geograýpfy and arts of rolai manners and customs of i The group chairman:, Rosé< Keighan, well tel!, wbat Polish ýwomen played in wa r. The older Juniors who into the discussions incitg 'Warden, ,Mary ,Louise ..F Ellen Dàily, Martba, Lea Meëstjian and Hclen Sweer positioàs ofthe Polish cotni statesmant, Paderewski, wil by Lois Mitchell. The moth, juniors bave been in'vited this meeting, and theý guei cludes -the' departmnent FEu man,', Mrs. Matgaret - Waht cago; Mrs. John B.. Boddie president, and Mrs. E. V. the unit Fidac. chairman. Op>ortuiotty to Buy Womeli whÔ lhave beeV w an. opportunity to purchasg IYOUR SPRING Ni tIf n doubt where to gel many littie odds and end you'Il b. needlngr to beautil bnme and yoursef, corne te * NIventh and Central M rwlnppb qt g OC Likk« Swt Cveam Buatt.ri lb.4 which in- the bistory, Sewzting Meetiing nd and the 'Mrs. C. A. Peterson, 114 Maple the people., avenue, will open berborne next Wed- tnary M C- :nesday ehng March 18,' for. the part the -sewing meeting. Trhe story of -the his- the World tory of Polanrd,'so interestingly begun àwill enter. Ias't, month by Mrs. R. e. Kennedy, ide Nancy will be continued by Mms. C. . fal, 'Mary, Cochran,'. Mrs.. J. "R. McCue is ini acb, Ruth charge of the.Amnerîcanism section of ýney. Com- the 'discussion period. poser, and _________ ibe played hr'of thé Ghildren, Given, toattend Pizs frB t dechair- Js o ChiPoetry Readings e. the unit Poetry reading. was given, new Cullison, emphasis, this week, in Wilmiette Public schools, *when. teachers. and students of the sevýenth' and egt grades in the Byron C. Stolp school vaiting for condrncted a contest to- select the e articles rnost talented readers. The poems, aIl of which had been EI15 Ob studied in the literature courses, weme t, those selected by the children themselves. id that Judges of the contest were the Rev.' ty your Amos Thornburg of the Wilmette '0 Pamish Methodist church, Mrs. Bea- STORE1 trice Graham, children's' librarian, YIL48*and Miss Mabel Parks, of tbe school business office. First place went to Margaret Paul- 81/210 son for ber reading of "<The Spires of Oxford." Second was Hobart Gart, who ead ."Huth-Uh, Not Me!" Honorable mention' went to Date qL.31 c Chronic for "Casey at the Bat."' ýqt. 45c Stephen Finney for "P'au! Revere's Ride," and Frank Badger for "Sea Fever." First prize was a collection 9c of pocuis and second prize was a 39 book mark. Mrs. Katherins Vernon is in charge of the literature courses' of the seventh grade and Miss Carnie Chase in the eighth grade. in rehearsals in order to makee mis year's revue the finest that' bas ever been presented by Northwestern. This year's show, which opens its five-day mun March 17 at the.Nation- al College of Education, 2770 Sheri- dan road,,ý Evanston, promises,,to, be, the grecatest extravaganza yetý proý- duced by, Waa-Mu.- "It, Goes To Show." an.,orginal satirical revue ini twenty.-six skits with a cast. of 125 student ,s,. will Po ke slygibes at such famnus characters as Alexander Hamiltoni, Thomas Jefferson, Shirley Temple. Benjamin Franklin. *Mae .West,.and Mrs. Roosevelt, and ýsucb famnous- institutions, as> north shore women's clubs. and the campus "Odat- ing bureau." Two. hundred 'and eighty five costumes* have. been secured, for the cast so as, to give the necessary lavisb effect. and 72.00Q watts of electricity will be used to show upý môme biriliantly Northwestern's beau- tifuil coeds.- A sixteen-piece or- chestra cônductéd, by -Glenn Ciiff Bainum, director of the university band. wilI play before a dazzling rhinestone curtain. The aniual Waa-.Mu production, cons'dered tho outstanding céollegiate show of Chicago and, a social higb- light of the north shore,. bas con- sistently produced successul plays since its founding in 1929. This is the fimst year that the show has taken the form of a revue, ail the previous ones being musical comedies. The Waa-Mu. show derives its naine to the fact that it.s was oiginally spon- sored by the Wornen's Athletic as- sociation and the Men's union. Tickets for It Goes' To Show"' May be obtained at the Lunt Ad- ministrative building on the North- western (Evanston) campus, Thé Co-Op, Cbandlem's, or Tomrnw Airth's in Evanston. Kenilworth Cubs Wili SPlay Hosts to Fathers Kenilwomth Cubs are busy these days, under the direction of Robert Townley, in preparation for their Mlliss knlth Vernon Cross, daugh- 'ter of Mr. .and Mè.s. A. Beirnoilt Cross ol' fPlain field, N. J., becainc the bride of! Max '0ulpeper in a cerrinon y soleinnized at .hih 11009, February 1, at Park Aven ni' Mfeth- odist ch-urch, New Y}ork City.. Slb-h-hi! This is, a story we filched from the Society editor, and for a Very special reason. You sec, we have a vemy special reason for paying more than casuai and formaI attention to the Cross-Culpepper nup- tials.. But we'fl let Mrs. Çulpepper (nec Ruth Cross) tell the story herself, by the simple expedient' of publishing a portion of the letter she wrote us a few clavs ago. Here it is: "On September 24, 1923 you (the editor> awarded me 'the prize of, $100 for sug- gesting Wu.meTrn LiPE as a new name for 'Your lýAucn SHOFIi Nzwkiise s4 arn sending You the enclosed elippîig- (the formai Wedding 'notice>, which Yeu may want to use in WILMHi-rE LiFoa, l'Il never forget the>-day the Judge$ called at our home, 401 Tenth sreet, andtold me 1 had wvon and thatstyour p>aPer would b. called WuLMFi-rra Lîrp "My ninth birthday was at hand se mother said 1 coUld ask twelve of My M04 Central St., Evensiot, UNIv.rsity 4700 -qu y- -ui#~rmuay amev. 8ýW. i UK1IS UIM EAST Mrs. James Witherell of 219 Ninth HOMEWARD ROUND street, returned last week from New Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Vaught and York whére' she' did about two weeks their two children, Elaine and George, of intensive theater going, prepara- o f 511 Brier street, who have been tory to some future dramnatic'recitals. on .a two weelcs' vacation at a Dude She also spent some timne visiting range near San Antonio, are return- friends and relatives in- Ph iladelpbia ing to their home on Monday. and, Washington. Av*. S120,