Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 33

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anniversary was a grand cele- bration of the complete reor- ganizatiort of the club and its establishment on a. firmn, sotind financial basis. The clubhouse was ro yally be- decked in bright c'lors and'goreu lightiîig. effects, new drapes, new. paint, new -furniture, brought back real memories of the good'old days. t was an.occasion,,for the meet- ing of -many new club memnbers who clubtables were in charge.o"te l club members who introduced thé new ones to the whole club member- Janet Benson, daaighter of Mr. ship. This Party ýwas also, the 'oc- and, Mrs. Lw W. Benson, 212 Wood- casion for ,the formai opening and bine -avenue, Wilinet te, tws elected. christeing. of the new, 'modern, ft Phi Beta Kappla fraternity, ,za- Shawnee cocktail, barroom combining t iaI honiorary s.cholasic 'fraternity.: -everything thatis modern and up-to- at a ineeting of the Beloit college date. Coral, brown, and,. white, c/sap/ter ois Thursda.y. Miss B enso cleverly comfbined, intricately «di-,,. us one oa-i fve seniors at Beloit col- vided, form a background for% delicate leyc to receive this. hon or. Shet has murals of various club activities and l>"n active in Bèloit Pla vers anid çlubhouse scenes. Moidern 'furrfftur'in lie Shsakesp'eare Society;, and is of chrome finish, with harmonizing soctil. chairian of Kappa Delta upholstery to match the decorations, srrd' She also lias thse raie of coinpleted the new room. . A lIce Dearth in ir1 i, a's Bùrricr's M.usic for the evening was furnisti-, 1wfnts ed by Joe Rudolph and his raidio& band who hiave played at Shawnee Couiitry club niost successfully-many tînes before. Variety, Coiors hii the cocktail lounige a gay youing mniss anddlhem portable ke3'boiden Coming Events tertaiined and enilivenied the guests1 with a- fast repertoire of lively tuines. tS a n eCu The. club was fled to overIIowviig S ~ n eCu -%vith one of, the largest guests lists. The last of the series of Fort- it lias Jhad in maiv vears.'1 iltvca eswhhhveak TJ'le conïmittee ini charge of ar- ihlvdne wihhaetk rangements iincluded A. R. Carmnan, en place at Shawnee Country. J'r., às,ted bv Mr. and Mrs. R. 1). club this season ill l) e held Sat- Feltrnan, Wr. and 'Mrs. 0. XW. Turner., urdav ihFbur 29In .Nr. and Mrs. L. E. W\ýalker, Fred stea nofht, Feabuftuar 2 . h1 Bcchlsteiin, john 'Thlorniburii, Mýr. and tealo h salbfe up Mlrs. .xelson Vittling, and Mr. and -the nuemnbers ill celebrate wt M rN. Ray ý Scboekal.-Conitributeçl. a (innler dance. Gamnma The Garn Phi Beta 1 The first paty to take place at Shawnee during the mionth of March, will be the informal dance which isl to follow the swimmiing nieet and af. t1urlîngham, and Virginja Buchanan, girls' trio who will sing sevemal numbers accompanied at the piano. bv Miss. Winifmed. Cressman; jack Byrum, who will sing a. solo number and a duet with - Miss. Buchanan;'. Vincent Weis, popular tap dancer and Miss Elvina Nerwini of North- western University,; who wiIl give several-of her 'unusual interpretative dance nUmfbers., There are stili a few who m fay, be selected next week if preseîxt plans continue. Third of Fortnightflles The third in a series of six dances given by the Wilmette Fotnightlies takes place Friday night of this week at .8 :30 at the. Wilmette Masonic temple. Atiyone'.wishing information snay cali Mrs. D. Porter Empfield of \Viluette, chairman of the commit- 'tee. Scavenger Hunt *The Nothwestern uiîiversity çhap- ter of Kappa Kappa Gamma, 'of which Miss Gertrude Batter of 157 Kenil- woth avenue, Kenilworth, is a meni- ber, is having a scavenger hunt -at Miss Batter's homeon Fiday niglit. rican, A Irieuidly wood fire in 'his cozy place, these winter days, tobld YOU welcome; -andadining room where even -the.sandwich bread is baked in our own ô%ven&, No parking troubles herm ur doorman look* alter y0UT car. The Homestead in. Evanston, operated by Philip A. Danielson, is on Hinman Avenue near ChurchStreet. Telephone GirSnlef 33MG The HOMESTEADF JNEgNSTON To Meet in City The Fiends ini Council of Evans- ton meet Friday of this week at 12 noon' at the Petit Gourmet, North Michigati avenue, Chicago, near On-ý tario street. A tour of the Art in- stitute will be made, in the afterpoon. Mrs. Albert E. Gebert, 1526 Green- wood avenue, is entetainlng Link 1,E" of the Wilmette Baptist chumch at luncheon and sewing today (Thurs-> day). co;lny hat shop ANNOUNCES *

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