"~ ~.' White and Weber, Chicago architecis designcd this Cpecod cottage stylé house, hc sbigeetdo .Sc;neca road, ;Io ru of Iroquois road, in Wilinette's Induml Hi/I estates. R. C. Osterstrorn, 156, Oxford road, Kellil- tio-th. .is the ownecr. T/w r-esidenice, whic/, ha.s nine rooms and three baths, is ailr condiioned by forced warpi air. Uif a dry #ulfr; andf semi-afrtonfatic' hinirdifeaion. T'he atborve draiving mis m itpplièd throutg* thte courtres of the Bnil/s el,,IcEasin Washable Window Shades Gain ing Wide Popularity Iittoducing a standard shade mia-, terial' with a duco finish that cati be washed wjth soap andwater. H. E. Tengwall. 943 Chicago avenue. Ev- an ston, exclusive distributor of, Du- pont's Tontine Window shades, re- po rts that this type of shade material permits an unusually wide range of colors. The slight, additional cost h as proved a worthwhileinstet it is reported by the many- home owners and building managers who, have used it. These shades are be- ing installed in several colonial type homes now being completed ini the west Wilmette area. relation between the sales price and the amount of cash paid in seventeen' individual transactions: Amount Pet. Total consideration ..18,0 Cash Pald........6,750 471% Amount Flnanced....85,850 su%, This was then analyzed - further as to the mortgage inancing wlth the olongresults: Amiounit Pet. II LC ans ... . ....... 21,100 :24% PHIA lbans ...... 25,500 28% N'ew- nortgages Placed.2,0 4 by us ....ý1.. 2,0 4 Mo.rtgages-takeèb back by owners .........10,2*11 Sold subject to existlng nortgages.......... 12,000 18% The figures further, show 'that in eight cases amounting to $80300 tlhe. sellers received all cash. Tt 1is also brought out that -in, seven cases financed by either HOLC fbans or - PHA Io ans, the total 'consideratiosN was $66,W0O, the cash paici by thie purchasers $19,000 or an average ;of clihtle over 29 per cent of the pu1r- caeprice. These figures point, out very clearly that is is possible te sell a property and receive aIl cash either through an FHA boan or an individual mortgage, and also that the prospective pur- Chaser does neot need te have a great deal of -cash in order te purchase a home. Greenlea f 2409 kil) 2738. Raitroad'Avenue' Evan ston