Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1936, p. 37

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attor Wviliam Kix mette. the head of Pesptiblishing sta .o gthe law fin, Kix a mmnëier 1 ,. aar aind1 H«asTIwee. Divislin Tu the introduction, Mnfr. Kix.\iller- rlraws attention to the fact that the Sncial qecürit,%. act which, he regzards as *one Mf "the M'pst coniprehlensqive social refornis ever undertaken . bv tîhe . overtiment:of the United States thro 1tghi dir:ect legisiatiotn." comprises thiree princinal divisions, "one, part lias. to d(o with unemplovmieint-coni- pens.ationi. aniothern art with 01(-age beiiéfits. and the third withi grants to states to take- care of want, on a elecr.cu vice-president of the local chapter for the Coining year. In addition, sbe is a meuiber of the Womeiïs'sAMSetic Association board and bas heen active in woien's ath- letics., Janet, Weber, daughter- of Walter H. Weber,, 1179 Asbury avenue,- Win- netka, received ýanî honor -listing -at Lawrence for ber higb grades for th e first sernester, of. the, present schôool year. Miss> Weber, Who is a freshman at Lawrence,ý graduated from. New Trier last June. Sbe stood eleventh in ber class, at Lawrence out of a class- of approxitnately 250 1S'tu- dents. She s a meniber of the staff of the. Lawrentiant, student' news-' paper. felet<% asis. Th1e frst twvo oblectives. JOINS DELTA TAU DELTA dI'ffter front the third in that thev are Teo .Sih o!o ran based suhstantialv on ,insurance ern .SmtsnoM.an pritcitpals. thiat is'- thevaexected M. .. Earl J. Smith, 208 Woodbine toý piav tîeir own wav."p avenue, Wilmnette, became. a memben P4 iintc.dout hy 'the autiior. the of Delta Tau Delta~, a national social îîopro* ifrate nnity., at formai ceremonies re- Social Securitv act makes ceno cnpctd b te hate a sion for the direct payrment l)y the cnl odce ytecatr foieral govertimetit of, av surns for \Wash ingtoin and Jefferson college. \vliare l)encfît's. but pr6vides for Smith, a graduate of Newýx Trier High tînvnployiment.ý old age. or .get eral . school, is a. freshimani at the Penn- «rantý, to such states as pa-sQslaws I syvania school and is active on the for, the 1avrnett of sticl.il)eniefits,. inI campus. Hie is especially int,enested complllianice -with the,ac't: in the mnusical onganizations of the Creates Three Taxes coljege. beîng a member of thue band, orchestra. and glee club. TrO iake these granits possible. teact creates three. taxes. two oif wvluch are levied on employers. while 'RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL the third falls on eniplove'es. The, e Mrs. Mfatthew Lillig, 2220 Tboriný taxes are stjnirarized as follows: ivood avenue, \'ilnette,- who, was .\) n exeise tax on the total a-seiu injured in au automobile r.,ll 4,f niffloyers of elght or molIi-' jiCIý accident ou Skokie boulevard several 5sfl 1 1iJ t.C. ea niaxiinlun of 90 ')e-t- m, h ao asntrnd.ro h &-ni :llovvecl inthose states in whie-h ~a riclsa ,hsitwedre m sheba tnnînfdoyiment comipensation 1iaw k e- neca lista whr sehs reu.s~ lacnuf<r itywth the stmiaîîrdý l)een confined since, and wilI corn- id' tii,, feder-iai social Security aet. plete lier recovery at home. She bas ~2An. exci.me tax on the p)ayro11 or t' beenj at home now for about two :lI .uil es excluding ail renunier- eek tiomld bii y an employer to anv In- wes and is reported to bemaking -lividitill i his empioy wvhieh Pexoee-d.s satisfactory progress. Mn. Lillig for- nierly was, proprietor of Chambers "(3) An inCorne tax oh the w:tetes. of cafe ini Winnetka, and is now mari- eloesexcludiflg ail remuineraition re-_ aging the Braun Bros. Oil station ),vbyan Indilvidual over $3,00. pei yerfroin any one employ-er.", at 1909 Lake avenue, Wilinette. The table <of.contents. shows that1 Though written, as the author ini- dicates, under pressure, in order ta meet the practical problems which the Social Security act will create in the inimediate future, the book is a creditable piece of pioneering in ani ahsolutely new field sofar as t41s country is conce.rned. out -1NwTrr MAKE NO Mi*ISTAKE!,' The. Ideal. Candidat;e for for New Trier Township i. HfENIRY Au GARDNBR A Sound Republican. Deteruiued t. Deteat the New Ileal PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1936

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