S. Lehrnan, president &f the Illinois Society of Chicago. The Neighborhood circle of' the federation, will be guest .of bonor. First Congregational church wifl hold Assisted by the juniors, the Evans- an ail-day: sewing and, luncheon meet- toni Woman's club, of which Mrs. Balce Sale Saturday ing Tuesday of next week at the] Edson B. Fowler ,is president will Homne-cooked food will be on sale bomne of Mrs. Wesley F. Ayer, 633. serve tea. ~Satur.day, March 14, tattinlForst avenue. The'assisti' ot The wars fo th cotest will be: Tea company. storeat 1107 Central esses wM lbe Ms ae rsly first prize, ive dollars, given, by Mrs$. avenue, under auspic es of t he 'Fifth Mrs. Herbert LaRoy, and Mrs. Arthur Herbert V. Weed,, Tenth Districtl division -of the Womn' ad oiy H. Hoad Ceampton is her assistant hostesi. The South Evanston group i8 to b. entertained at the home of Mr8. joseph B. Sprowls, 1108 Ehuwood aLvenue, Evanston, at the same hour Fridayr, March,>13. Mrs., Charles. P. Reynods, regent,, will ra frboth groups and l1uncheon, is, served at 12:30., TO THE LADIES 0F ILETT &KENILWORTH Pac-kowd turns ovr itr showgoom.* th. W.sIc of M-aTch 16-à to W!LÉ IN recognition, of the prefernce for Packard shown by women the world over, Packard has set aside the week of March I&th as Ldis' Wek Durmng this wcek, you may corne in and look o>ler the distînguished new Paekards in the saine spirit that you would view a Spring fashion show ini your favorite dress shop. Every attempt wiil be made to show you in an interest- ing way the things which smart womnen value most in their personal car.A- rangements have been made for special demonstrations, if you wish one. Our showrooms, decorated with gay in Hubbaord Woods Sroumçh Ave. M2 Lhd. Ave. <O 1