1 SrisIing Sardines Packed in pure olive oil. Fine for ail sorts of appetizers, sandwiches end agood, old Dufch lunch. 8 for 1.00 I. for, 2 7c Fre sh - crsp and tasty. A deIicious par.d toast to serve witk cr.am.d eggs or poach.<I eggs. Package 5 a TEXAS SEEDLESSGRAPEFRUIT So easy to Prepare when there èàre no seed's. Fine for sa'lads as, wel as a breakfast fruit. Doz. 89c size for . c CRAN BERRI ES For colorful. and rofreshing ccktoils, joUites and sherbef. NEW BUETS So good and so colorful, especially when they are peeled, sbredded raw and cookd in butter. bunch c ib. 122 A, welcome luncheon entme either.,as if la or -when . urned into of or cult p 2 cN.I Fat35 1,2 lic1 S 5 for 1.00 3-for 1.00. i t Chicken livers and ricel There's a ýsplendid combination. rice is also on sale. The45 vu - -w Butt.red carrots are always isiviting and raw carrot salad is equaily cgood. bunch 5c NEW CAIBAGE Th ewcb agehs such a fresh flavor. Shred and cook if eigyht minutes in boilirig sait water-then season and add ' c melted buffer or cream before serving. 3 Ibm. 1I They weigh frQm 21/2 to 31/2 Ibs. eacb., And are they lup1 , and tenderi lb. TC. RIB-ROAST,0F BEEI Deliciout'ly tenderi Large, lb.-23c. and juicy. Our beef always is. S..11, lb. £ 7C I Roa or skia* . . .Me or 8iet. . . ISe.hlessrs trucks ore on the str..'t' FE B .RUARY 27,9 1936 Fancy HetadRcelb7/c HALIBUT STrEAK Bake andserve with the cauliflower vegetable ore > 9 suggest.,d.0cus So good when fried in plenty of fresh l:2 butfoer.23 CI4ICKEN LIVERS 181 J' Rogeri