Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 44

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3413 1I Dea£inetor IturfCoats"'ifted advertisements wili be ac- DeadIiw for IflSBr teOdCt u te, uesdayr 9 P. M. for WI109ETTE LIFE or all tlire. papers; edo;n.day9 P. M.fo WINNETgA TALCadTur8daY 6 P. M. for GLENCOII NEWS. Telphoea: Wiette40,Wnoltiia 2000 <Winnetka. 500 atter 6 p. M.). T'ela l 80o hlr.e11-3 ____LoUE'AND, FOUND____ LOST- FEB. 12, BETWEEN H. W. and. Eim.St.,station viia Center'St., billfoid containlng money. Owner hard up. Finder pleage oeil Winnëtka 105. PEESoNAL ON, OR ABOUT ýOCTOBER 6, 1910 A baby girl was borù at.* Chicago Bgptlst Hlospital. Attendlnig physician, Dr. HenrY J. Casedy., The baby was adopted and foster mother la now dead. The girl, now grown to womanhood, la weli educated and net in neod of finanôlal as- sistance but eagerte locate own mother, who, it ia understood, lives on the North Shere. Conidential appeintment can be madewith the publisher et this paper or address B-73, Box 60, Wilmette, Illinois. 4LTN~43tp ENJOY YOtJR WINTER EVENINGS SLEIGHRIDIE * Call Glencee 1016. 5LTN42-3tp GABRIELEEN PERMANENT WAVIN4G Specilize ln Children's Permanents. Shainpoo, fingerwa.ve, inancure-3 for 75c. Personai Service. Wllmotte 2537. 5LTN40-4tp Sleigh Ride Parties Wilmette 897-Y-2 5LTN4-4tp * ACCOUNTINS May i help you on your INCOME TAX RETURN? BOOKCS KEPT, OR AUDITED. MANY YEARS EXPER. H. W. Stannard, Acet.-Bkpr. Glencoe 115. 6LTN42-4tp * UILDINS AND REPAIRS CLOtCK REPAIRING» LOUIS ,BORCHARDT Watch,. Clock and'Jeweiry Repairing. Estimates free. We call for and deifver.ý 606 Dempster Street. Phone Uni.. 0824. 20LTN441-26tp DO TOU ENJOY THE CHILDREN'S HOME WORK? IF NOT, WHYr NOT SEND THEMM TO TRE North Shore School of Concentration 458 Ridge Ave. Winnetka 2682 204-LTN3$-tftc COLLETTE SOEUR-JS, DESIGNERS AND MAKERS G owns - Wraps - Suits - Coats Original - Copied - Restyled - Altered 833 Eim Street Winnetka, 1011, 22LTN43-4tp Sewing for aduits and children ASSEMBLING ....... ....ALTERING REMODELING ...........MENDING Mrs. Barthold, Winnetka 2640. 22LTN42-4tp PLAIN SEWIN'G FOR SMALL CHIL- dren and young women. Reasonable prices. At your home or mine. Phone Louise Eldredge, Wiimette 2676. * 22LTN43-ltp FAftM PRODUCE M]ILK7v2cQTJk PORK SAUSAGES. 28e LB. Locust Farm Stores StPNDAY AND HOLIDAY HOURS 1225 W'ilmiette Ave. Phione Xi. 5458 9 a. mt. to 10 P. m. 90à Ridge Ave. .wilmette 9 to 12:30 a. n., 4 t*o 7-p. m. 908 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods 9 to 12 a. m. 24LTN43-ltcý iNsTRUÇTION BALLROOM DANCING. CLASSES OÎR noorU Uaae ince nw w11..U UieVi7IVà machine., Neat, reliable.. We. use good materials. 7 y0ars on North Shore Work. Special winter rates. FRED) BROER BRIAGAE1061' 42LTN18-tf( PAINTING lAND'DIgCORATING Firet Claus Work Reasonabie Pflces C. W. Anderson Phono Wilimette 4621 42LTN36-lOtp PNTPG.,- PAP'RHANGING, STIPPLIN;, glazing, calc.i floor refinishing. Woi'k- manship guaranteed at surprisingi , reas. prices. Est., free. Gre.. 3678. 42LTN43-lt j> BEAUTIFUL LITTER 0F 5 PEDil- greed springer spaniel puppies, lver and white, perfectiy marked. WiiI niake any own'er1 proud of them.> Springerts r rating first place as the, ideai home dog. 661 Illinois Rd., Wilmette 127 (eves.). 44LTN43-lti> DR. F. C. BUSCHIBOM Dogsanaid Cats treated atbh~oeW as1el as at the Hospital. One minute and on the way. Wilmette 5004. 44LTN40-4tli PIANO TuN4 EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. REPAIXI work guaranteed. 22 years' Factor-y experience. H-. C. Thomas, 1808 South Prospect, Park Ridge 1477. 45LTN43-41tp RADIO ISWRVICE RADIOS MODERNIZSD OR SERV7- iced by a, competerit expert, experl- enced with ail makes. Estimate given Always reasonable. Call Wilmette 12078. 5OLTN40-4tp BEWINQ MACHINE aUE'AIIRING. BLISS ELECTIIIC SER~VICE Singer, White, Wiicox, and Gibbs. Vacuum cleaners, radios, washing ma- chines. Ail household appIiances. 604 Dempster St. University 6680 53LTN41-4ti, UPHOLOTERY AND REPAIRS YOUR DAVENPORT AND CHAIRS re-uphoistered, finest workmansbip. Phone and our estimator wilI cali with co mplete lUne of sampies. Special dis-. count this month. Davis Furniture Craftsmen 721-23 Main Street. Unversity 7210I 58LTN41-ltc charge to vestigateti. ADE No in- Reiniart Empil. Agency 748 EIni St. Winnetka 3399 68LTN28-tfc Carlsoýn's Empi. Agency 818 ELM STREET.. WINNETICA 3328 Heip carefuliy selected, with speclai attention to expert- once, reference, and gen- oral' qualifications needed. PRIVATE ROO)MS:FO>R INTERVIEWS 6BLTN40-tfe Good Help Available THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED References carefuliy checked. L'ngren Em pl.Agency. Established 25 Years M9 Elmn St. Wlnn. 1047 68LTN2.1-tfr GOVERNESS Olt COMPANION, 37, hait or whoie day every Wednes-day angt every other.Sunday. Best N. S. ret. Write B-77, Box 60, Wilniette, Illinois. 68L43-ltp RE LI1A B LE MIDDLE-AGED LADY would like goireral house'work lnt i'wiall family. Good, plain cook, N. S. rets. IWrite B-8i, Box 60, Wilmette, Illinois. 68L'rN43-ltp WANTED - WORK ÊY THE DAY. 1Nursing, cooklng, serving, cieaning, laundry or plain sewing. Sunday dinners and teas a spocialty. Best of refs. Wili go anywhere. Glencoe 1411. 68LTN41-4tpi NURSE TO CARE FOR CH1ILDEEN or semi-invalild. Care of children while parents travel. Best of N-,orth, 'Shore references. Winnetka 152.5. 68LTN431-ltj> EXP.. WHITE GIRL WISHES D-Y work, laundry, ceanlng, serve lunch- eons, etc. Very. reas! Cal. mgs. or eves.' Miss Kowal, Wlnnetka 1935. 68L43-ltp' EXP. COLOIRED MAI!), GE1,ERAÏ. housework and cooklng. Go or stay nights. North Shore references., Green- lýeàf 1701. 6SLTN43-ltt> UIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE COUPLES, white andi coloreti. COMBINlATION*CHAUFFEURS n HOUSEMEN. .MAIDS wlth North Shore res., EXCFJJLENT COOK. NO CHARGE TO THl-E E'MPLOYER ÀLLL REFERENCES INVEISTIGA 1TElI Shore Uine Empi. Agency 421 Richiioiid Road Kenilworthi 5221. tiJý' 1'4 FOR GNRAL HOUSEWORIK. MALE KENILWORTH 4766. REFINE- I___________71L43-1lp, ,ompanion WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. flOUSE- No ob- Iwork. Indian Hill1 Estate. 4 in famlly, or596. girol Wrte $10, o s60, Wfor te, iht or96.ignoir.nry. $1-0,t sB o Wiete. ih TN,43-1tlp no!. 71LTN43-ltp. 16LTN43-4tp WISCONSIN 8EASONED FIREPLACE legs. Alil hardwood. $9 ton del., cash CAL. price. Aise meving andi trucking. W 949 ELM ST. WINNETKA 2108 -ma 16LTN4-ltp 1-.--1- 'N42-2tp

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