on N. S. April 4 Oil Satturda-v, April 4. the North Shore ÀAlumsiae (of Delta Delta l)elta ivili hle hostessesat the annual "State niicet," iviiei sister. l)eltas .frîon1 ail parts of Illinois «as. well as large lelega- tions fro, the four active,,chap)- teslocated at the.>Uivetitv of Ilinois, Kuoix college, Jaines Alilliken uniliversity anid North- ,western mniversity, gather for the day, in. nson Mrs. Ray 1.L Junod, state dhairmlan, who, is general chairmnan of the; meet. bias arranged fo-r 'the hincheonl to be lheld at the Georgiati hotel at 1 o'clock. Assisting ber. is a. large- cominet lieadd y the following chairmi: Mrs. Edward, H. Hlaati, prograi : Mrs. l'olf J. Ullestad. presidient of the North Shore Aluiat; group. and Mrs. Robert Smith,. Mrs. Ernest C. Davies, Mlrs. Walter W. Koîbe, 'Miss- Rvah Enright. hospitalitv; Mrs. D. R'. Collins, Correspondent: Mrs. Eu- gelne Voss. registration: Nfrs. Fred- erick E. McCord, finance: Nfrs. Don, C. Suitton,. decôrations: Mrs. 1. H. Jolhnson. sighitseeing tour; Mrs. V- liaini.. Hill. assisted hy thet publicit: chairmeti throtsghout t he state. pl*il- licitv. Foll'o~i.ng the; lunchieon prograni. tours of .Northwestern campus and the cliapter bouses, a, well as visits to theCtal~ office of Delta Delta Del- ta locatherii 1718avenue. and other points of intt;rest in Ev- anston, are heing arranged hi' tht; sîghftst;t;îng comumittet;. Fo4.r ail who plan to stav for the; enieday. the; North Shore; Upsilon alliance is, planning. a buffet suppèr at the Tri Delta Chapter houise. 63 Liversit 'v place, whiere visiting aç- tives frionu tht; other chapters ivill be houst;d over night. *Miss Marv tral otficé. 's The Evanston Alumnae cha pter of K<appa Alpha Theta will bave a luncheon meeting on Wednesday, March 18, at the; home of Mrs. Wil- lard Grimm, 515 Ro styn road, Keicil- Worth. Mrs. Fra nk Stttie of Wilmette wilt be chairman of the luncheon commit- tee. which comprises Mrs. ,'Court W. ToeI and Mrs. 1W.ý S. Horsting of WVlmette, Mrs. 1-E. E. Stults, Mrs. Frîiz agner, Jr.,' and Mrs. W. C. Henning of> Winnetka,, Mrs. Guy E. Reed of Glenicoe. and ýMrs. H. S. This isý the regular business meet- ,ntr for the, election of officers. and' plans for a spring party for the bee- fit of the seholarship fund will be dis- cussed. I Malcolm Balfour Phot( .lIs.jol,,Kinibark of I:vauton is tiicket cliairman for ti, ex.hibition biiillS toDIi il<Ijg't isehi,'Eaostou, .Issujor s,.t-lir. f ti Inf anst Ul for.iIC'fr 1S StOiki iiin c N ACit' -11a1rch? 2S. DO.i Dean of Barnard l'o Be Fel'ed During Vi i Dean Virginia C Gildersleeve .oi Barnard college Nvill arrive in Ch!- cago Friday morning. March 13. Sle %vil1 be the; gtest at luncheon of tlw, principal, .;of the; private st;hools o~f Chicago and tht; north shore, at the; Fortnightly. and the speaker at 3 o&elock that afternoon. at the; second amutial rally of the private scbools Of the; Chicago area, with the %%vomensý, colleg-es, at the; Francis WV. Parker schôol, 330 WXebster avenue, Chi- To Bring White- Elephants - -following children.,Iho welre present The; North Shore auxiliary of the at the; play: Chicago Maternity Center bas its First- Margaret Plaulson, eighth next meeting Tuesday, March 17, at rd tl c 01 eod-Mra the home of Mrs. Albert Appleton, gad,1 op s 0o. S co d M ra Soinniers, eï ghth grade, tl col 2735. Sheridan road, Evanston, at 2 Thrd-aran on s eetlph grade 0 cdock. 1Sol gro. F urh. Eh y a dso , Eachinember is asked P-)bring a So sevnhoo.grade ýEhs aksn " hteElephant" for a .ddrze.Ont; enhgrd,, Stolp school'. Fifth- will he given as a prize at ý_ach table. 'Robert Gepýpert, eighth grade- Cen-'. y' tral school. the extra mies will be sold to benefit Arqieeto h otscn the auxiliary's work at.the; center. dA equirethen f hide nest, con- Nrs.Cooperyof apton a r . mttet;, was that the winners'nîst be E arl oope of E van ton re M present at the play i order to receive charge of tickets. Mrs. Oliver Black- awtards. luji ndMrs. George Turnbull mwill pour. Mrs. Paul Morrison, Mrs. John Th.olo gwho. eeN t rs Merriniani, Mrs. Rollini Hickey. and ent sent in. posters that' ranked Mrs. -Jack Griffin are a555s,1 "sutgtht frs tn: Norman MC-' ess.Do'nald, Paul Ericson, Eleanor Ras'- niessen, M.Narilyn NcKenzie, and Rob- crt Hess. Ail posters- subiniiitted..Nere on Cx-, Delta Gamman hibit during the afternooli ini the - -- ------------------The contest Ma s in charge Of Mrs. George Lamb. The judges were M rs. Hfarold B. roster, Mrs. Walter G. M'iIchell, and Miss Hazel Knepper. ~aslernStar BénefHt to Cive Final Play at Woman's Club XV\iluiiette ihildren w iii be the actors i1u *fýAice in XVonderland," tlie fourth and Iastplay of the season Nwhich:the ichildren's play coi .iiiiittee of the Woxnan's. Club, of Xilmnette wilI sponsor'on Sat- urdav after.noon,,Alprïl 4, at. the cl)bhois.e. The; Betty- Brown- plavers, utnder the direction of .irs. Brown, mill l)resellt the Mrn. H. A. Stornis and lier commfiit- tee, ail enthusiastic "fans," of chul- drei'splays, anticipatethat.."ýAlice in \%-olderla.nd," will prove ont; of the nxo.(St Popular -play, tht; children'have Seen, at the clu). $The young people Prizes for the posters were aad I s j *1 ter Of Delt and baicery livrrsity nap I men3 hold a candy usual, 10. for approximatelv ont; for tht; annual spring dlean- the; club bouse. The grill.and locker roomn wili be opéen as but witb limited service, tht; committet; announces. Ray Photo Miss Virginia Chsase' of ('lCh jeu <w reprett;sti,.q the actiVt; chaip kr On tise conmi . te4, <rrapngieifl the; i$itia- tion bansquet of Delt Garnia soror- uVSaturdav iii'sighîof thtis îCCk gai Shaîv).jjc oliptry c'lu . The; fourth of tht; series of six XViI- l'nette Fortnightlies given for New Trier boy s and girls of freshman- sophomore age, occurs Fridav eve- ning, j\arch 13, at 8 :30 o'clock, at the; Wilmette Masonic temple. The vvent, wbicb is tléo be formaI, is a St. Patrick's.pàrty. 'el