neer of the' Portland Cenent a-,o- ciati on, sponsors of the meeting. The session opens at 2 o'clock. "Atiy additional cost inivolved ini building a bouise of. firesafe construc- tien. tising coticrete watts and floors. is miore t han offset by savings re- sulting fromIn ower insuraniCe rates, sloWer depreciation and low main- teniancee expense.'Mr Kramner said. "lui fact. hecause thiese savings 1 il reduce his. mnoüthly expen-se, the Building Building ýcontractors shtould avail thenîselves of the "Service" off ered the year 'round by Builder, Service. fltiveway MateiaI Garden Rocks, Flagstone pI.ybox Sanct Lawn Lime Builders' Service INC. Phone Winnetka 512 Ii~ SCHOOL FOR APPRAISERS Real estate appraisers from coas't to coast ill go to school thiis sumn- mier-as they did last year for thie .firs;t time-i;mn nationally sponsored Case-study. courses planned. in detail by- their own .professîial group. Trhe courses. break- new ground inI sys- temnizing Our understanding of real estaïte value-wvhat effects it, how it eau be 'measured. This.year *they. will go, farther than ever before into theý of large and complex in- vestmneut properties. The Arnerican ý.institute of Real Estate Appraisers of thie.Nationial Association of Real Estate boards and, the>School, of Business of the Uiest of Chi- cago jointly announce the courses. W.L.,WENTEco, 874,Genter Street Winnetka 225 GEENERAL SHEET JOOETAL WORK AIR CONDITIONJNG JOBBÎNG 8& REPAIRS Siate and Tile ROOFJNG er, -states that while the exhil>it is not yet completely installed, niany of the' displays are ready for. inspection, ,and a cordial invitation is' extended to prospectivef homne iuilders and home mnodernizers to visit the ex-, hibiýt. Seeral of thieexhibits are be- ing permanently -.installed, re(quiriug, the- snie amount of time 'as when, placed in , a home., Off er, Complete Service -Viîe- service 'to the Iiome,'buitlder is said to be very complete, including architecture, construction, engineer- ing, equî,pmenit, flnancing, insurauice and specialties. Th e exhibit is, con- veiliently located4 for. the. use of uorth shore,,residenits or future residents. Its purpose is to aid in deterinîuiig adselecting the, type of construc- tion and the items of equipuient bt)t a d a p t e d , b individual. probt.lms, whether it be. for a new home or for the reio deliiug and imnproving of ex- istiug homnes. Said M. Huggins I speakin1g of the exposition : -Ne. N;Lat the public to corne liiiand sec the mnanv differ- eut items of construction that arc. displaved Mi exactly the -,aine maniner as ývhen bult into a hiomei-hio,% ývood fraining is doue. the Yarious kinds- of fireprooif loors, types' ofý winidow\s. the utse of ter, ,vall board. roofing and, otherl construction features. Show Home Equipment ~Teeare also xuauv selcîe dî itenis of homne eqtuiplent. soie bhuilt- ini and others miovable. The latest kitchen equipnieft is dispiaved \vith cabi nets, stoves, refrigerators.. floor and -,vall coverings. and the coiiven- ient labor-saving deévices. There.are also bathroomi treatmiellts ith the latest pltumbiiug. fixtures,* and. acce,- qs.ories. Air -c.oniditioifli.g an d. hot \va- ter ieatinig flanits. oil.bîtrners;,. stok- ers. Nvater heaters aind. other itemis are ,included- Exception*allY hIigIl gradle pailnts and beatutiftil wall pa- pers are also to bc seen. QIO inestimiable v-aluie to the home, commuo n . na auout V-ç Franee, it is ânnouniced by the D'Acy conipany, 27à8 Railroad 'avenue, Ev- anston. These small bouses were built for people attached to the court, h 'Wanted release from the exciteinent and extra-rigid formality of court tife. A moderate'-sized residejnce of 'this ty pe designed for an undisclosed pur- chaser by.Lee Atwood, of the D'Acy Company, possesses ait the. distinction a1d, suavity of bearing that one cu s- tomarily associates with, a polished and easy manner of life.. Further- more, it bas. enougb formality of com- position to satisfy those whom a ,ierely rustic rendering offends, 'and vet àit is informai enough ta agree %vith the' easy freedom of country if e. The house, is 'L" shaped,, built about an entrance court._ Opening fro a galr r the living room. panel1ed. ibrary, .dining roomn, coat room and powder room. In the wing are the kitchen, butler's pantrY and mnaid's sitting roorn, a "mnd' room and two-car motor room. On the second floor are four master bed- roonis.'three baths, two mnaid's roonis and"bath. There are in,,the basement. il)esides the furnace room,,a rumpu§p roo, a work shop ad a laundry. The -D'Acy company maintains its :own, construction organization wh1Iich iopèrates. under the direct supervision of B., K. Gibson, architect for the 'flrn.ý Shore-Towns'Realty to Move on April 1 TeShore -Town s Realty corpora - thon announces that on April 1 th1le coticeruiv ill inove its offices to' 1I4)3 Chicago avenue-. anston., iii the, Shorehte:The present 10- cation is 1619 Sherni ,a a eniue, .E -. 1anston. Wuilde.r is the complete service ren- dered in planning, courstructing. ald finlancçing iew -homnes. The saving iii timè aud. effort is.evfd opua t loti." at interest rates as low as 4j Commission 1% INC.- 1 N. La Salle St. CHICAGO Telephone Central 022 1571 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON University 2600 Wilmètte 2602 '~ri1ini 'ILO,.-TIC" low 1esurue..fulli' vautomaltiu fuel oi u hrnerýs aie ýheatîng far ufile hoines 11kman i other bur uer in the w ot d. OIL -SURNINO INGRS., INC.0 A. IB. ALLEN Wt H. AHLENIVS E. B. BERRYý 1009 Davis Street, Evansfon Phne WiImette 231 BUILD NOW QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. will help you finance the constru 1ction of your home. FUNDS AVAILABLE ýFOR LONG TERM Construction Loans