnev wvas boni in ôOv.Clrs- burg, hîd., and was educatel at the A Fc Submitted Later for Your Conqjdermtion ICAN CLUB vIMITTEEMEN'S ASSN. ohof-- ' i ii îa'n'a P i s " w' ,'- ii () 1Î Ev-ans.toni for the funeral. The North Shore auxiliary of tic Maternity center heid a bridge and, white elephan, party Tuesday at the home of, Mrs. Albert I. Appletoni, 2735*,Sieridani road, Evans ton. a ,ars.