PMer March 21; "Car Bit of Illinois Cou ntryside in Spiing WiII Greet Visitors at Entra nce The tenith aýýnnuà1 Ch icago Flower show, presented by the Garden Club of Illinois will, one week fromn Satutrday, on March 21, open its doors at Navy Pier, to continue through' Sundayo, March 29. The central motif of the show -this year will be small gardens-frontier gardenis, estate, gardens, suburbani gardens, city gardens,,, entrance courts, flower gardens, terracelgar- dens, and gardens of special interest -kitchen and pickmrg gardens, small greenhon ses, even inside and outside window boxes and wall gardens. Erlé O. 'Blair, of the firmà of Si- monds, West -,and Blair, cnulting Iandscape arcbitects of the show, says of these gardens: "I think this eniphasis on little gardens at the Chicago Flower show is one of the reasons for the amazing interest it has created ini Chicago and in fact, aIl ovér the country. Other Plower shows feature the plant ma- terial but the Chicago Flower show features the ways in whicb the plant material cati b. used." 'dons" Is Central Motif Illinois underwrites.the show, and it is wholly amiateur. The womnen ail over Chicago and suburbs wbo are working so bard. for the sûccess of. the, exbib - àt do it wvith. no other -compensation. than the satisfaction of putting on an edticational and inspirational display that willl further the iîterest ,in garý- deninig. During the years.tliereý have been several executive commnittees chosenl from various clubs.. Th'ese -commiitm- tees are never.entirelythe samne two- consecutive years. E-achî yéar these- conmittees have proàfited bylpast ex- l)eriences, keeping.those thitngs 'wic1 were. good and discarcling* that which. wvas found to be disappointing .and to this, rnust l)e atiudtestyle and finish forwhich the Chicago. Flower show is now knowin throtigloutthe. cotintry.-J. W. K. Party Patronesses for At th~e home of Mrs.- 525 Kenilworth avenue, meeting was held Friday to discuss, plans for the party of the Mary Crai Wed .nesday, Mfay 13, Iat1 M rs.. Olsen. lias been, mnatiof the conimitt ee.. lier are,: Mrs. J.* E. Lec Bishop, Mrm Erniest C G.D.: Theisen, Mrs. Ha M M H.- Stans, Mrs. Nanee, Mirs., R. E. Spae JB. Koch, ail of'Evanst H.. R. O'Brien and Mirs. of Chicaýgo. This, the. second be league tliis, season, will in show, umusic,, and priz( kind s., ls on, Weddiuqip np la moico "W. G. Olseti, a committee Alpha Phi, Party y of, iast weei< A ist of patrons and patron- beteft crdessés is announlced tbis',week. ne league,011 for the spring dance and formnai th Eastnsupper party to be held by the North Shore Alunînae associa- made chair-, tion. of Alpha, Phi sorriy 'at' Serving. with Sane oityci)Fia eMr.Clive .fShwee Cutydu)Fia Cramer, Mers. o li ek .ader Ortmai, Those f rom Wilmette are M r. and *W. M. mc- Mes. Thomas C. Moulding, and Mr. eth, and Mrs. and Mrs. Arthur' M. Long.Tos ton, anîd Mrsý. froixi KeniilWorth are- .1t 1. and Mrs. C. RBodjame H Prentiss and Mr. and iýfrs. Tomi Dix. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mc- mefit of the .Naniiara of Winnetka are included nclude a ityleon.théE st and asoMr. :and Mes. es 'of niai ,ivAllen G. Milisof Glencoe.ý The patrons and patronesses froin Evanston include: President and Mes, WTiter Dit! Scott, Mr. and I\rs. RZobert L. Scott, and Dr. and I\1r s. B. C. Corbus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stevenson, Dr. and Mr,. O. F., Long, Mr. and Mrs. Robert l- Elliott, Mr. and Mes. Perking Bass. Mr. and Mrs. John ,Manley, Mr. 'and Mrs; R. C. \Vieboldt, and Mr. and Mes., Charles G. Fisher. Jack Chapman's orchestra will play for the dance, and mnembers of the collegiate chapter at Northwestern. university will presetit a floorsh. The tiVo getneral chairiieii of tbe. format dinner tables andi terrace ta- bles. The entrance, which is always the project of the Garden Club of Illi- nois, wiIl be a reproduction of *a bit of the more rugged Illinois scenery, and will be by far thé most spectacular- yet attempted. Gray rocks, stained' wth the yeats, -will f orm a recky glen, realistically planted wi th fertis, vines, and woodland flowers, racing the Mesdainis H-arold Tidernan, Ira WesbrokSherman Charles, Her-- l)ert Harker, Clifton Merry, Victor Ligare, J. S. King, Alvin Bowe., Ar-1., thur Bowe,.Pauil Browii. Lowell Hast- iugs, ýHarold Ray, Patil Hassei, Scott 'McDowell, John Walker, William Yoiiîkers,,Ralph Col' vil le, George Ker- shaw, Arthur Ogle, Henry Barber, Ceci]l Meredith, Fredlerick Bird, also the Misses Katlierine George, Doris Corbett, Betty Onderdonk, Patricia Oliver, and Katherine Kittieman. Host ess The Garden Club of jFebetary 26, at they u'iii bel-at hi irch d 'ri* L, n1 Friday, March 20, the Nationîal ncil of Jewish Women, Chicago ion, wilI hold a meeting of its ish current events class, with s. Felix Levy as speaker. The ting is to be held in ýRoom 818e North Wabash avýenue.