"The total sales mxade by our firm during the first 7 weeks of 1936," re- ports Robert S. Crane, vice-president of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc, "are only $20,000 less than the total sales negoti- ated.by our organization during*thecen- tire year of 1934."' AlI but three of the sales this year were of the more. expensive homes As ,exclusiverepresentatîves of THE NORT H WESTERN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 0F MILWAUKEE for residentia 1l ans in Evanston, the North Shore' suburbs and Park ýRidge, we are offring Residential Loans at 470 No:Commission No Service' Charge 1 N. La Sae Street. CHICAGO Telephone Céntral 0227 151 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON University 260 Wilmette 2602 I M shopping," states Mr. Crane, "'he ;really inteinds to buy. In two instances sales were made at the fuit price -asked by the 'seller. In two other cases the home listed with us for sale was sold to the 'first and only prospect" to. whom we showed thé p roperty.* These. are definite indi- Cations of a; real demand for better homes." The 13-room residence of, Maj or Lenoxlk. Lolir at 2344.Sheridan road, Evanston, was purchased, by North- western university. The property is at the nortliwest' corner of 'Sheridan road and, Colfax( street, with a, lot IOOX180 feet. With the acquisition of this property, Northwestern'-univer- sity now owns the en tire. five blocks of frontage on the west side of Sheridan road .f rom ,Haven street to Milburn street; facin'g' the university campus. Robert S.,Crane was the broker., The. English brick home'of 9 rooms and 3 baths at 221 Church road, Win- netka, was sold to an undisclosed purchaser.' Mrs. Rowland R. Schwall of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. represented thé buyer and William A. Sacller.of Smart & Golee, Inc. was the broker for the seller. 0. H. Armstrong of the Evanston office of Quinlan &' Tyson, Inc. was the broker in the sale of the Craig B. Hazlewood home at 16 Canterbury. court, Wilmette, to Carl E. Wickman-, president of the Greyhound.corper.a-. tion.- monthly meeting at the board rooms Monday evening, March 2, at 8. Gaîl Sullivan, associate 'director of the Fed- eral Housing Admninistr~ation, Northi- ern Illinois distri.ct, will outtine "What the, EHA can do for, Real Estate Brokers in ,1936." The growingr activity in north shore home buyinig and building is,.makcing ample and elastic financing a matter of prime importance to both- buyer and seller. The speaker of the eve;- ning Will- outtine the advantages of the unified planning, financing 1 and selling of the home 'in a single, pro-. gram, as developed by the FHA. A big feature of- the evening wil 1 be an open forum of "Real Estate Financing" in. the sale of old prop- erty and the building of new hom.es. Mr. Sullivan will conduct the forum and" will' be assâÉisted by tWo othe r ace.s of the FHA, Leo, Cooter, Chief underwriter, and John O Merrili., chief architectural inspector. That new feature of the boards effect a co-operative property sales plan among realtors, was an instant success. The Round.Tab le Exchange and dinner will be repeated.by popu- lar request again on Monday nigit. 'at 6 o'clock at Cooley's Cupboard 1631 Orrington avenue, Evanston.. 'KEYS,* to yor rfinancing 'or const-to rbe of refinancing or gage Loans, oper- afford the key to Building Commissioner William A. Wolff issued a permit February 19 for 'théeérection of a single family residence at 1126 Michigan avenue. Wilmette, the estimated cost being '$44,00. -*The, permit. Was taken ',ou t in the name, of Gorey,& Hemb Con- struct ,ion company.1 The owner W. Mrs. Gaylord Case, long a resident at 5 Kent road, Winnetka, but recent- ly residing in 'California. Edwin Il Clark 8 East Huron street, Chicago, is the architect. fourt h year of ts operations us Iui excess of $102 per share and the tinié is approaching when newv homew financing institutions' comning into membership \Aill have to pay a pre- mium for their qualifying stock,,A. R. Gardner, president, told the annual stockholders' m eeting in Chicago re- cently at the Palmer House. Showing what the 429 savings, builId- ing and loan associations and one sav- ings bank which are now stockholers have 'heen ableto, do ,inithe .home 1564 Sherman Ave. Evanston, Ill. Wluetka375 DayoaNlght SOLIVER HANS EN: iD 140 CINTER STREET WINNETN(A 3250 m Construction Loans at 4'70% 1% Commiission Terms - 5. to 10 years Semi-ae.uwl snerest and principalpayments QUINLAN AND TYSON THE If von are urdened ith