Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 22

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I anufo. BooKSEoP . M3B9IT .SERVICËI N LThe abols Y. bey The gooks Y.. Roui 1724 Orringfouî. Evnsion G... 0227' As 1d hi; FL®lP ÇHoI Isurate win pre-depression incomes and entirely out of balance with their, immediate resources. The mention of . the 'Rooseveits, the HOLC, and many other details, definitely place this- storv ini the present time. The pure sting of the philosophical intent of the book, ýdepicted, ironically and yet lIogically, time and'againi is temporarily glossed over with a ful and luscioùs humanizing realismi and humor. And at times one really for- gets the structure of the entire novel to have ntany 1-good laugbs witb the {oe, family. Laugh '-ne mu st as one. recogni.zes al, sorts of' familiar situations and characters. An,in- stance of this. is the division super- inteindent. bringîn1g into the depart- m ent store as a salesgirl'.Mrs. Hoe,' wbo is invited to demnonstrate, the use of dental: powder to secure the sticki4g of false teeth plates, using~ ber own as a model. The characters, and events stand out clearly, Miss -Lawrence once or twice straying from factual stating to take the reader into the inner feeling of the characters. If ont theý whole, the book lacks sentiment and poetry, tltese qualities are replacec l with virile realism and logic. At the end of the story, siîice the characters seem to. have learaëd 1 girls. i nese include stories for girls by such popular novelists for aduits as Elizabeth Corbett and Josephine Daskam Bacon, a basebail story by the deanl of American sports story- ,writers. R.alpb Henry Barbour, a de- lightful, tale, of ancient Rome by Gladys, Blake, a lively Tennessee Mctntail story by the ýauthor (if Thle !i<qpy Ao,,,î tain, Maraistan ,Chaputail, and a splenldid biography of the poet Longfellow,, by Hildegarde Haw- thborne. W for Older Girls Thousanlds of dider girls are ac- quainited with theý Graper girlsad have followed them u tp through the -cars of their growth. Now Eiza- betli Corbett,: author of novels for adults such -as The Younq Mrs. .llii.(s Beri hot 1w rites' another real novel'about the Beini Phtosisters. iIcII, and' Jirn-ýcstilnc -Gra/'er -Alrs. Carleto.n 14.'. shbigrie of ( Appleton-Cenitury). Here is Marion lJ/înnt'étka lias becîz mode a pieember a bride, and after a year the mother of the aidz;isorvi board of "Storv, of twins. Here is Beth graduating Parade," a neza, magazine for, girls, front college and playing a tennis and bsf roi eihitIo tzcclve ycars gaine that lands ber on the courts. of U9C. lte firiss 'tue of whUdt ûp- of IForest HUis. And Ernestiiie. ber Prarcd inIi e-eemiber. The publica- graduate Nvork finished, gets bier ad- lion contains stories, pictures, poemis. vertising job in a New York depart- p/layis and. boo.k reviýzcs, and cach mnisoe cihilczarre -etez rii,)% Once again, the accomhpl ished aduit on pecal 'og. nvchtJosephine, DaskamlnBacon, wrtsan excitinig mystery story for Thursdav, Friday and Saturday of gil. il1I"V td!1A 1to . en this week, "Storyç Parade" .will have tury). Almost overnigbt, Kit ChaI- an exhibit at the national convention, mers' picturesque and luxurious, li-fe of the Progressive Education as- 'ini a fashionable New York boarding sociation at the Palmer House in school is replaceil by country life'atnd Chicago. Mrs. Washburne is super-* the necessity of earning'ber owîin liv- vising the arrangements for the ing. Mrs. Bacon has wri1tten an ab~- "Story Parade" booth. ' sorbliig story in which a vivacîolus By 1 initiing the age group to whichJ youitg girl provides the solution to thie, intent ïs ro sîtap tne photograpit ope to: meet a very detînite need. FojlorBy of the family as is, with the data ail Other chitdren's periodicals, striving RaFph Heîtry Barorhswitt before the reader to focus and emi- to reach too wide an age group, ait exciting, basebaîl story for ýboys, pltasize as hie sees fit. have at times hit. wide of the. mark .1erfl"emis tfe.ic mue(ipplet' - There is very littleý plot, and oil and appealecl to none, is the feeling' Century). -It coîttains vivid conversa- miight say the story was buiît arounid of the editors of "Story Parade." tinhuoonaosevrpg, one theme. But for humor antd en- Ch'idre author and artists1 descriptions of basebaîl, as olnlv NIr.. joyable readiitg and, perbaps a little have cooperated enthusiastically, and1 Barbour caît write themn, and a hos't juggling With arithmetic., and also as àmong the contributors announiced of lifelike characters. The action -ot a îollow 'up on Joséphine Lawrence, are:- RalIph Henry Barbour, Walter the story centers about a s0biled and who also wrote -Years Are so long," de la Mare, Charles Finger, Rose selfish individual who attempts to il]- list this for your reacling. Fylemnan, Wancia Gâg, The Haders, iect Politics into the electioti 01a -Virginia Dickintson Hlenry B. Lent, Mayv McNeer, R. G. Ibasebail caant nd. t he àm McDonald,2 Johnn:y and Graw. M'iss Carolyn cludes with a statement4 A Study 0f creed and program. His1 Yrtle B. Mc- tended to sound a rallyi the foces of Amüerican 'Li nd con- Tt) Ski! wnlch1 his own out next week. ,k is in-. belpful graphic cry to thor, a German alism. Canada bis head( ail ook, i.earui Ian will briîtg Iustrated With ms. The au- now inakes

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