Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 29

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* Entry fee-$3-payable at the time of team l entry. Place - NIchols school gymnaslum. Tuesday, M4arch 3; Týhursday, March 6; Tuesday, >March !0. .Boltwood Field house. Sunday, March 8; Sunday, Mardi 15. Eight (8) players willl be allowed. on a, tearn roster. This is strictly a, ""B", tournament and playere on rosters wilI be subjeet to ac- ceptanice. or rejection by the Bureau of Réereation. No varsity basketbali players of ýeith- er high school or university w111 be allowed, In this tournament. (This rule does flot refer toi bigh sehool llght- Wei!gbt sqflads.) No North Shore-league players wiII be eligible to play. Trophies - 8 Individual awards to chamnpionship team; i teahn trophy for second place;,:1 tean sportsnianship trophy to the team displaying best sportsmanshlp; 5 Individuai awardg to *A-11-Tournatiient"' team. Send in youir entryý at one-slxten (16) teams are desired. câli Greenleaf 8100--or,. mail to the Bureau of Reç- reation. BôlItwn>od Field house, Evanston, Illinois. C6lony Hat Shop Opens New Store in Evanston The Colony Hat Shop announces, the opening of a new sbop in Ev- anston, at 1640 Orrinigton avenue, Wednesday, Marcb 4. The cbarm anid the wealtb of lively color froin the homes. of our great grandparents have been inistilled into the atmos- Edin L. )raçhearç, 623 SpruceC Street, Wùin-etka,ý operator of theý Drake and B-ackstoge hotels, touas recen tly elected. president of thée Grea fer'Chicago Hotelassýociation. Milr. Brashears, 37, is thse youingest mon et'r ètttWd to, this o~ffic~e. A graditate of Anuapolis, hc has lived u in iipetka four years. Southern Minister. at Chicago Sunday *"Doing somethipg about it"1 subject of the address to be by Dr. Henry M. Edmonds, Inde ent Presbyterian church. Birmir,, Club is the gf9liven U4ay eveningK.. A telegram received f rom Major Charles E. Boyle, coach of the Corne1l team, indicated that bis starting lineup would bring iinto ac- tion Steve Roberts, Tom and Jack Lawrence, with C. C. "Bud" Conibs and Warner Jones being held in.. reserve. Arriving in Cbicago early SaturdaY the >Big Red team wil spend n'ist of the day in becoming accliniated to the near north side, arena. 'At, -noonl. the players wiIl be guests at a luncheon being given. by the Cornell Universitty lut) of Chicago at, Mandel BrtesYol- lowing this brief respite, the. mallet-, wielders will return to ýthe Riding Club for. their final practice, drill be- fore skirmisbing with' the Troopers. at 9:30o'clock. After the game, the Corneli teain will top oiff a busy day by. attending a reception being. given in theirhonor at the Casino club. Assured of a record-breaking turn- out by* the local 'alumni, numbering more1 than eight hundredý members, arranigemuents ar'e being made to in- crease the seating capacity of the arena. Despite the unusual heavy demand for tickets, one thousand general admission seats wilI flot be placed on sale until a few hours be- fore gaine time whicb has been the turne honored customn at the Riding dub since 1933. Winnetkan Goes West to, Manage'Bicycle Exhibit, lthe Doctor Ordered'ý-. T. L.WSolmoms, buaodN. . the. new cessories LU give a iVCeII1 oLa hundred years of .pleasing back- ground.' A flowered velvet carpet autbentically copied from one of the popular-Brussels of this,,early period covers the flÉoor from wall to wall and a golden striped paper, repro- ucdf romn one of the walls -of an * old bouse in Nachez, Mississippi, with a festooned paper border from the sanie house, creates the proper set-, * ting for the rnodernized Victorian furisiL . Dr.' Edmonds writes,' speaks 'and works witb an entlsusiasm and aware- ness wbich has won for hum an inter- national reputation. Last summer lie made a. preaching tour of the large churches of England. He has carried, on for years a unique and effective social service work in Birmingham, pairticularly among the negroes. Theý story of bis active service, botb civic and r.eligious, stamps bim as a sym- patbetic, democratic and forceful. i rades of .tmerica, at the rditic International exposition whicb bas- recently been reopened at San Diego. Miss Larsen, wbo bas taken charge of similar exhibits in Atlantic City and at A Century of Progress, will remain on the coast' until late Sep-, tember. Upon ber return in the fal she wiIl continue ber' writing and Illustrating on the subject of bi- cycling, for variôus magazines and other publications, as she bas been, The -lesson-sermon also includeci 184 to receive honiors at tbe uni7- ocracy," at the Loyola thefolowig assgesfron hé ersty.Elis is a member of the theatré, 1320 Loyola aveni Christiani Science textbook, "Science field artillery unit while Garretson is evening, Marcb 9. Dr. and Health witb. Key to tbe Scrip- a member of tbe cavafry unity. Botb made ià close study of Ru: tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mind are members of the Pershing Rifles, for the past 14 years. I manifests ali th at exists in the in- a picked corps of marksmen from the* gaged in relief work in finitude ofTruth" '(p.). basic R. 0. T. C. units. several 'years. was~ en- ssia for

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