Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 12

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Chiarles 1L.( kicns, campc Ihave ber1 Jof the camf in camp ti -a camper. -Patronize Our Advertisers. SA V CA I hurs.. Fr.,KSa t., Fecb 27, 2f4, 2$ ~ 10 ~ b I pavlng ~CASH- and children'S *Coate *Hat&' forthe young miss ICentral and Wilmnetie Avenueï, Wiinette Scommittee is: iwvery girl s summer, and every girl SIN COUTS CAMP At the annual1 meeting o f the local council, Mrs. Dernehi, chairma n, report- ed for the eiamp üoffmmttee that during the past summer 30 Scouts, had been present fromn two to four. weeks each at the Des Plaines councii's-. Camp Hick-. ory 11111 near ËEdgerton, Wis. tyo Scouts for.three weeks eaüh, at a Chi- cago camp, Timber Trail, Munising, àlich..; one Sc'ý(out, at Pottawottamie Mis, owned by Kenoshia,- Wis., coun- vil; ten Scoutsforonue *week each "'trool> and caiiping" at Camp Cox, the gift cottageý of the Cox family on their farrni near Elgin; 37 Scouts at day: camp -Camp -ley Day." Mrs. Dernehi reports in addition to the màîiy individual troop meetings an average attendance of 30 froim ail troops on trips, to the planetar- juin, the museuma and the zoo. in the fun and adventure and happy ecîmpanienfihip oethIese trips 'and camp- Let Me Plan Your Parties j DINNERS, PROGRAMS, Etc. MISS EUNICE BONNIWELL I1919 COLFAX ST., EVANSTON DAVIS 1740 peoples~, Ucuos nd Ull: VJan.'eL1st1c. For this badge a Scout must colleet starnps and postcards of vlews of a for- eign country and correspond with at least one girl from that country; know some- thing of ýthe history of that country. in relation tothat of her own.; know sonie- thing of' its chief wrlters, artists and inventors and ôther men of importance; collëet reproductions of or pictures of thé, .outstanding works of. art; be able to dance one of lits folk darices, sing sonie of its songs, Or draW or embroider in lits national, style. The. Scout must also have some kno-%,ledge'éf the. Girl'Guide and Girl Scout and Boy Scout* Interna- tional organisations, and of the League of .N'lation&-and its component parts. For the world interpr.eter badge the Scout, Must have a workingý knowledge of one'or more foreign languages.. The couincil welcomesMr.ý Denoyer as- one of lis examîners. Miss Florence Marceli, ýour Scout ex- ecutive, ýfl tecoimnllished toc and tap dancer as *ell as an expert swimmner and diver and Red Cross life saver, will examine the Scouts wishing to pass their tests- for the dancers' badge. The work for this badge Is excellent for correct posture, poise, Thythm nand understand- * ing of other peoples, as the Scout must .be able to demonstrate the correct standing position, the proper carniage In walklng, both a curtsy and a ?reep curtsy, and five fundamental positions in danc- ing; demonstrate the waltz. and fox trot, and dance welI and correctly cer- tain folk dances lncluding English coun- try dances, Swedish folk dances, Fin- fish, and SIavic sueh as the Polish, Rus- si an, Serbian., Czechoslovak, Czecli, Slo- yak and MNoravian, and also the Amner-, can folk dances. She must also be able to give. a short history of the dance. TU RE1F-DAY COURESE. 1Mrs, Sprag4ie L. Chapin, in charge of arrangements. announes a traininig couirse for Brùêwnie leaders will be Iield Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, March 4, 5 and 6. at the flaptist church In Wllmette. TFhis is a tweive-hour course, two hôurs each session beginning each miorn- lng at 9:30 o'clock and eaeh afternoon at 1 :30 for the three daiys. Attending this course will. be the Brownie leaders froni Glencoe, Winnetka. Kenilworth,. Edison Park, Park Ridge, Elgin, St. Charles, Brookfield, Evanston and Des: Plaines. Mrs. Chapin will have charge of the, sessions on. Wednesday, illustrating games; and on Thursday mortning Dr. driver and pedestrian, the investiga- tion revealed that enforcement of present laws by, police departments and courts is the best method of ob- taining resuits. Law EnfoL-celent Effective The survey which includes a study of the records of enforcement and death rates.in 38 cities over the past two. years.-shows thatthe motor e bicle death raté declines in those cities thiat, increase the nuimb.er of ar.rests and convictions for speeding. reckless drivingi, passing reci lights and oither:traffic violations. Cities were ranked on an enforce- ment index based on the rati(à be- tween the ninhmer of convictionis and the number of persotial. injury acci- d ents. Ranked on this l)asis, the re- port showved, that cities in the highiest ,gropincéluded those with an index.of more than four convictions of opera- tors of cars1 per personal injury acci- dent. The medium group %N'as froin 4.0 to 1 *25 and the lov group) included those' under 1.25. AnOffer Suggested Goal Anenforcenient index of 10: court convictions to every personal injury accident is suggested bythe report. as the goal towards mhich cities, should Strive 'in working for a. reduction ini automobile accidents. Pack 1, Mlrs. Van Wlnkle ln charge dur- ing Mrs. Milis' absence in the ,south: . Brownie Pack 1 met at the usual tinie (3 :30 P. ni.) on February 18 at th(, Methodlst church of Willrette. When al of the Brownles had gathered ini a circle. with clieeks still red froni the cold out-of-doors, MÇrs. Van Winkle, Brown Owl, inforrned thé girls they were going to make somte bags. The bags were brown cloth (the color of their. dresses> and on front of theni was drawn a figure of a Brownle which very -soon, was to become a yellow Brownle, by the efforts of the girls. The bags when corn- pieted, were going to be use d to keelp feach Brownie's supplies separate. 'The girls, after a while, wandered into groups sewlng their, best and fastest, much, delighited WlIth their *new Job., The girls gré mostly 9 years old, with the exception of two who are 7. ;Mrs. Van- Winkle said that in three weeks she will award sonie gold bars to the girls who earned. themi. Their meeting uîsuaslly iùl,; t 4:10 rTe Scouts Shewil condiuet examinations for the' îy. home nursing badge Saturday mornlng, March 7, at 10 o'clnck at her office. Press club BIRTHDAY DINNER the Brown The Girl Scouts and parents are sav- who do not. mg Thlursday, March 12. for tlir btrth- report froni day dIinner at the PreshYterlah chureh. The GoLOMIDAL. OAMP WASH Guaranteed to Be -the FnstMoney Can Buy

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