Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 47

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~FCM AE-VAANT GLENCOE HOMES3I-TES Priced $2, 10 to $8y500 FRONTAGES RANGE FROM 62 FEET to 117 feet. Several overlook the beau- tiful Skoklje Golf Club. grounds, If you are planning to build you should Investi- gate this desirableproperty, SMART &GOLEE, mc. Wii. 2486 Evan.ston Uni. 0283 114IJr1N43-te RAVINIA SVECIAL . 104x 350 ET heavily u,,oded in excellent neighbor- hood. Price $4,000. E..' SAWYER SMITH' 75EIlin St., Winnetk-a Phi. Win. 3500 1 14LTýN4.-ltc FOR SALE BY OWNER: 50&x245 FT. lotý on' l8th St., Wilmette. East front. Al assessmients and taxes paid. $2,500 for quick sale. University 8320. ____________________114LTN4O-4tp Ki<NILWORTH HI E 1 'ECLOSE to trans., in section ol' moderiî homes. -,%t*quick at $:,750ý.Wiùnetka 1800. Il 4LT. X3-lt WANTED TO BUY-VACANT PRIVATE PARTY WANTS LOT' ON ,west sîde of Wilmette, Winnetka or Gl1encoe. About $1,00Ôcash. No agents. -%ddi-e." B-79, Box 60, 'Wilmiette, Illinois. 115LTN43-ltp REAL aSTATE LOAN8 North Shore lA LOANS liiFINANCING LOANS 0ONSTRUCTION LOANSý $L'ECiLAL 5 to 20 Yr. Loans; with mnothly paynient for principal, Interest. taxes and insurance AND No EXTRA CHARGES. TINTEREST AS LOW AS 5%/ S .e ans withou t comlfihi.,ions GE'ORGE T. COONLEY .1580 Sherýman Avenue, Evaiiston Dait\i, 2233 -Wilmette 922 -Cent. 1812 127A-IJrN43i-ltc Construùction Loans WE ARE 114 TUE M )ARKETý FOR DE- Ssirable- bulildging -ans on weIl ,-locate. North* Shore propeity. $5,000 AND UP 6% Interest If security- warrants. We also have specia.l funds avail.lable for Im- mediate cormtment on inew or reflnanc- trade for home hlot exe C ail my broker, Gleeco)e some cash on edlng $15,000. !28LTN43-1 tC FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WE SUGGEST AS Best Buys of the Month Retut. gr-and pianlo $350? vai. chest on <'hest (re*lwtodtiwtionl) $45; nah.. tilt top pie erust-1 table $25. Cabinola uprlght pian<, an.d.1ench $10,; mah. cor-ner cup- board $5,5; antiqueé mah. bedside table $15; Ig(i. orien1'tal rug $49.50; Ogee mir- ror'$'35 (abt. 1i» yrs oHd) ; a few other good- buys. ,For appt. telephone Win- netka 2067. MASON &HAMLIN PIANO, MAGIC Chef gas stove, Easy washing machine, Thor mangle, walnut uphoistered chair, ing Pong table, mah. bed and bureau, ma. ining rm,. set, General Electric -rfig.andirn0 fire screen. Mafty other arice.o0 Central Ave., Wilmette 585. 129LTNý43-1t1, USED WASHERS, $10 Maytag Êvanston Shop 1631 Beiisoxi Ave. Uni. 2303 129LTN41-4tp FOR IMDAESALE WHIT~E ENAMEL PARAMOUNT GAS range, six burner, two ovens. Sacrifice priee. Cà1l evenings. Wilmette 1675. 129LrpN42-2te REBtTILT WASHING MACHINES.. Some as low as $15. DARBY EtLECTRIC SHOP 1022 Davis St., Evanston Univ. 2230 129LTN42-4tp A FEW SINGER POR'TABLES $2450 cause of the dlsgrace. Last. year a bronze, older than any known ln the wvorld, was discovered ln China . . . Hundreds of years ago China liad a sort of N R A- . . Long, before' that the Chinese had -learned to embroider,,work ln bro nze, work In -relief ... Ages, ago they had a fiying machine from whlch they dropped bomibs. They destroYed It. The lrst miode I wore -a coolie, dres and, a large lhat with symibols on II, "llike a, license plate,"ý he explai.ned. The- next model w;as a . Chinese bride in red (the eolor of happineas> an d ber bridegroom. -In China the bride. *fol- lows"' the husband. Hle does not see his bride until after the ceremony,. . If a rich officiai, he mnay havea hundred wives; If a rlch merchant,. perhaps three. Womnea now, however, want the husband to have onily one wife.- The guests at a wedding have their fun atthe expiense * of the bride, and some bridés have 'even committed suicidé frorn the humiliation the guests have caused themn. Mr. Poster told how a Chinese princess,. married to a'barbarlc husband, hld some of the cocoons of the sil1k worm in her hair and took themn with her, and no the secret of siik was taken to. forelgn lands. The next miodel wore a blue Manchu FOR UALE-M 1BCEL.LAN BOU$ FOR SALE National Cash Register Good condition. $35. Cail Glencoe 1 131LTLN43-ltp GIRL'-S BICYCLE, 26", IN GO0» CON- dition. Also Bohn-Syphon Refrigera- tor, ln good, condition. Phone Wilmette 5108. 131LT43-ltp EELT TYPE VIBRATOR HOLLYCOURT 0766 BETWEEN 6 P. M1. AND 10 P M. .131LI1 13-11p Singer treadles $4,95; Willcox and WANrD TO OUY-NOC. jGibbs electric console,' only $39.50. Guar- anteed. 1114 Davis St. University 0990., 129LTN42-4tp LARGE THOR WASHER, AND IRONER, A-i CONDITION. WILL sacrifice for cash. Phi. Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN'ý43-2tip VERY REASONABLE Tables, chairs, mirrors, dressing tabie, dressers, reducing machine, and other articles. Winnetka 2,844. 129,TlN43-ltJ) *Frigidlair e Ref riý WIINNETKA 271 cra t or $$OLU CLOTHES $$$ SUITS-SHOES-OVERCOÂTS FUR COATS - PROMPT SERVICE Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custer, Evanston Uni. 2220 132LTN8S3-tfe Junk Dealer- Goidman PAPERS-40e PER 100 LBS. MAGAZINES-5Oc PER 100 I.BS. WILMETTF 5426 WINNETKA 3720 132LTN41-4tp Junk Dealer-Phil Schuman The part of Mr. Foster'slectUre that. deait - with the C1hinese theatre was In-, teresting. Parts were formerly taken by- mien, but today girls- may Imper- sonate. men.. A hero with long hair and a heroine, actors in, a twelfth century tragedy which he told, appeared on'the stage ïwearing beautiftil costumes. Be-, foretheplay ended the bride had her' throatcut. Somne toe dancers stili wear the two- and-a-half to three-inch shoe, ehowing below their robes-but 1tis worn only on the e nd of the foot. It doos flot cover a bound foot as In ancient times. .On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Josýeph J., Kutten of 1201 Chestnut avenue entertained, their bridge- club of twelve members at dinner, and on. Friday Mrs. Kutten will be hostess to lier bridge club of eight for luncheon. Mrs. Fanny Reeder of Arkansas is. the hiouse guest of her son, H. J.. 1-imies, 1530 Wilmette avenue. Mrs Reeder has been with the Himes for the past montb. MIr. and Mrs. E. G. A. Walter of 525 Forest avenue arrived in Wil- mette last Saturday after spending three weeks at Miami Beach. Ei_ ! CUSTOMERS WA:ý -end tables, ruga,1 andirons, silver teae jar diniere. Buckley rassf WTLMETTE STATE I3ANK, W. D. Leary, Secretary of the Board. A L42-3te Phones WiLmuDT 32 UNIVEEUTY 7317 mie full pai îLe 1

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