an exhibition at Shawnee Country club, Wilmétte. This outstanding aggregatiOn; Of swimming stars is headed by Adolph Kie fer, the high schooi. boy wbo. now. holds every world's record for ýtbeback stroke;, Art Highland, former Northweser sprint, flash; Chuck Flachmann, 'the national inter-collegiate sprint cham- ,piôn from. the University of Illinois; Max Breidenthal, nationally recog- nized breast. stroker, and AI ýGreen. ruinner-up- in 'the national divîing championships. Hoid Relay Record in recent nîeets this*team has given ev ery indication that it is to be reckoned with ini the« coming OlYM- pic ýtryouits. The combination of Kiefer, Breidenthal,'.and. Highland. now Iiclds the world record for the niedley relay., On -the evening 'of March -10, 'th ey hope to better their mark in this event. There will. also appear on the. pro- gram, thé. Lake Shore wonien's twin1iiiiig team. Among the out- standing athletes to, appear aire Dorothy Schiller, Marion Mansfield. recen tly crowned Central A., A. U. diving champion, Emmia Shemaitis, and M.\arl3,s Lapin. Froni their out-, staning swimming of late, there is good reason to believe that they will challenige the team supremacy of dite W\on1en'-, Athletic association 0f Nelw Vork Citv which now holds the na-, tional. teani champion ship. This coming event on the Shawniee prograni of events, will be of great iiiterest to, those who delight in wit-J .nessing the ability of outstanding athietes. North Shore Chainp-Conscious AIt is a fitting tribute tô the fine work: of these performers, that .so imaniv swiîrmmng enthusiasts' are' to he fou nd lin thée north shore 1area. And yet, the fact that this area con .- tributes, mo»re, than .its share, of 4"greats" to swimrning..histor y might appear to duil the enthusiasm of local followers. Contrarv to t%,Iat< mnigbt be. belie%,ei, as each new 100o yard Free Style-~Wilson, Chcagi) Ist; Oelerlch, Shawnee 2nd; Iewis, Chi.- cago 3rd. Tilme 56-3 /10. Fancy Diving-Willard,, Shawnee Ist; Holland, Shawnee 2fld; Stauffer, Chi- cago Srd. 150 yard Medley-C4lcago Tt;ý Shaw- nee 2nd. Time 1.26-7 /10. Water, Polo--Shawn ee 4ý-Chicago Uni- versity 3 SO.TN FORt YOUR CHOICE: oýAccord@m.Somo@. 317,Howard" Street. Evaumion Ope LI._____________ PEU' DAVIS 2440' in N'ew j ersey., and Saturday they will sail on the Monarch of Bermuda. M'rs. Cutier is taking ber son to Ber- muda for bis spring vacation. She expects to bc a-a.y for several weeks. Her son, Gordon., a senior at Prince- ton, is plan ning, during his vacation, to drive to Filorida with One of bis friends. BAHA'I LEC TURE "The Great Resurrection", is the. subject of the a ddress to be given at the Sunday, afternoon service in Founidation hall. Baha'i Uniiversal House of .Worship,- Linden avenue and Sheridan road, Vilmette at, 3:30 o'clock on Marcli 15., Albert Windust of Chicago the speaker. v - v r r v "Back to the'Constitution" WITH. -THE' REPUBLICAN PARTY« AFTER the nightmare of "&ýain Trust," alpha- .LLbetic mismanagement of our national go'vern- ment, "We the People of the United States," tmust turn to the Republican -Party for relief from th~e 'financial headaches caused by NRA, AAA,.PWA, TVA, etc., etc., etc. .Putting ail the letters of our present bureaucracy together spells "Neuro Psychiatric." In short, I. O. U& $30,00,000,000 to the American taxpayer. If Con- inued, it wiIl lead to inflation, national and indi. vidual bankruptcy, chaos and insurrection. Menu and women of New Trier. the safety and, JOHN V. cLINNIN, Publicity Chairman -~ -- - - -- L 'V rVI' V -V, Nl l V, V, 1%