j Cotmty Central commit tee by bring- iîîg about th:eélection of a majority ý.>t the eighty-three committeemen who wouid favor hiii. Henry Fowler feu tbat be sbould give bis support Ito -Peter A. Hoffmann,. rather t.han Harold L Ickes,. and did. so in 1930. Later Peter A. Hoffmannu obtained a position througb the- Demoécratic party,, and- in 1932 Henry. Fowler be-, cam e a candidate, for committeeman froin the Third Commissioners' dist- rict againist'Peter ýA. Hoffmann, wbo iled to be elected speInct comi- tnitteema i in bis own precinct, there- 1by eiminating hiniseif as a candidate for thé committeemianship. At ýthie same tiîne HarodL ce souglit, by every means witbin bis pewer, to bring about the élection of a mia- jority of the eighty-three precinct committeenneei, who would support bis candidate, Harold W. Snell, apre- .-inct committeezuan fromý Winnetka. Coeoerniàg Mr. ickes At the first meeting of the Repub- licasi County Central convention, Iiter thle 1932 primnary election, Har- .-L. Ickes personally directed ,a contest :on the floor Of the conveni- tion seeking the recognition by that bodiv of Ilr.. Snell. Iminiediately thereafter Harold L. Ickes withdrew from bis own groul) of conumittecrnen adstpported the entire Deniocratic ticket. resulting in his appointmnent as a imember of the Roosevelt cabinet. flarold W. Snell continued to dlaim representation on the COnnlty Genl- tral comrittee, althoughi lie was ap-, pointed mnaulager of tive Alaska.t Rail- road through the efforts of. Mr. Tekes, w hich position lie nowv holds. Mr. -ces ai, o procutred federal positions t r varions other Ickes-Sneil Repub-, lan precii3ct commnitteemen iii the. Third Commissioners' district. Snell WitIdrawà Henry Foivler steadfasly and' per- ~istently refused to recognlize 1Harold W. Snell as the republican rep- resentative of the district by reason tion, or machine, if you wish to -cati it that. If the Republican party is to return to power, this result can only be obtained by the coopération rof ail loyal Republicans, and ail fat-, ttionai differences must bé* forgotten. Those Republicans who ,do not favor *tbe' "New Deal" cannot defeat it by dividing their forces. Quote. Mr. adgeoow '.%r. Badgerow states: "We repeat that ,not Mr. Fcawiers character but thetype-of politics he represents, is tbe issue." W~e are ýat a loss to kùow just.wbat type of poiitics M'ir. Badgerow condenins. If Hîenry Fow- ier's unremitting, persistent and suc- cessful caznpaign against 'thé lekes influ enee in the, Republicanpat faits within '.%r. Badgerow'Ps state- ment, last, above quoted,. then, of, course. Mr. Fowier wouid be dis- qualified. Hlowever. if %ucb action on the part of M.Nr. Fowier is'really what is iieeded in Cook county. and throughiout the nation. then he is en- titled to7 sorne credit. and should re- ceive it at the hands of the loyal Republicans in New Trier township. Mr. Badgerow wouid also disqualify >Mr. Fowler as the Repubtican coin- mitteeman for the further reason that he is a paving contractor, and be- cause "no man, no matter how bigh his personal qualities, should be a partv leader in this township when The North. Shore ýBetter- Films- council this ýweek listed the foliow- ing motion picture attractions.- being presented currentiy along the North Shore, and gave them *ratings. Kky: A-oaddl; y-YoWhk (13 go 18 years> ; C-children (8 t. 12 ye.rs), md March 12-"2Fr.isco Kid," James Cagney anç Margaret Lindsay-A. March l3-14--"ýDangerous Waters'. $ Jack Hloit and Robert Armstrong-F. March lS-l,6-17-"*Fre.shmin Love, March 18-le-jWhipsaw," Myrna Loy. Spencer Tracy-A. Tostu. dol Legs March l2--"Whipsaw," Myrna Loy, and Spenm'riracr-'A. March 13-14--."'Charlie Chan's Se- cret" f)l-Not for nervous children. March l5-l6-17-"Magnificent Ob- session"ý-A. Alcon ilioster Mardi 12-"-ýFreshman Love' -F. March 13-14-"Charlie Cban's Se- cret"ý-(.F). Not for nervous chiidreai. March 15-16---"Navy Wife"ý-A. March 17-18--"The Last of the Paganà;"-F. the sanie yard. stick may appiy to a Iawyer, insurance m an, or any other professional or business man wbose 1123CE T WI profession or business migbit bring FIA N A hiii in contact with public officiais. FIA N A We need not look far to see how Short, Cuit, Milk P*I many tawyers bave received un- LAerni I reasonable high fees f rom such Rorat. Lh. 119e sources, 5uch as receiverships, etc. Chokce Centr Cuit Veal Furtberinore, Mr. Badgerow faits to Steaks- Lb .....29 mention "Yv oroof whatsoever of bis1 Young Ng, Pork Loin1 nxsfortune to tne party. Mr. jBadger- confidence in a competing concern. 0w would <isquaify him by reason Ordinary honesty and integrity would of bis association with the county require a person receiving a good machine, "even inciuding Peter Hoff- saiarY. to support those responsible muann, who was finally coevicted for his gooçl fortune. and sentenced for maifeasance in Although Mr. Badgerow earnestiy office."I. Undoubtedly, Me. Badgerow, maintains that he is againat Harold if he isv a Repubtican, voted for Peter L. Ickes adbis influenc nth e PRLOMPT ATI W,,i EMYrLLONLuY V. S. 0 Something different, beauty cre- ntd-fot applied, ,pàtted, -nor painted on., It reaches -the very source of your own yoUth glving beauity, itself. Yoüth-o-Lator us the magie-it works -the miracle by means of inv isible raye. Wrinkles,' fatigue hines blaok heade. Muscles are firnied and toned, tissues are coaxed- into à new kind of Leauty.Cosh'u expert, no, obligation. B.aty 3 Srices for85 Ymir ChgiCe-Of Shampoo, Tri,», Fipgorwav., Arch or Manieure ESTH ER SEAUTY SHOP 1213 WII.ff. Av. WII.tt.-696 sa 14t1-SPECIALS Swlft's 8fleet GradedI Standing Rib> Rosat U Ir B.ef. Lb. 1Il Serlet ruts. lut à ilb. Lb... . .. . - - 3e3. plits lb. 25e OUESfie t ro ED STAXPU» UEBaie