'y ings, a triple mirtor, now is the tinte to et one. If you haven't yet had a perma- nent wavei run (do not walk) to the nearest phone and niake an appoint- ment at your Beauty shop. ,You simply can't put off baving your per- manent untiàlate spring. in anticipa- tion of sûmmer at the sea shore or hatless days in the country. Your permanent wave sbould be a few days old before you even. attempt to 'buv your first exciting, new spring very Y4 newS an a M.ny Colors, the .color range is exceptioriail varied, and, interesting. Both beige, and gray are snart netlls. Briýget colors include the rtew postman bîtie' and bright navy. Navy isbluer than ever, flot the - dark :shad!e that .faoks almnost black. This brighte'üi'àg of> the perennial, favorite spring, color will add gayety to the generaT fm-sh- iiess of the new season. The browns have brightened, too, with a copper hint about thern that simply, can't look drab.. Mixture tweeds are. stili ver), much in the> running. as are practical steeves. At least one of these reliable ctassics should be the back- bone of every wardrobe. A nice selectiori of.. colorful scarfs, and vour tweed, coat becomes an impressive ý7ostume. Capes Again Capes are 'styled so cleverly that they just neyer look awkward. and are staging a real come-back this spring. They give a flattering silhou- etté 'that doesn't envelope you iniý yards and' yards -of material and obliterate your trimness.' The mili- tary trend plays up very nicely to the cape theme, and this ini turn ties up with the new blues. If you have any old-fashioned 'ideas about capes. discard them promptly. Try on a cape or two, and be pleasantly, sur- prised with the result..1 Ifs a new, niew thrill -in fashion, so do have' your fling. Tallored Pique Pique. and spring seem te. be ýSyn-, onymous' and there jist, isn't any- thing fresher to add a. spring accent- Cori creeping more and more - ntoý the pique accent, but>îf yotstick, to white y ou'l1 stifl be on the smnart. side. White on nav~y always bas been and always Witt be a thing of> joy. If you like your tailored sports type clothes that are a little feminine. a totcb of pique is indicated. SPIINS COAI S, SVÎIN* GOWNS DINNER AND COCKAIL DRESSES Nets end Acces»ei« t. C mphete C.*lm. M. L OIWANi Frrus, im. PS LII Avo4 U li.N. EZi.. Ph... Wba.th2758 nlue, Gjlcoe, and. wiII -discu8* t latest style trends.. Watch' "Fashion Plaghesn every -wcek!1 lvprd-e