Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 46

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blouse. Scree.nea porcn. Mvay to Ocçt. 2 adulte. Give full details. Write B-76, 'Box 60, Wimette, Ilinoiis. 101L,43-ltp PRSPONSIBLE FAMILY 0-F THREE aduits would rent small 'furnished house ln W innetka, from, May Ist to Oct. lst.. Phone Winnetka,1670, FOR SALE-MOUSES Wh ite Painted Brick LIVING RM.* AND DININO RAI. DOSE lu soft oyster white. Breakfast rmn.. open peh., 4 bedrins., sitting rmn., 3 baths. One je peaeh tile with giass shower stal, one yellow.tule. Tap roomn with uriusual decorations. 0ff heat., Attached garage. PRICE, $18,500 East Wilmette R1l1) BRICK IN EXCELLENTI LoCA- Stion. Large.liv. rm. and sun iiii., oipen pcb., 6 bedrms., 2 baths. Attractively decorated. 011 heat. A, real bargain at. East Winnetka NVU BEFOUK QFFERED FOR sale. Modern English design. Large liv. rm. with beamed ceiling. Butler's pantry and breakfast nook. 4 bedrns., 3 tile baths. Recreation rm. %vith fireplace. 01 eat and oil hot water heater. $27.00 BAUMANN-COOt'K 553Lincoin Ave. Wininetka 3450 IIITN43-Itc WINNETKA READY TO MOVE IN. CONDITION ED perfeetly. 9 loveiy roonis, 3 1tUe baths wlth showers. 2-car gar. Large fenved- in areà for chtldren. ' Storm windows and weatlier str4ped.. V«y e'sy to hea.t, wlth efficient oil burning system. Close to transportatiiïi and schools. WILL OONSIflER TRADE FOR 5 OR 6 BEDIROOM ýHOUSE ON ACREAGE W.:G. RUGOLES & CO. 517 Davis Street- HOLLYCOURT 6886, UNI VERSITY .6886 WILMET'PE 1660 lIlLTN43-i te 18 r-ollcurt 1855. RENT IN'VESTMFINT HOME 8 nicely arranged rmm., 3 baths,. oil bit., fine basemtent. Se. this Englisb brick cottage, $17500- only $1,750 down, balance like rent. Miss Gray, Winnetka 2700 -Briargate 1855. THERE'S .INDIVIDUALITY Inthis snugi, attractive, English brick cottage.,8 rms., 21k baths, studioe living rm. Southeast Winn. location, near Greeley school. Mi'. Piersen. linnetka 2700 Briar- gae1855. Glencoe IDEr.AL SETTING A real home on lot 198xM1. 8 rrns., 2% batbs, can divIde lot. and stili bave large grounds. Priced to selI., Cail Mrs. Didrck.-ý sen, Greenleaf 1855-H-ollycout Highland Park CHAR'MING Englisb brick and baff timber cottage on lovely windlng lane,, library and living rmm overlook- .ing Wooded, ravine. 5 bedrnis.. 4' baths, nearly 1/ acre of grds., semi-private beach rights. Fine value. M-r. Pletsch, W4inct1ka 2700-Briargate 1855 9 RMS., 2 BATHS-$7,500 Modernlzed brown ebipgle bouse, nr. Lincoln ,school. 2 bedrmns., on lst floor. Small down paYmeût, balance like rent. A real bargain. Winnetka 2700-Briargate 1955., 'AIRD & WARNER, mec EVAN-%-"S'rON OPFICE-522 DAVIS ST. Greenleaf 1855 Hollycourt 1855 WINNETIcA OFFICF-790 ELM ST. Winnetka 2700. Briargate 18553 llLTN43S4tc INC. Exclusive Offerings Kenilworthi French Provincial Attractive and artistir. Librar, 5 -bed- jr<>ms5 3 baths. 2-car att. gar. $27.500. "Ren t Investnient Honie"> Nestled among big trees this 'ILMETTIE Mortgage holder willi discount bin - vestment of $8,000 iu 6 rm.. shingle and- stucco b ungalow, 3 bedrms., bath, glazed pcb., 2-car gar., side drive. H. W.. bt. 50-ft. wooded lot. Want im- mediate sale. Excellent ýeast location, Just several blocks fromr lake nin neighiborhood of fine bornes. Special features: Spaclous living inm. witb open, porch, dining rmi. with breakfast solarium. Four sizeable b)edrms.,. slpg.. pcb., 2 baths on. 2nd fi., aiso 2 Trms. on Srd. 60-ft. lot. fenced yard. 3-carý garage.A bar galin at $16 000. Mrls. Mead. Seldoff have we ofered as sniart anrd attractive a small borne. as Ibis b6î'ni., 2 bath brick in begt east wooded sec- tion. Excellent a-,rrangemient, perfect eonditioni and ideal. for sm.all farnili de,ýiing a nmodern home in a choice location. And only,$17,000. Mrs. 'Mead. THE BILLS RELT, c 52q Davis St. <i're. 1166-Wil. 3740 ENGLISH STONE (Built 1929) 1'fIIISCHARMINtI HOME 18 TH most outstanding property on the Nortb Shore. Exquisitely detailed. Its 12 rmm., 5 baths are beautifully arranged. Spactous grounds. Over $125,000 Investment. Priced un- usually low. Appolftment may be arranged. Cali Mr'. Hart, Win- netka 455. 111LTN43-ltc English Brick 3 BEDRMS., 2 C0ILORED TILM BATHS, att. garage, can sell for under $12.000. Charming White Colonial NEIVLY. BUIIJP. 7 LARGE, SUNNY MmS., 2% bathe, ec. rm. witb firepl.,s att. gar., new air conditioned heat with oil. For rent.............. $125 mo.a HI'LL & STONE . 543 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1544'.3 $41 PER MONTH 6 ROOM KELLASTONE BUNG.ALOW . on lot 50x150. Hot water heat, 2-car garage. Priced at'$6.500 this homne van be purcbased witb only $1,200 caeh. SHORE-TOWNS REALTY CORP. 161q. Sherman Ave,., Evanston . -rieeilleaf 2700 Wilmette 608 very fine on a wooded W0'150'~ lot. Thie home eau be purchased for, $2.000.000 down and a montbly paymnent of. $100.00 for a total price of ................. $12,000.00 This 8 oom home is coniveniently located as to schools atid trans- portation on a fine 74'xlOO' lot, There are 4 bedrooms, 39% batbs, and a garage.. The 'heat is hot water oil. Anid HOLC financing allÔws .a monthly payment plan and a amaîl dQwn'payment to com- plete a total price of ... $17,500.041 VACANT We. have some extraoirdifary bar- gains in vacant In ail price classes. There seems 'te be a definite up- ward trend In the mnarket and, we doubtthat these prices will last. At the moment we are âble to offer:' A 50'xl34' Kenilworth Gardens lot at .................. .....$2,1,00.00 À 50'x1l87'.,Winnetka lot, 11/ blocks from school, at......$2,000.00 We have srne uicely iocated acre- age surroundiflg the Nortb Shore villages as low as $650 an acre. Our office is open evenings until 9and on Sunday until 6. ."SIGN WITH CUSACK" Il1LTN43-ltc Moving to Calif ornia. SACRIFLCING MY BEAUTIFUL BRK. bouse wlth.stone trim; can.vassed walls, elegant hardware and fixtumes. Solarium. iron krills. 3 tile bathe, (one wlth glass shower staîl). 60 ft. lot onI lovely quiet street, yet néar Hubbard Woods school and transp. 011 bt., 2-car att. gar., per- fect construction and condition! Offered at $30,000. Call my agent, Winnetka 3603. 111LTN43-lte ENGLISH- TYPE 1J0ME IN EXCEL- lent condition,. S. E. Glencoe in Hub- bard Woods Scbool district. '5 bedrms.. 3 baths, -ûlI heat, -with oil. hot water beater. Scr. pcb.,. 2-car heated, garage, and other features. Price .$20,000. Would consid er smaller bouse or 'vacant i exchange. 72;- Elii St., Winnetka P'h. Winni. 0( 1. BEST BTJY FO 7 roome, 2 porches, at Cloue to tramnp., Ach 958 Pine St., Wlftnetka achedgarage.tobu ols, churche.. 4ý 1484. 1I1LTN4O0-4tp beds. 28 It. Open to offer. F.CONR OTW HHUE st; poli. Aise .0F.CRERLTWT OS 9*11 ht. Mrs. MLJilon E. Reid & Co. to emodel. $7,500. d, Exel. Ag.t. 601 Lake Avenue Wilmnette 771 MRS. LANG WINNETKA 1194 11ILTN43-ltc, 111LTN43-ltc *11LTN43-ltp ~ITY EXCIDPTIONAL VALUE, N'EAR THEBU RIH owner. 8 rmns., lake. 4 bedrms., only $12,500. HOLC RUB YRIH loan payable like rent, See at once. Wil- TIROUH OWNER. 7 RMS., 3 PCHS.ý i4 mette Realty Co., 513-4tb St., WIl. 192. 1317 Greenwood, Wilm-ette. Caîl Glen- 11LN4-tp.111LTN43-ltp ee .154. 11ILTN43-ltp

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