Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 18

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Chrc. INDAT SERVICES Chrhsebool ..... .....I:45 a. m Mornlng worship ..-............ il a. mn. Luther lbague .........5:30 p.mi. j ýnU.WEEK LENTEN SERVICE WednesdaY evening8 . i Ail 'services next Sunday morning, M&rch 1 wilfl be operated on the new Easter ri Te. Pleaseop this In mmnd., Tho nalc for the, service of *orshiP noxt Sunday morning la as follows: Organ Preludo-Vision : ý. Rheinberger AntheM-ff-OW Lene2Wilt T'hou Forget Me?... ................. Pfluegor Thi'e Senior Choir Solo--Spirit etf (bd.......Neldinger JOY 'Wilson Dresslet Postlude-]Festi val Hyn .. Bartlett Victoria I(cLeod-MInlstrY etf Music The. World Day..eofPrayet' session will- bo held on fldaylatteirnoon at 2 e'cleck at the Methoit'church. Senior choir rehearsal-FridaY evening at 7 :30, o'clock. Junior choir rehearsal - $aturday morning at 10 o'clock. T!he Lthera5ti eburdIl stil1 beleves In God, the Bibe, Sin, Pray9t' and the Church. A series of l"Why 1 Belieirn" sermons will begin next Sunday mOi'!- Ing, taklng up respectively each of the beliets. The Church council will meet on Tues- day evenig at 8 o'clock. At our Mid-Week Lenten service on Wednesday, evening we shall b. priv- ileged In having the Rov. K. E. Irvin of Chicago bring us the message. Let us have a fine attendalice at our Iid-Week services.- Thrh h rsY tenoiete WemnI's uociety W-111 meet at the. cuco n. urday . K.ee wil pest2 the. topic, "Our J.4tin American Neigh- bors-Who Are They,"1 Mrs. Paul John- son will have the Magazine Quis and. Mrs. Hayson and Mrs. Melbye will be- the liostesses. Thie Mens club wIll meet at the church on Thursday evening at 8 o'cieck.> Ail the men' are Invited te enjoy this fine meeting 1In tellowship. The women etftthe church are sotting asido the weok ot March 2 te 6 as ,a Week et Prayor. - They wll have a tare. f, f lve ,r&ovm horsmthree ef Oigan: Chorale, -jeeuMeine Freude". .. .. .... .. ;. .. .. 1.. .. .. .B ach Oftertory "Temnple Bell»". ... ee "4March in C"........... Cadmfanq Antheis, d'He Watching Over Israel"... ............Mendelssohn' "HoShh FedHie Flock" ...Harker On Tuesday next, The Chicago BaptIst1 Social Union neets at the Hamilton club1 with dinner at 6 :304 A delegation from. ,Wilmette *111 be there te hear .Arthur Barnhart'and Dean Gll.key. On Wed-A nesday evening at 8, Dr. Allison gives another oetus, Interesting religieus book reviewe, based, on the new biog- raphy ef Sidney Lauter, Christian Peet of the South, by Lincoln Lereni. The public Is invited wIthout charge, te enJoy this inspiring suy .Methodist Ckurchl Lake and, WIlmette avenues The Rev. Ames Thernburg, minister Sunday, March, 'làe1tthe tiret Suniday in Lent. It le earnestly desired that .menubei'g andfrisof et.the schurch plani te a~ttend the entire series et Lenten service. The ,ninister's sermon theme fer the il o'clock worship service next Sunday morning wil h: "Jerusalern, 0 Jerusaiem." *The music fer the il 'clock worship service Sunday morning, March 1, wil be as follows: èrgan (10:45): "Choral Symphonique".« ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D iggle "Largetto" (Clarient Quintet). .Mozart Marie Bniel Introit: "Grant Me True Courage, Lord" .... . ach Anth~em: "Thou, 0 Lord, Art My Shield", .... . .. .. . .. .Stevenson Offertory Solo Organ ?ostlude:- 5"Tocca.tta. In G". ... . . . . . . . . . . . .Demarest There wil1 be a service of Holy Cern- Smunion each Sunday morniflg In March at 8 o'clock In the Sanctuary. The High Schoel pworth league will meet Sunday evening 5 :30 o'clock. Tr'u- man W. Potter Ie In charge. Theta Upsilon Rho, for young people abeve high school age, will mieet Sunday, evening at 5:30 o'clock. Robert Bald- ridge Is in charge. evoryone and Will gladly caîl for articles donated., Fer furtiier Information cal Mrs. H. E.ý Poronte, .Wiletto 87 or. Mrs. Wilàrd Tha'yer, Wiinetto 1083. New Membersi wlllho received on Palm Sunday. The ministor wlll behappy te send for your certificateef transfer. Infants wlll ho haptized on Palmn Sun- day. The mninister will, ho glad te e- ceive the names. ~FrtPresbyt erians Ninth street at Greenleat avenue Wilmhetie James T. Veneklasen, minister Our morning wership service will ho held at il e'clock. The minister will preach the hast et the series et sermons en "ýThe Lomd'e Prayer," with the theme, "'Thine. Is The. Ghory." We comdlalhy: invite -you te worship1 wi th us. The music for the morninfg service will b. a.s follows: preude, "Songw WIthouit Werds" (Duet), Mndelssohn; afltlern, "Praise the. Name et the Lord," Ivanof! ; solo, "The. Farthi Is the Lord's", Lynes,. Fgdward Otis; peethude, "Scotch Poem,"1 MacDowell. Miss Emma Rounds Is di- rector. We Invite you teo Join our Sunday school which nicets in ail departments ,at 9 :30 o'clock. "Some Ijelps te lhe Christian Lite,"' le the practical lesson ln the Aduhi Bible chass which meets at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. We invite you te join us. Interesl!ng and usetul emPloyment for the chiidren Is previded for Sunday niornings durlng the worship period. se that parents may bring theni with theni. The Paslor's Confirmation class for those who wish te Joln the church at Eaaster wil meet aI 9:30 e'clock Sunday morning fer a hait hour. There are a, number ln the clasa, but theme is still lime.te loin. The Tuxis ctlub, the hlgh echéoo group etf young people, *Ii meet at 5 :30-o'clock at the church. Interestlng and1 helpful lessons and discussions and goed tel- lowship are provided for those who at- tend. We Invite ahi those of high school age te ho wilh us. our Society. Mr. jiADert k. 'L.CKr Marc7h 8-The Choice Of a Reasonable Religion. Mr. Howard Miller. March 15-The Choiceetfa'Companion. Rev. J. G. Ilindley. March 22-The Choice et a.,Vocation.. Mr. J.,W. Fisher, Jr. March 29-TheChoice of, a Code. (The Rules et the Game). Rev. J. G. Hindloy. April 5-The 'Cboice- et Bellots te L ve By., Rev. J. G. Hindfley. BOARID 0F TRUSTEES The board of trustees Will hold Its reg- ular meeting next. Menday evening at 7:30 P. m. at the church. THE WONAN'S G1llIIL The North. Wet circie will'hold its monthly meeting Friday, February. 28, at.the home et Mrs. G. W. Putnam, 1127. Greenwood avenue. The hosteeses will, bo Mrs. G. T. Frykman, Mrs. H. L. Miller,' and Mrs - H. J. Dreba.". 1The. Cozy Corner cirçie wil neet at the home o! MrÉ. Alfred Sehuber, 832 Park avenue rhursday, MarÉch 5. The assisting hostesses will b. Mrs. A. An- dlerson, Mrs. A. P. Hoiway, anid Mrs. T. F. Cook. *WORLD'S DAY OF FRAYER Thé World's Day et Prayer wilI be eb- served rdy Fbur 8 at the Meth- odist church at 2 p.ý m. REGLTLAR ANN<OUNCEMENTS *Sunday-9 :30 a. m.-Church, echeol. Il a. m.-Church service,. Beginnere' de- partment and Worid Friendhip Pro- gramn for chilclren. 5:30 p. m.-Younk People's meeting. Tuesday - 3:30 p. m. - Camp Fire group. Wednesday -3:30 p. ni.-Brownies. 7:30 p. ým.-Boy Scout Treop, No. 2. ThursdaY-3 :30 p. m.-Junior Choir for Girls. 4 p. r.-Boys, choir. 7:15 P. ml.-Senior Choir rehearsal. 7:30 P. mr.-IBoY Scout Treop No. 1. Saturday-10 :30 a. mn.--Girls' choir re-, hearsal. il a. m.-Boys, choir rehearsal. St. Jolzn's Lutheran' W.ilnette and, Park avenues J. H. Gockel, Paster 9 :15 a. mn.-First service. 9:30 a. m,-rn.Sunday school and Bible clisses. 10:40 a. m.-Preparatory service for HOlY Communion. il a. m.-Second service, with Holy Communion. to 11. ay, 8 On Prlday, inu 1, Mi., Mx. .~-l leader. nieets witb: Mi'0. R.F. Lynch, ThmScidaiviio andm t tmo- he. . s46 Oak circle, withhMra . L . Kerr h eod iiinwllme.oo- TePolrno -r, ilb h asststing. LinkN, Ms. *A. C. oi ow (Friday) àt 10:30 o'clock at the sermon theme at the il 'clock church "ewswuddfrortas brlaer, wil, meet at the churri home of Mrs. A. L. Fuller, 915 Tenth service next Sunday morning. The. music gressione'"-that le the solution for tue on Wednesday., Mah 4 re. Co-hostesses: Mesdames William 1ill e as toîîows: mstyetCrt'paenthtw Harvey, R. G. Khn.bell, and Harold p Pre. d-daiRlgooo.. Mendelssohn preach. Corne and heag0. ht, Roulr eeins tth Curh c io Lynch. Anthem--God Who Tôuchesl Barth Nith (Continued onpg52

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