vo 1,0 M E AT S .QuaUtyad ut geur -êPF00D1>STORE GENWINE FINE SPRING- LEGS of LAM-B S.lb.1 91/2C LOIN LAMSCOPS .............. lb. 31c ROASTING. FRYING, OR STEWING CHUCKENS. l b.IS.5c SWIPTS SELEC RIB ROAST.. I 171/c 6t* and 7*1. cul's Here are thé 1100 elinquenit persona! Pro Perty tax bis against reside>zts Of Witpiette, Jeilwýorth: and Winnetka, for the sears 1932 and, 1933. There~ are 5,7Ü00 for the formner year and 5,300 for 1933. Mathew P'rancIs Ph o to This Plcture was taken a the home.of Justice of thé Peace, R. E. Sinsheimner, 93 pruce .treet, Winnetka, (picture with thé bis) in Whose hands they, have been placed for collection, and where yo u. mnay go to settie when you. receive your notice. His office hours are f rom 7 to 9 p. nm.,, week days, except Satur- days, wben the y are from 2 to 4 p. m. Mr* Sinslieinier announced Tues- day evening that notices to ail those delinquent in Winnetka and Kenil- worth in the paymnent of thec 1932 taxes, have gone out, and unless settiement is made within two weeks, summonses will be issued, which means additional. cost. Wilmette notices for the 1932 delinquencies wilI be put in the mail March 15, he .said, and unless paid, summonses will fol- low shortly. The 1933 notices will go out: later, or as soon as he coni- pletes the work on the 1932 bills. To those receiving notices for either year, M~r. Sinsheimer explains that when you corenein, it is essential to show the, court (with receipted bis) just what you have paid prior to 1932 and also since then. "It is my intention,' he said, 4ýto give the taxpayers, as well as the taxing bodies, my fullest considera- tion. HOME PROM SOUTH Mr. and. Mrs. Walter H. Hilde- brand, 610 Laurel avenue. arrîved F i-iALTH CR 1VERi The next chest clinic will be, held Monday, March 16, fÉom 1 to 3:30. Dr. Julius Novak, médical director of the. Chiicago Tuberculosis institite, will be in charge. The dental clinic, supported by, the Logan-Howard P. T. A., is con- ducted every Tuesday miorning at the Health Center. Mrs. Emma A. Stop- ka, R. N., school nurse, is ini charge. Every Wednesday is held the dental clinic supported by the WiI- mette Health Center. On Thursday miornings the Moth- ers' club of St. Joseph's school sup- ports a dental clinic at the 'Health Center, with Miss Hansen, R. 'N., school nurse, in charge. The next Infant Welfar e clinic will be held at the Health Center, 1901 Schiller. street, February 26. Dr.,N. Shaw,, Pediatrician, will be in charge. The American Red Cross is con- ducting a class ini First Aid nursing under Miss Diller Wednesday even- irng at the Wilmette Health Center, froni 7:~30l no 9:30 . ..........*** .. SI re 500 C her r, ý,on M( rida in cher to îer drc, will rett drive