Mrs Jon B BodieandMrs p~of Speech, both are well known for W. May, president of the local their dramatic work, and are said auxiliaries, were guests of hionor. to have a delightful charm ini tbe Mrs. Suthers spoke of the auxiliarv presentatiois. The draina committee likethe D. A. R., taking the "m nidcltc bas arranged their program, which course." wanting neither, communisin 1"; to be followed by a speci 1al supper.. at the onie extreme nor dictatorship,. Five artists will present a musical at the' other;- wânting iot, "to throv for memibers, guests,'and prospective; awav the Constitution." or yet 'to 'mlember-s. at 3 o'clock the afternoonr refuse to amend it." The auxiliarv. 1f St. Patrick's day. Tea wilil follomw she said, takes 'the stand that when;':their program. Anericanis. fight again they will fight; The artists aeRuhFiedlund, for Amnerica, flot for Europe.Sh dramiatic soprano,: Lucille Turner hopes for neutralitv, legislation that Parkhill, violinist, Rhea Sh 9es c wvil1- be effective. conxpanist, Sybil. Goldberg, pian ist, She told of interesting things she and Rutlî Briede, reader. Miss hiad seen and heard in the Briede has studied in, England. at of the United States. Thien she pro- Stratford-oni-Aieon. Suie is to read ceeded to tell of sonie of' the worl< a group of Irish oes tlie atxiliary is doing, "boy stafe. child %vel fare and rehabilitation. -F. NI. tvfssonary Meeteng The Missionarv soc iety, of the Eng- lish Lutheran church will. hiold its Delta Gammas l'o Have regtilar meeting at 2 o'clock Thurs- lav. March 19, at the liome of MIr s. Busy Day.Saturdlay -ii' 11 ae avenue. Mein- Satiîrday of. tis m vi : acôdd>eswl ewfrt philanthropy tn fa ebr f1et x;ani.ima departmeiit of the, omnan's Clibi of, ýsororit\.eone in Nvhichl -otli activ \lnte î hr vl ea~ca and alumnaiie sh are. or- Last vcar. 1ecatse, inam-v vîsitîgiti gra(luiates, camne, a. luicheon wvas de - isdas a meanls of aff ordung 01- portunity. lorreunmon ith mneiibers, of thecir classes which other of thýe dav's activities did flot nmake easY. So poptular ivas this entertainnieitI W iIm e of visîtors. that it %ili be repeated this vcr t1.*cokate rig g tonhoel Mrs. Wallace B. Behnke ýfWihuiette is chairmnan of the lunch- -o in g eon conmittee wvith Mrs. Bradley Wil 1iul an d Mrs. Medard \Velch oi Evanston assisting lier inin îaking ar- rangèeets. After luncheon initiation takes l.ace B-Ceatise of an o'ver-wll at 2 o'clock. at the Chapter housel and. a fter, that ceremony, tea %villI nioderate 'pi ed gOl1f c1 served. The Fô'undelrs' d,(ay banquet is, that as Wiiliuette Golf Club night atiSaWee-counitry club, andi later in the evening when the dinner ~ are orIr prograni is eitided, guests* may remnain operative orous play atr ncrflxt prograin. Novels,, biographies, and plays are being selected by M~rs. Faxon ini the course whicb she presents under auspices of the Woman's society of the Winnetka, a cus whieh is openÏ to the public. LU'NENS. aui d Autiientié, Europea u Hand, Embroideriesï Mo»o- graine, etc. - direct fruni the. Hands of Skiled Home- workers of the Oldý World g randeur - to your home -at -haif -the-..peiëe you would ordinarily pay. CoMPLETE TROUSSEAUX No Obligation for Display Call LAKEVIEW 3152 PA u L w 1c H ELH Aus 5Q8 Roscoe Street Chicago fte Golf. Prilvate loehniig' d-einaid for a luh with sueh. equipnient offers, the management ilmletteto a private Club foi.~ illeimbers oinly. On March 29, Gordon Van Kirk, drarnatics instructor of Newv Trier fligh school ' will give a complete pro- gram of readings and monologues. .Dates for -the presentation of the spring play and the finals of the Mali jong, tournamient are yet to be chosen. Coil Davis 8106, at further d~etai1s as thei once for application' btanks and mnembership will be limited. I l