jsts. toôk two gaines f rom the latter and St. John's took two froin the ,methodists. Playing %vas about on a par witb the general average for the. s; 1eason and no records were broken. Team sStanlding%, W. L.. -1(. A Vg. 1. Baptist .. ... 44 116 .3% 831 4e St. John's, 36X 2 0 .64*4 831 C* ongregatioflal 24 32 .424 826 4Methodist .. 12, 48 .20) 771 .i igh-three gaines- Congregational ..... 2.735 id high-tbreegamsHIts , ligh-single gaine- t oigrêgatioflal ... 982 -,,àdihgh-.Single gaine --Ba tisl 973 'individual Hungbrs 2nid 3igh-three gaines - . 5 SUgoýlini (3ith.) . Iligh sinle ganme-4 (o.k A,9*1ng.). .247 4ud high-slfgle gane- Cook .(Cong.> 246 Five Higb individiwl %%*rauge' 17golinl-Methodist 178 (Iôok--(congregationatl 171 L1xidberg-B3apti8t 170 AndcrrfliMethodl5qt .167 NATIONAL *TEA LEAGUE <Wilaiette Bowling. Alicy's> l.ast week Tuesdav, BehoWfs teamn took three gaines f roi 1Beecher's, rolled their highest score. 2.359, for tlhre e gaine series and 838 for single gane, but in, each case thev are in second place. Swodafs tean. rolled ,> o fr three gaines which is high, .and 1)uster 's is stili high for a single gaine with 839. Swoda . téainaIso0 ivoi,îthree gaines from DIuster's'teain. TeumI% tandflg,4 W. 1 pc-t. .AV9. 1. eluif ... ..3 . -, .5 4 731 2.Sod' .. 28 2! .491 699 >u "uster's .. 25 32 .43!# 683 1 4, Beecher's ..18 34 .316 6740 iligi-three games.-Swo 'S .368 2nd high-three games--BehoW$ s 2,359 Iligh --,Ingle gamne Duster'5 83» ,)td iligh-single gaine --Blehoffl"ý4 38 IndvIdflIHtnors' iigi,-three gamres-D)uster r 601 2nd hilgh-three game.s-1ehý>ff .583 Hfiglh- -sin1gle game-Beboff-946 2nd bigh-single garne-Beh r 232, AMERICAN LEGION POST.NO. 46 (Wilmette Bo0wling Alleym> Once more Lindbergs teali bit the dust. Playing against George Bass-1 ler's teain, the latter won all three ,zic.Lindberg's lead in 6rst place mette Ice was victorious over Krier's Buffet by a similar rnargin. Honior gaines- were chalIked up l'y M. Braun, 235; F. Ortegel. 210; Fred ýGenister, 205, and J. Schmitz, 202 The standing of the second haif. '*Vite&s Grocers .. ..21, 6 Krier's Buffet ... 14 13 Teat,'o del Lago............14 13 Wtnette !ce .............13 14 Meier's Tavern............ 13 14 Bronlx Cafe.......... 12: 15 Blest-r'.s Atadenib,.............ile1 Milmiette Tailors ..... .....10 17 High team, series:> Whýite*ki Grocery,« 2573,; Wilnette Tailors, 2537. High teamn gaine:- Wilmnette Tail ors, 944; Bronx> SPORTSMALN BOWILI-NG( LÉAGUIE (Beser Ales)- Team won Lest Pet. wilinette Auto Radiator 43 26 .623 Blsrs41 28 .594 Hugo & Bingo 39 30 .566 .9ehlitz, 39 30 .565 Bungalow Tavern 37 32 .5626 .nhi's Place 33 36 .478 Edleis22 45 .319 Bru Bov01 Co. 19 47 .275 JonsPlace won three from Hugo & Bingo. Shano Soihuni of John's Place shot 390. Willrette Auto Radiator took three froîn Bungalow:Taverni. High ln- dividual was. Abe Kobles with 584. Bleser's took t he o4d gaine froin Schlitz. Bieser s teitni .shct 904, 955, and 920 for a 2779 totail. Ble.4er 'of Schlitz shot at 60 1Sertes Edelweiss wvon two froin Brun Bi-os.. 011 Co. George and Phil Bleser Iêave this weekend to shoot ln the national bowling tournament at Tndian- Atningdoni+-W arren..........19 .8 Warwicks-Knopp......... ..17 10 Kents-Pendleton .......... 17 10 Briers-Gage.........16 Il O)xford-Oin .. ..........16 il Rleighs-)Danforth .........14 13 ý;ter1ings-C1emients ........... 12, 15 RosynsGrim . 10.. 17 .ecsesTe............. . 8 19 Tudor'-1Martin.- .....17 2 Teain Hi GareWarw.1cks ... 1097 Mi Net Trhree Gamfes=Kllner ,...576 Hi Gross Irhree .GamneW-ýo1tDn .... 728 Hi Camne Net March 3, 1936-Jones.. 231 Hi Gaine Gross March 3, 193-Jones 267 Hi Net 1 Gaine Hi Gross. 1 Gaine on travel, thrsub-1 There will be two presentations of each prograin, one at 10 o'clock, and one at Il, in the James Simpson Theatre of the museuin, where ac- Marion Sharp of 1103 Ash street will play a prominent role in the forthcom.ing production of the Carle- ton College Drarnatic Arts depart- ment. The play, "Barchester Towers," will be presented as, an, ail-college production late in March.ý R.B. WHI0AK6R Real Estate Coansel Specializing, in North Shore Proporties> The following properties may b. scon throug our tPltoi Joou and if interested, appointmentà mayb. madle for inspection [These listings ore for the benefit of our fore- sighted iclients who want t6 keep in -toué -wl eh te.latest oferinga of properties.I Prame. 4 bedroomns, 1 bath 'wlth shower. Sun and'screened. porches. fLav. lst. Hot «water,'oilI heat.- 2-car garage. Large Wooded lot. Financed by HOLC .. . . . $11750 Colontal.Fae.6bedrooms, 2 baths. 1-ot water beat. *-car garage. Near grade and high schools $14000 Colonial- Fraine. 4 bedrooms, .2. 5z- 4 4grge. ,....... :............ f uu '~ Colonial 8hlngle. 9 bedrooins, 1 bath. Ex. lav. and tollet lot floor. Hlot water ohl heat. 2-car garage. Hubba.re Woods transportation....... $12,500 Stone and Ttmbered Stucco. 5 bed- roons, 3 batho. Hot water oih heat. ýc WILMETTE of. 4 bedi' .ohl heat. L6 bIedroo ýoorn. îHot v EnglIsh, Brick. 4 bedroomas,-2 baths. Ex. lav.i t. Hot water o11 heât. 1-car garage. Wooded- section.$ 17,000 Framle Colonial. Sr. bedroomrs,2 baths. Large . screened ' porch. Hot- water heat. 3-car garage. .10r--,l6o Choice East lbe. Reduced. t(:>». . $18400. landscaped and wooded lot. $2,5.0 Timbered Stucco. 6 bedroojus 3 baths, sun porch. Ex. lav. lat. klot .water oil heat. 2-car garage wfth quarters above. Near laite . . $26,000 I bedrooms, 3 baths. Heated sleeping SIporch, and sun parlor. 2-Sar heated e.Igarage., 100' deep wooded lot. Wil- go. i ette's choicest location. ExocepUoinal ï,( value.............. ........ $0,000 K. ot C~.leagile, hnnu mev cdL-v- - Ken,îiot..tvh .. Lago entry upsetting Bleser's Bles- Shawnee Teanii-Total .... ... 4461 er's Academy in thrce gaines. The %vhitewash victory . sent the theater Knîot ei 263 Pins lads into a tie for second place, for 6 Gaines Ave....a.... 787 ,Bronx Caf e nipped the leading Shawnee Teai Average White .Grocers in the opener of their for 6 G ameý............. 743 Sees The Grocers camne back 44 Pins% ~WkuTK~E R<~00 REAL ESTATE- BUILDING- INSURANCE - LOANS 140 Genter Street PhnfWneka35