Woans Club and Women Voters fo Present Ali-Day Program of Varied Interest llie W'omiia's Club of \Vil-O mnette and the Wilinette League. of Womien Voters will be in joint session' Wedn.esda3r, March 4, the league ýproviding the inrn- ing program,' the Wom-ians c-lub the aftf-rnoonl, a motion picture an(I lecture on conservation' hy Williami Finley, Sc. D. Oregon's- noted naturalist. Tvwo speakers. will l)e provided 1w the league,ý Mrs.'Beulah BidN,%ell Ro,-eli.tiel and Col.,Harry MILii At' 10 :45 o'clock in the miorning, Mrs., Rosenstiel,.will speak on "The League's Part ini Social Legisiation."' The speaker, a director of Rockford college, has -heen, active in social service work, and is past director of7 the Internationale Inistitute for Girls in Madrid, Spain. Her after-the-war work was for the establishmient of *juvenile courts in the ýdowni-statle« counities. Mrs. Rosenistiel has been p resident of the Illinois League. of Womnen Xoters and regionai director and at present is chairmnan of organ- ization for the state. Col. Harry Hlli is the second speaker of: the morning. "WVork of the Cook County Juvenile Court,'. is the subject of bis talk. He lbas been associated with the. Juvenile court for many years and is now its chie-f probation o-fficer. îWhere Rolis the Oregon,- is the titie which Dr. Finley has given his motion picture lecture which cornes aftcr the luncheon hour, and whichi feaitres a vast and varied outdoor country. The thétee of. the -lecture shows that eternal1 vigilance is nec- essary to preserve outdoor* re- sources. The carcless polution of rivers kilis fislb life and destrovs the recreatiollal use of public, waters. Photo by Nloffett Photo by Koeh ne Mlrs. ILewis B. lirnpiu, t the -1f. and Mlrs. Harold F. Browni, arc w ileMbers of the' generqi comrnittce arranginil the llater frolic and dan ce t/w, Chicaio Aluinnae chapter of Gammna Phi Rdta . s spon-soring af the' Lake Sýhore Aithietici club Saturday night of fuis week,. AMrs. Br-on'n isà president' of the' chaPter;. Szkiini.jiing s ta rs. of nationlaland international fâ,nc will gh'e Catholic Junior Gr oUp Pians March 3 Meeting The J unior auxiliary of the -Northi Shore 'Catholic Womnanis le'ague will hold its Mlarch meeting at 8 o'clock Tuesday evening, March 3, at. the home of Miss Lois Steffens, 696 Cherry streét. WVinnietk-a. After the regular course of business lias beeîi tran1isacted, there will be a very eu- joyable program, it is plannied. Mfon- * ay evening, March 2, a board mieet- ingwill be held at the home of, the president, Miss Marie Purdon, 357 *Woodlawn avenuùe-. Glencoe. Loyola President WiIi Speak on Constitution The fifth in a series of public lec- tures on twentieth century problenms. sponsored by the North. Shore Catho- lic XVonian's league, wili be given by the Rev. Samuel Knox Wilson, S. J., Ph. D., president of Loyola university. The lecture will be given at 10.:30 Wednesday morning, 'March 4, at tlie WXinnpetka Woman's club, and th e subject will be "The Psychology of the Constitution of the United States." As this ýis such -an 'important ànd iii- teresting subject at this timie aid- also because of the fact that the- sl)eaker hias such a w,%ide reputation as a lecturer, hi.s talk should colil- inand definite. attention. Kenilwortb Garden Club Arranges Five Lectures for North Shore Garden Conter The Keiiilworth Garclnchlb lias arranged on ýiitere4sting, .serles of programns . for,. the March mieeings of the North Shore Gardeni center. These will be Ziveti:at 10:30 the, five Tues-. (lay nîori gs iMithe unonth, at -- ar(Ieii center hea(lfltirtel. iniii etk Comnîunity IHouse. The ltectures will beas follows:> Mardi 3, "Rosesý in the North Central. States," Charles N. Evans. ,March 10, "XVild Flowers anîd The ir Preservation,". Mrs. Charles Bec- mnan. M arch 17, 'Outstanidinlg Nc* Flowvers for 1936." D. K. MacM.\illani of Vaughani's Seed store. Ždarch 24. book review of "Fxp)loriiig for Planits," by David Fairchild; Mrs. Gilbert W. Kelly. March, 31, -Flower Arranigemet<, MIrs.. Harry A. Olin; .several flower arrangements by Mrs.. Bentley. G. McCloud.., The necessity of having the soul ,atialyzed to determineits coniditioni, before beginniiing to plant, wvas em- phiasiz ed in the talle on ',Fertilizers- which conistitute d the programi at ,the .Garden center -Tue sday of this -week. Dr. J. F. Fonder, techunical adviser to the Caldwell Seed company, was ýthe speaker.- His was the last of the Feb-,- ruary programis arranged for the ceniter by' the Little Garden club. of l'he. Gardenci. ceutér'is opeil to the Public, free of-charge- from 10 o*Iclock until 5 cach Tuesday, and ail north shiore residents interestedl in gar- (lCIiiiig are grged to hecar theý pro- grain-, offeried cacli week. Program of Readings Planned for Juniors plateaus, eagles and nawks Iive a pirate's life among -the crags, -an ' the remaining undrained marshes are the homes of myriads of ducks, geese, grebes, herons, gulîs, pelicans,,< stiits, ibis, avocets,.>cuiriews, sandhill cranes, and many Others, Haviug, heard about the unusual the naturalist was nvited to the Petaja, 1100 Mohawk road, Indian White House by President Roose- Hill estates March 10, at 2. A home- velt to give him and his guests a made cake will be given as a prize private shQwing. Mrs. Percy B. D. at every table, and other prizes will IdIer is chairman o'f the civics de- bce ffered. Reservations are to be' partm ent wbich is presen ting'. Dr. made: eithèrý with Mrn. R. C. ýQuii- Finiey.levan Or Mrs. William Edmonds. For Junior Gardeners MNrs. Wesley Blom, .320 Leicester road, Kenilworth, will be hostess to the. Kenilwortb Junior Garden club aL an open meeting at :2:30 o'celock Monday, March 2.