and the more coseratie-m uc they are, the more completely are they .convinced. Recent sales made. by our. organiza- tion include aiten-room framne resi- dence at. 1606 Wesley avenue, Evans- ton, by Mrs. Ella C. Belden, to Charles P. MdcCônnell,- vice president of the Central Scientific comipany;. the 8- room framt avenue, by George J. ecôoics cmn univer bath, oid 717 Centri Bertha hart. "As I see it ' the job ahead of our real estate organization, national, state and local, for 1936 is to set up ail along the line sucb conditions as will encourage useful real estate en.te'prise and help, good. investm- mnent stay good.« "We are in a period of wide pos- Sibilities for intelligent advance." to their many clients.. Associated wi th the companiy'are Miss Joyce Whitman of, Winnetka,ý Mrs. M.1 G. Hlendersonof, Kenilworth, and Mrs.- F. G. Bageman-, Jr., of Wil- mette, ýdaughter of the late Arthur G. Brown, well known architect and a former resident of Higlad Park. ë,residence at 1571.vWesley Fred H. Harmon to Prof. Finds binreaàsed Demnand eas Cady a embr o the for ~ nopeproerties in Northbrook: ecus dp artme of No tetor QUaity L7Ptop ei% e of bis long. residence in the vicinitY, s 'ity, and the 8-room, 2 F. B. Williams, 541 Central avenue, Mr. Williams isrcgidas n brick semi-buflgalO at lias been'a broker in IJ-ighland Park authoritsonocalvaleprtsuaàl -istreet, Evanston, by.1for the past 14 years, prtn be-o ceg nt. H eot gene toNoran ight yiiHgln ak, Deerfield and steadily increasing demand for theý IBaninockburn, although be' also has latter type of property. itàm ~wr~2ooens The John- M.. Smyth Store. announces .an >Exhibitio-n of eight M iniature 'RooôMs c'Onpl ete t thie m'inutest detait even to the tinMy el1cric liqght bulbs which clyIgt illustratinq how period furnishings may be combined with +ht-newmodern treatments of color and textures to church at 440 RidgeC avenue. -1- e estimated cost is $4,350. S. S. Beman is the architect and William S. Ahern, the builder. A permit was issued for a minor WPA project at Skokie school, where alter ations are being made to provide a suitable office,.for, the superintendent of schools, until such time as it may. be possible. to negotiate an extensive building program. Thomas D. Singleton, new residence, at. 365 Green. Bay road, $13,000. The Fvanison---CQflàtruCtiof company is the contracting firm. Robert Bensinger, remoédeling resi- dence at 1145 Sheridan road, $20,O00.ý Thorvald Nielsen Co., Chicago, èr the contractors. H. G. Lauin,. addition to residence at 141, Euclid avenue, $1,8W. . H. G. Alstrong is the contractor. SIr. and'làrs. Herbert, Stanley, ai- terations to resideftce'at 789. Vertion avenue, 1Q. Melville Rothschild, 4-car private garage, at 1109 Sheridan road, $5,0)() March' Permit* The seven permits issued during the first week in Marclt,,include.tbiree ini Wilmnette, one ini Keniilworth, -one iu ýinnetka and two in Glencoe.' Two of the three in Wjlmette were for new residences, each costing $9,000, William F. Blacles is building one of the houses at 2209 Chestnut avenue. and Ernest Kuhn is building the other at 1910 Greenwood avenue. George E. Wolff is the architect of, the for- mer, where the Goldacker Plumbing company, bas the plunibing contract. and the Evanston Electric compan. the electrical work. A. N. Rebori is the arcbitect 'of the Kuhn house. Chel & Anderson are the Masons,. The March permit. in Ken.ilworth Wastaken out by 1Elmore Davies, who is building a..two-story brick. veinee r résidence and detached two- car solid, brick garage, at 410 Brier 1Street. cost- ing $10,000. Wiliam D., MIatn is the architect, and Everett L,. Iennedy- This Store Is Open Until 9 P. 1M. on Thursday and Saturday Eve nings duveway, nu rntem up and pack tnemn well. Spread the topping of grave1 r bluestone as evenly as possible.. Don't. leave any depressions where %vater can accumulate and free2ze. Every time a wheel goes in a puddle,, out goes àome of the driveway intbe splashied water..