Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 31

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1011VV I 'Jet'le Iirce igiiting it i riCI UwilsilIp rign scnool wiii out for the championship at the 'Subl- present a concert for the disabled urban League titie track iect ili veterans at the Veterans Administra- Oak Park fieldhouse at 2 o'ciock Sat- tion hospital in,. North Chicago Thurs- tirday afterioon, MXarch 7. day, Februarv 27. The New Trier Showing plenty ýf specd. agilitv sy'mphiony orchestra wiIl give the and strength, New Trier dlefeatedl prograni, asssited b glée club solo- Uanunond 03 to 34 L. 3 at, New ists who will sing se1ec.tions, from Trier iast Saturday to serve notice 1 "The Mikado" opera which they% will there'll bc a hot timie in the oWd town present later at, the highi school.«The of Oak Park March 7,. concert for the veterans will be under An encouragirmg New Trier- factor the eirection of Mrs. Marian Cottoni is c o-captain Cowan's return to *form and -NN. L. Brotxi., Tratisportationi after his illness: Jones, whio lhas been is to be provided hy \Vinnetka vohîni- onititl)ecaulse of an appendicitis opera- Ites tion.' returnied l)risklv to the barriers and( sliared lio.nors« withi Morton i i-igh Sehool Conitinues .tl1i:o(fc;sn .aherulining broa(l jiimpi Study of Safe Oriving vtha leap 'of 29) feet 9 inches, whiie1 New Trier students. and -faÇûlty \IcFadzeati placed a ýclose second mecmbers thisweek are taking auto- ~vih 2 fet inhe. Tm Gi-mobile drivers' tests ini the school iagher tlrust the shot put, 48 feet 2 audtorum-anid enjoying it. The in- iniches to best ail rivais, wvhile Nlould- teresting, *gadgets" -provided by the îng catapUlte(l liinself over lie loftv Chicago Motor club.test speed estima- bar to wrn tlie pole vauilt.. Coonley tion, acuit f vision, field of vision, steppey(1 off a first place ini the 440 traffic light coors, glare vi sioni, ,Ili :55.2, awid Morton flashed to first strength of griý, activity, reaction place ini the 50 yard-dash. Bill Nlr- time, and coordination of hand and ray jogge<l to second place ini thle evye. Five senior *boys .and several iaf' mile in the. neat. tinie of. 2 -09. jneuîn sent out byI) the miotor club are N\ew Tîrier's speed ,comibinatioil, of conducting, the tests on which each Snorf, Barnfard, ,\î andl Barber personi get.s a written report. took the relav eet ______________ \Nenesa~-oflast week at New 'l1rîr tefresh-soph tiildssae Girls atN. T. Introduce T rer, the da -th .-icls sae-fdcos oM dl et a ' Roma -oIAy t - nso'se-,aros.t idl W s l)Cu1sC.48 tb 1<.ý -Newv Trier \will seta precedent for Il ighi schools lu the Middle Wc'st b-, Select Cast for Senior offering lacrosse for girls in iih PIa t BeGienSoon spring, the physical echication dep)arte l'lie follNiwug cast lias been cliosen meane iune th's ,week.'Miss for the senior play to be presetited Jn Adair, gymn instructor, niember athe AII-Ainerican lacrosse teani in March at Ne%% Trier High schiool:il 11933 and 1934., wili linstruct tlh LoadShia\\-,Phil Frye, Art, Crut - g irls. IC tenden, Bill tbis Gerald. Taber, ______________ Bol) Raclin, Bill Dunshe e, Jini H{am mod Fe SrusRobert 'Math- Gis' Club J'ill Stage ison., jin Mitchell, Bill Burkhart. Beeft rig M r.1 .\rmeiu Jorjorianl, Bill Powell, Jane hcGrs ll fNwTir1lg Krause , Betty Clemients,'Grace Bull.,Te!isclb-f\w re, lgl BtyKopper, Shirleyv McCoy, Irene scllobl. hopes t o raise $800 .for its SmthEl IzaehKfeRt u- schola.rsliip fund at a bridge party to 1h am, Mary Janie Buirnett, and Betty be hleld ii the mess hall Saturday, Jane 'Vel. . arch 14, froni 2 to 5 o'cloclk in the GIVE DARCE AT SHAWNEE The Mfayfair Junior Womnans club wili give a dance at Shawnee Country club Friday evening, February 28. for fhlaigat y.. watches, *ui.Sye J eelr endLERSSINCER183 WSe il. iv onr u a l, Ho. Cor ]BRIDGE BAtTLE LOOMS The Women's Faculty club of New Trier High school bas çhallenged the Men's Faculty' club to a bridge toiurnament for Tbursday eveninig, ýMarch: 5. . IUnicagoi.> I IVpCeVILtei y Line D'.lL tank aggregation thie university bas boasted for a decade, having recent- iy taken the crack Northwestern team into cam~p in water polo. Following the meet there will. be an informaI dance ini the club room for both, competitorîsý and spectatOrs. Glen coe: 339 Park Ave.. Winn.fka: 5,1 UncoinAve. Wlmffe: 1133 Central A.. .& .A. A À. .& À~ À. GLENCOE, WILMETTE, AND WINNETKA, ILLINOIS ANNOUNCE A >FREE LECTURE 0ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ENTITLEML "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: LIFE UNAFRAID" I." senteci ny an amateur group to whiîch the entire north shore contributed, excellently directed and admirably staged by Mrs. Max Hofiman, as- sisted by Harriette Golden Harris, i)oth of Ravinia, it closeiy approaclhed the professional in, qualityi, and was e ntirely devoid of the -rough spots that* so. frejluentiv bring embarrassment to' pe rformers «and audience alike. WeII Balauced Cast in the cast. which as splendîdly 1halane d. were J. Unc oîn Gibson Of l{vanston; Enid Philliîps of Highland Park- Katherine Kirchberg of. Glen- coe; Gertrude ýWilliams' Butler. and Ada Louise Voss of Ravinia; Steve Zorich of Evanston, Lee Blaylock and Vîictor McKeighan of XVlmette. The play itself is.one of rare beauty and charm. ýPerhaps that distinction explains, in part. at 1least, the real pleasur*e one derives from Sitting through it. There are moments of igte.moments of tense interest. moments of exquisite expectancy, moments o-f stirred emotions in~ whlch handkerchiefs are brought into use nithout sharne. Its author made prac- ticai uise of what must have been a real inspiration when he wrote the Sigls of Regret- Like the closing chapter of a .'lomiey' book, the final curtain of *M.Nrs. Mooiilight" brought sighis froni those wvho witnessed it - sighs of

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