Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Feb 1936, p. 8

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PERMANENT if you consider these factors: 1. flair Bboul Be Properly Siuiupooed. Our operators do this- and more -~ they thor-' oughly massage and con- dition. your hair at the same time. L. fair Shouid Be Dlvi4ed DIto Saii, ]Evea Sections. Tiils naturally Involves more time anld labor than an operator who specializes ln cheap per- manents can afford, to give you. 96 lFInding flair Io important. An operator should have both the knack and z years of experience to give you the best work. Our operators- have al had seven ot more yearsx experlence. PHONE WILMÊTTE 79 wilmiette beauty shop 1137 Central Ave. Music iat the services is announuced as follows: Tov L'Jiodos................ Goldfarb, Borchu......................Bplcker Shema ............. .......... Spicker Michoinocho ........ ý....ý .. ...Tyler Tzur Ylsroel ......... ....Landsman Kedusha.............. .....Thatcher May the Words ...........Binder. Antheni: "Giortouiî Forever".. ............ Rachataninoif Solo: "The Piigrim ýSong". Tschaikovsky Miss Lucille Long VaAahn.......... ....Landsmanl Kadsh.............Landsman Elohenlu .... .... ...,.Stark Mrs. Fred Burklund of 2021. Lake avenue will entertain bi1er bunco club today (Thursday) aàt her home- The club consists of eight',menibers, miost of whomi live ini Wilmeëtte SUITS1 TOP COATS -824.50 - 831.50 egùtioeng -1t.pafring Sgent- Burners & Air Coiditioning J. C. SLOWN HART and TIMICEN OIL SURNERS Day and Night Service on A Il Makes A combination you'IlIôlke .A Chocolote MorshmaUlow, Lemmon Ico and VouilU. Regular 60c value (QU. PEACOCK."S (CE CREAN dred mothers and teachers. braved the cold and; were rewarded' for their efforts by a splendid program. lm- mediately after the meeting opened Mgrs George Quinlan, Central-.Laurel president, introduced Mrs. De Vin- ney,, president of tbe visiting organi- zation. Aiter a few brief reinarks ,r. eVinneypresented theNrh Shore' .Ensemble, -accompanied . by Electa -Austin Gamron.. They gave a vaiied program of beautiful,'songs. Mrs.. Shearon of- Central-Laurel in- troduced Dr. Clarence Simon, speak- er. Dr. Simon gave us. an enilighten- ing talk on. "Corrective Speech." Mrs. Quinlan then adjourned the meeting for the 'social.'hour.- Mrs. J. -R. Harper, first president of the Logan-Howard P. T. A. cut. the hirthday cake. Lincoln-.Seblueter CO. Undrgos Expansion A considerable increase in. volume* of sales for Speed-O-Lite and Im- .prov.ed Schluee sander.a and Lincoln Twin Disc, waxing, polishitig and scrubbing machines has necessitate a substantial expansion of the offices *of the Lincoln-Schlueter Floor Ma- cbinery Company, 213-221 West Grand avenue, Chicago. More space for fac- tory operations has also been acquired atnd niew. high-speed production nia- chinery is being instaUýd. The year 1936 istfie companiy's fortieth year. Mrs. G. A> Scblueter, president of the companý(and a Wil- pany's operations since that time. Frederick E. Wadbams is the geji- eral manager and is responsible for sales production, prices, consignments, and similar activities of tbe business. H-e is known to th ousands of dealers from coast to coast.and bas the back- ground of experience that befits his responsibilities. Fanny Butcher, to Speak dir ector ot safety education inicharge of the municipal testing station, Ev- 1anstori police department. 1 Taking for bis subject "Keeping the Car Fit," Mr. Foster verbally to ok 'an autpmobile apart,, showing. the things ýegsential. to Perfect con- idition and sale driving. Beginini n g witb the brakes, he exhibited to *bis listeners in turn the headlights, tires, Wbeels, steering apparatus and horn, pointing out -the: usual imperfections that corne from continued use, the contrbuting, factors of each to ac- cidents, and explaining howa lîttie attention to tbege importantý parts of a car will insure ease, comfort and safety in driving. George Barton,: trafflc engineer of the Chicago Motor club, conducted'a question box, .wbicb is one of. the features of the school. -The next session of tbe. school will be held .Monday, evening, Marcb 9at 8 o'clock, at tbe NewTre auditorium. The -principal speaker Iwïll be Judge Jofrn Gutnecht of the Chicago Trafflc- court, whose subject will be: 'What Kind of Violations Cause Accidents?" There will also be shown a mnovie film, "Saving Sec- onds." Benjamin Garvey Dies in San Antonio, Texas Benjamin St. John Garvey, 73 years old, father of Mrs. Edward L. Gorey, 1506 Wasbington avenu, Wilmiette, died Sunday night in Sani Antonio, Texas, where he was spend- ing the winter. He had been ini poor health for a year. Mr. Garvey, who became vice-pres- ident of the Illinois Bell Telephone company in 1920 'and retired fromn that office seven years ago, was a f re- quent visitor at tbe home of bis daugbter in Wilmette. He spent the, summers at bis ehome. in Winthrop Harbor, Lake county, and th . win-ý ters in tbe soutb. He was a charter.e ýmember of the Olympia Fields couni- try, UJnion league, and Trafflc clubs.. Funeral services were held Wed- The Rible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorizcd Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IB CORDIALLY INVITKD TO ATTEND THE CII4RCH SERiVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM JFriday nigbt of last week Miss Mrs. Louis C. Boiachard, 222 Ox- Doris Lechler, 210 Fiftb street, enter- f ord road, Kenilworth, will entertain tained the cast, of wbich she was a her bridge club at luncheon, Monday. member, at supper after the perform- Friday of next week she will have ance of "The Attorney for the De- another luncheon and bridge for a fense," given at the English Luth- second card group to wbich she be- eran church of Wilmette., longs.

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