7 :30 Il. "',-BOY Scout Troop No. 2. Thursday-3 :2Q p. nt--Girls' choir re- hearsal. 4 ». m.-Boys' choir rehearsal. 7:15 p).in.-Senior choir rehearsal. 7:30 1). i-Boy Scout Troop No. 1. Saturday-lIQ.à0 a. r.Ors choir re- henarsal. Il a. nt-Bovs' choir rehearsal. WilmetteBa*t Wîlinette and F'orest'avenues 11.G eÔrge D. Allison, pastor Tonlorrow (Friday) the Mareh meetinig oif the Womaàn's society will be held at the chureh, wiih lunécon at 12:30, fol- lowed by Important businiess m.ýd a devo- tional andtndsslonary.prograin. IMrs. C. lferbert Jones wil] revlew, 'Between Two ('etuie~ y Dana M. Albaugh, telling the i4tory of one hundred years of Chris-. tia srvi~eluChina, Assam and India. Th(- appeal of' the Forward F'und for NMIisinary %'Benevolences xvill be o',xpain- î.d, the offering ta be itaken, oni Sunday T on igh t (Thiu rsda y) there w~il be the ohoir r elieaîrsa I for Len ten mnusie. Thhi a fternoon the Girl Scouts niieet . with, Nfrs.,Alfj4ed 1leerenis ft-S :30 o'cloek. On. Sa turday norning the junior choir ?ieet :ît 9i.306iand theIeigh ehool choir rit Il. sui:lday 1mornýlti~g < Nase ill Wlect at 93inthe varlous idepa:rt Ilenlts of the ,hui-ch school, with Earl C. ('arîson -M enaicharge. The senfli departieint %vill have aniother iinspiring talk fromn our' iin ix tir, ertitleýd .e and the Fisher- me. The Bible Claes w~ill continue (oodsped's Story <iof the N'ew Testa - iyiet" vvith the book ofAt. The l'aptist YoungPoe' Union muet it 6 imni. -it.il owland 'M. D.vis prceiding. They hive hnd soine fine liveitinigs o at and invite their frlends s i() kary w >1- iri ti or o0 ta jte. we Popel) f i h:atvt Mi -S. Pet e son.aL so v ithl lAil t'a m'illes ale1e('alyurged to plan to be) îesNl; ake 1reserv;-iatos.eso tbat .ail in ble sé,'ved î'mty The tri stte.s of the . hurch %will mfeet ibn Tuosclay evt'ning rit the GuliId Rom oif the ('htIr(h, X *î'lock, and.the netylv a ppoint ed budg et (omitei eilestedl lu be m 1 ha nd foi.~ this eonife î'ence <of 1-LA UREL to The Hub for our Spring Opening. See uit the fanions lnes of cIothing under one roof. THE IIUD IN EVANSTON cinnounces t e. sp P .ng (9penimg WITII TUEMTCLEIIRATEDUNES 0F MEN'S.WEAR. IN A.MERICA OXFORD CLOTHES Suis and Topcocts STEIN BLOCH Suifs and Topc fi s SOCIETY BRAND Suifs and Tpcoufs CH4ARTER HOUSE SUITS WOR$TED4IX SUITS SAXON-WEAVE SU UTS KNIT-TEX TOPCOATS- SAWYER SPUN, TOPCOATS LAMGOIRA TOPCOATS Dosas tiral i-istory. The films 10 De snowni are "The Iceberg Patrol," "When Jellyfish and Starfish Meet," an(d "Spinning and Weaving." There will be two showings, onie beginning at 10,a. m., and one at 11, in the James Simpson ,Tbeatre of, the museum.' Children from .ail. parts of. Chicago. and suburbs are. invited free HEtN RY &SONS Openi Taesday, Tlursdoy and Soturday EveuI.gs ORRINGTON ond CIIURCH-EVANSTON .à% .