Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 3

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Chiief Cloyd C. MeGuire of the Wilmnette police departrnent, will be guest speaker at the monthly lunch- con meeting of the, Wilmette Civic Icague, to be held tomorrow (Friday) at 12, noon, at Marshall Frield and comnpamiy's downtown retail. store, .7th floor, Randolph street side. Chief NAcGuire will have for hisý su.bjectthe safety program which he was instrumental in establishing for New Trier township, the, principal 1 feature. of. which. is the driver's schôool, the next session of which will be held at. New Trier High school on Monday evening, March 9. Elmîer D. Becker, président of the league, stresses an invitation to ainy citizen of. New. Trier township- te. attend this lunlcheomi meeting. Espe- cially. lie states, are ladies invited. l'le subject is one of intense interest to every automobileý driver, ýbecause oft te extra hazardous, condition of streets and highways, 'anrd onsequent meed for more than ordinarv care in drivimig. Reservations for the luncheçon ýshoùld be- made promptly, to Mr. Becker, or Howard E. Ringholm, '1539 Lake avenue,.Wilmette., Observe World Day of Prayer Here on Friday \\orld Day of Prayer. will be ob- surved by the women of Wilmnette this Friday with services in the Wil- * mette Parish Methodist church at * 2:30 o'clock. The principal speaker wilI be jane Collins (Mrs. C. E.) * Paulus, a promitient mission 'worker. The services, te be held in the *saictuary of the church, will be con-. ducted by Mrs. Ernest Lynn Waldorf. 'thé theme for t'he day will be "Peace on FEarth." Ahl women of the village areý in- Vited to participate in the services. FRACTURES ANKLE citizen of MWinette flaving em- ploynient, either full or 'part time, for these home people, is requested to caîl the Welfare office; Wilmette 2550,, Ail registrants are carefully investigated as to reliabilty and> efficiency. If you have employ-' ment,, give it to these home unemi-. ployed through the Welfare board- Better, Hom es Expo, Plans Progressin91 Plans are being shaped up, rapidly1 for the annuai Better Home epo- tion 1 be' staged in the, Womans club building, Te nth str ee t at Gre en- leaf avenue,* Wilrnette.,, March 24, 35 and 26, under the auspices of the \Voman's Club of Xilmette, with Mrs. 0. E'. Thaleg as chairman -of, the' committee on arrangements., Tite club is now receiving applica- tions for* exhibit spaee from W il-'t mette and other business'concerns. A variety of special features are being planned for the three days of e\hibits and entertajumient. A-ýpproximnately 60,000 compliment- ary tickets will be distributed for the c'vent. North shore exhibitors are as close to Mrs. Thaleg as their. telephones. A caîl will bring her or a representa- tive withi a blueprint of' the spaces available. Or choice locations may be reserved over the phone and details arranged when convenient, it is point- ed but. Mrs. Thaleg may be reached I)y calling Wilmette 980J. North Shore LUne to Operate on New Timne AIl schedulesof the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee railroad-the North Shore line-will be adjusted starting Sunday, March 1, to conform with the time change which goes into effect ini Chicago on that date, it was at New Offices On Saturday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8, the Wilmette Home Owners association will hold a public recep- t tien at its attractively appointeci office at 1155 Wilmette avenue,in the Brown' building. The bours will be from 1I unltil 9 o'clock>.on Saturday, and fromn 2 to 5 o'clock on Sunday. A cordial invitation is extenided to the Citizen s of the village, whether members of tbe orgariization or flot, to attend the reception, meet its officers, and learn at first hand its purposes and. objec- tives. CtrlMeeting Place This handsomely furnished and con- venient office wili,, itý is stated, be available to residents of Wilmette as1 a place in. which to meet friends, drop in to write a letter or wait. for a train, or for any other such purpose,. It is centrally located, close to the Village hall,-theater, railroad stations and other points. iThe large show window wîili, it is added, be available to local organiza- tions for display purposes, without charge. Churches giving bazaars. schools giving exhibitions, Boy and Girl Scouts and others are invited to mnake use of this window. The -Only stipulation is that the event be of general public interest and'flot for private profit. 1Proteet Home Interests The association, now in its fourth year, was orgânized to promote andI protect tieinterests of the home own- ers of the village, and to guard against any undesirable develôpnients that might have an adverse effect upon the home character of the village. RETURNS FROM CRUISE Mrs. Žlarcns C. Weimer, of 241 Cumberland avenue,. returned. te Kenilworth on Monday f rom a. West Indies cruise. She was«accompanied bY her sister, Mrs. Arthur Raab of Sheboygan, Xis. Wilmette is approaching a cross- roads of decision on what to do witli its commercially' zôned real estate. The decision , may be delàyed, but the time is coming inevitably when the community .will have tershake off« its apathy. towards property lui the center of the village and decidé how improvemeçntg fitting the. north, shore, cati be made safely and ýprp- fitably.,. And that means some sort of revision of. the -present building code. MFire-proof" dams. Vexas In popular ternis the law,.ig.sos Àf.ramedas.to make it Impossible fin- ancially to improvevaluable property with buildings for apartmnent pur- poses It calîs for wholly "fire-proof" construction where in the experience of most niunicipalities and insurance cempanies, such type of building seems flot te be necessary. Many a uthorities contend that "fire-proof" for the first floor, and «slow-burn- ing" above is adequate. 1!he law was put en the statute~ books about a dozen years ago for' the express purpose of making it impossibe for apartmnent buildings to be erected and operated profitably, in the vil- lage. 0f course, this maneuver was. really, for the purpose of protecting. the strictly residential section of the village f rom being encroached tapon by apartments: it was and is emin- ently desirable that the. village re- tain its suburban aspect. Citimsn Asking Question Flowever. the net resuits of the working of the law have been brought sharply into' question Iby many citizens frorn many. points of vew. For the purpose of bringing this' subject of discussion' eut initc the open the following angles of the situation will be briefly touched up- 1. Honie.owners' taxes. 2. Cliaracter of fumture' populatiopn. 3. Real estate inVestorS. 4. Local business intereets. S. Public service and ýgenal, village improvemlente. SA great change has cone over the !iorth shore in. the past decade, There lr.- nrretaie ff 'registration wili be privilede to vote by affidavit.> The 'next general registra- tion will be in' September,. 1936, in advance of the presi-, dential election. who will Pl facts te 'h friends. Inf mnay be sec avenue and, mette, andk ka,; and ami teraure 1125 Wilmette irie avenue, Wil-. street, Winnet- WILMETTE 4300 ask for A d.Taker estate take te nlew r f ew p.r tax bil. Hi-iOong wu 1 Dbuild Up that much in sotelY -esidences ? And yet a very roperties in the center of town (Cotitinued on, Page 9)

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