Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 1

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TO MAKE CHECK 0OF REVALUATIONS Home 0 w n e r s, Association Takes Precaution to Protect Meimbershlip The revaluation of Wimette real 0estate, upon which tbe -quadreninial. reassessment for' taxing'purposes will be made, hias. been completed. Just whilenthe figures will be given.out, i- inot known, and until they. are mad 1 public property owners wili- bave no information as to whether their taxes will be raised, lowered. or remain. ai the present figure, it is stated. Uni ôrder, not to, be. caugbit unpr e- pared,' the \Viimette 'Home. Owners association bias seàured aniultad ing'expert* in reai estate appraisals. who iil assist it s metubers in secur- ing adjustments -where revaluiations *are ouit of linie. Saîd Robert E. Rick- sen,. 1006 -Michigan avenue., president of the association: Prepare for Action, liTe. - inequahities of past. revaIu;î- lions, soine- of whicb were« beyond understanding, caused no end of Con- fuision, dispute and hardsbip. As far as Wilmette is concerned, this asso. £ ciation is deterninied to do everytbing in ils poiver to correct atly unfair valuations. The average citizen is at a loss to kn ow how to p roceed to get the. Board of Assessors. Directed Iby tlis aýssociation's expert. and backed IhyLthe:infuenice of ils nxeinbcrsbip of a tholisand Wilmette .home owners, we feel that action can be secured to adjust anvy iiequalities.that inay' corne Time to Ast, Now '"It iuust not, he overlokedta upon the present revaluation taxes ývill l)e assessed for the next 'four years. and should any valuation be ISAFETY SPEAKER Ch ief of Police Cloyd C. VcGitire icill be t/eje gest speaker at t/je luncheoii imeetinig of lite Wilmette ýCivic leagiue this Priday' noon a-t Mars/ult Field's doztitowî&j store. He wili discuss tije current safety- caitpaigui in prc(,.ess- throughout, NTezi Trier towpgîsljip, a feature of îvhicla arecrves scliool sessio;ns ai STrir-Hi,hschool. Ruth E. Hansen Speaker at C. of C. Luncheon 'I'l e \ilniette Chainber oi Coin- inierce will hold its regular nioonday luncheon meetinig, Monday, March 2 at St.* Jobn's Lutheran churcb, Xi- mette andPark'avenues. Reservations should be made through the office of the chamber not lat er than Saturday, February 29. Miss Ruth E. Hanseni, Villagge nurse and truant officer, will be the, principal speaker, Following ht Atte >mpt to, Pass Freight Truck Measure ,March .1 Deadlt*ne for Payment of 2nd Tax Instaliment Taxp)ayers of New Trier town-sbip are, reminded- that they have, only aà few miore davs iiiwhich to pay the second iii'staliment of the 1934-gen- eral taxes to Sanhorin Hale.,'town- slipý collector, thereby permitiing an earlv disitribution of, the m oney 1W the' schools.and çother-,tax.\ing hodies of X ew Trier. .Saturdav. Fehruarv 29. will be the last day Nî\r..Hale wvill be permfitted, to collect these taxes., after which paynient wili have to be made to-the county collector,. iii-Clhicago. It shculd also be borne inin in~d that March 1. is the penalty date on tbe second iinstallmientf of the 1934 taxes. Pavmnents bave. been coming in Slowlv. Mr., Hale rep)orted Tuesday miorniing. and, unless there is a speed-- iîg, Up hetîveen before the ende of the week. many taxing bodies in the township are certain to experience difficulty l>y being compelled to wait longer for -theinoniey so badly need- ed for their opérations. *The taxpayer should bear in mmdii, Mr. Hale said, that the matter of a réduction iin tax bUis because of questionable. illégal rates, in the case of New Trier tax bis sbould not amotint to more than 5 or 6 per cent, in the event the courts sbould hold ainy portioni of the Ivarious tax rates illégal or excessive. The low percenitage ini this' towni- sbip is. due to the fact* that New rirtax bis are flot affected by the city of Chicago and the Chicago Board of Education tax rates. These constitute a major portion of the questionabe rates which have been attackeci. North ýShore. Proporty Owners. Association. in Battie to Kiit Sinister- State Law North shore coMmunities are aroused to a higb pitcb this week be- cause of efforts .being made to jam- tbrough the. state legisiature House, Bill No. 110, kn!own as the Sinnett bill,' provisions 'of which imake- it., rnandatory to 'issue certificates of necessity and .convenience to com- mon and contract carriers, including trucks, to operate over existing routes witbout hearings before the Illinois Commercé commission. The bill'.is sponsored by Representative Thomas P. Sinnett of Rock Island. About seyventy-five. carriers. are, involved.. Would Demy "Day in Court" The present law providles that any comimon or con tract carrier may go before the Commerce commission and, peetreasons why it sbould be granted a certificate of necessity and convenience to operate over different or additional routes. Tbose opposing the issuance o'f such a certificate mayý also appear before the commission and present reasons why it should not be granted. Under the Sinnett bill,. say those interested, this "'day in court" would 6e den.ied to, op- ponen1ts of such applications. Morve luto Action Discovering that the bill was to coine up Tuesday for consideratilon in the bouse of representatives, of-. ficials of the North Shore Property, Own1ers association went imb action, and. burriedl'y organized a, groutp, to oppose con sideration of the measure at this session of the legisiature. Howard F. Bishop of Evanston, at- torney for the association, spent al day Tuesday in~ Springfield directing GO TO FLORIDA Nlrs. Clyde P. Ross and daughter, Miss Shirley, of 1321 Cbestnut ave-t nue, are spending. a monih at St.. Petersburg, Fia. Officiaiý urban servii light Saving Don'tfi rSaturday ni ýtated that the North V schedule similar. *0 t.hal ime. get to turni your dlock t, Februitry 291! jt.s entire Vestern railroad wiIl adopt a sub- t operative in the past undtr Day- abiead one hour before' retiring on. ONE FIRE CALL Wednesday of .iast week the fire department was called to the home of Ray Fjellmian, 1920 Greenwood ave- nue, where a truck beloniging to Mr. Fjellmani was ablaze.. No daniage re- suted.

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