ada ~ttc along as 48 months t. puy- rnlnm u onthIy paym.nt $1 a ge pe ns io n blanks are now ; available a t t he headquarters, it is explained. The .officers of the club. for. the coming year are: Ja m e s L..1 Hou g htel i ng, Winnetka, 1presi- J .Huh.u dent;, William C. Connor, Mrs.ý Robert Fontham, Mrs. B9. J. Hens,, Hayes McKininey, Mrs.. Mary Schaefer and Max W., Zabel of Wilmette, Edwin. Hedrick of Kenil1- worth; ,Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard, and Frederic O. Mason of Winnetka, MrS. Edgar Brand and Walter H. Rooney of Glencoe, vice-presidets;-Daniel V. Harkin' of Glencoe, treasurer, and Alexander J. Clifford of WVinnetka, secretary. Directors are: Wilmette-Joseph W. Borre, Wil- liam B. Berger, John J,'Bleser, John B. Boddie, C. W. Braun, Frank S. Dolan, John J. Dowdle, George F., Iliff, Mrs. Maud Kehl, Louis J. Lor- enzini, Mrs. J. Robert McClure, James J. O'Grady, joseph F. O'Neill, John Phillips, William C. Reinhold, joseph Rossberger, Harry E. Smoot, Wil- liam B. Thalman, F. A. Waiclner, and Eugene S. Ward. Kenilworth- William F. Freuden- P-. Green, Mrs. Kalpfl C. tamili, Mrs. William G. Hibbard, Francis W. Hinckley, Jasper S. King, William H. King, Jr., Henry J. Klauke, Jr., -Mrs. John R.. Reîlly,. Jacob E. Replogle, Harry W. Roberts, Clarence E, Schafehen, Ralph M. Snyder, Dr. Paul Starr, Henry F. Tenney, ýFrederick B. Thomas, Mrs. Beverly B. Vedder, James Roy West, Gen. William 1. Westervelt, and Roland D. Whitman. Glencoe-Gerhard Clavey, Sigmund, share of tbat portion ofthte second instaliment of the 1934 general taxes which were paid to him during the last two weeks in February, when he was permitted to, make these -collec- tions. Shows Distributloft The "checks. were, for the tollowingË amounts:- Çook county, : $20,173.05; Forest, Preserve district, $4i555.17; Sanitary district. $26,029.78; City of Evanston, $54.88;. Village of, Glenview, $3P,09; Village of Glencoe,,$7,778.79;, Village of Northfield, $107.56;- Village Of, Kenilworth, $2,1C.70,; Village of Wil- mette, $8,537.65; Village. of Winnetka, $11,534.69; Glenview Park- district, $20.36; Glencoe Park district, $4,941.03; Kenilworth Park district,, $650.26; Wihnette' Park district, $3,282.12; Winnetka Park district., $5,041.56: North Shore Mosquito Abatement district, $1,301.47. Schoole Cet Funds School treasurer, Trownship 42, $107,06026, divided as follows: Glencoe school district, No. 35, $12,633.74;, Winnetka school district, No. 36, $30,8511,33, Township school district, No. 37, $577.95; Kenilworth school district, No. 38, $.3.880.79; Wil- mette school district, No. 39, $14,051.78; joit school bond, Nos. 37-39, $163.27-1 Township 1Hioeh school." $44,901.40: In addition to making the foregoing collection and distribution Mr. Hale also served many taxpayers who took advantage of bis courteous offer to fhandie -many delinquent first instail-, ments payments. niany personal prop- erty payments, and ini addition, niany 1933 and, prior vearsl' delinquent real estate taxes. better to serve be appreciated the dommpnity *will by the officers and, PUBLIC S5RVICH COMPANY 0F NORTKERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Avenue politiU.alparty, and that it can b LJme comunitljy, state anfd nati rnad tosere i ~sillbeterarein-use them for Its own purposes, madeto erv it til beterarein-and Ptower. [t follows that thE vited to become memnbers of the the weltare of the Party above club.ý by comnlunicating with any anbitions and desires Of Imdiv member of the board of directors or factions within the Party m 1make the » arty their own V the secretary. Practical, sincere sug- tool rather than the effective, gestions as to what.the club maY do the American people.", Wl.. Evansfon OAS tals and Swould ,cle a.nd .vant of