I Palmoliv Tedlet Ar BOULIVARD DRUS * leventh and Central Wil. 4298 fou A PERSONAL LOAN COMI TO PURSONAI FINANCI CO. Singl andmudarwld p.s oem et us every dey u:2Cu thon boer cirelatives or frieuds about money. 1%". lk. sur service. b.muu.it 5. sus 9erso.albTey kusw if tley'ue worklag stedily tlmy cou gel up Ioe$80in asha en tlaeir evu sgnatues and ta&e ne lonun a20<>.unths t. repay. Do y., ed .m.sey? Vill à buudred dollars heIp y..? If h i ii ctome in and ..e us TODAT. HI ITM 1fr..) êLI.~ tention of the two iiunaruîtu m pres ent a change iitl the political set- up of party organization in the state caused by a bill passed in the iast regular.session of the legislature. ."We are to elect for the first timei by popular vote at tbe primaries' in April," Mrs. Hall reported, "a Town- ship Central committeemian to repre- sent tbe voters, of ourprt in th-, management of party affairs i the Cook County Central committee of the,.Republican' party., The Township Commtteeman, will appoint the pre-, cinct1 captains, Who were. formerly eiected at the primaries, and Who selected from among their. ownl number a Central committeeman to r epresent them in the County Cen- tral. committee.- This Central coin- mittee is responsible for the nomiia- tdon of judges for the Circuit. atid Superior courts of Cook county and for thre decisitrn -as to which Can'di- dates on the Republican ticket shahl be given organization support ýi1i the, primary election. "In view of these important duties it can be readily understood how lu'- perative it is that the representative on that committee f rom'our township be a man of independence and out- standing ability." Recommend Gardnier Mns. Hall called for the recoin- mendation of the candidates coin- mittee and the bjoard of directors, which wàs presented by Mrs. Walther Bucl*n. Mrs. Buchen reported thalt these two bodies iananiftiously nec- ommended to the club the endorse- ment of the candidacy of Henry A. Gardner of this office. Mr. Gardner, a résident of Winnetka for manv years, lives at 844 Bryant avenue, witb his wife and four childnen. He Is a membenof the law inin of Gard- ner, Carton and Douglas, and a past president of the Chicago Bar asso- ciation. "It is the feeling of lhese two coin- i initee" Mrs. Buchen reported, "that, O1IL WELL 1 s6 n',Mac don Aveu.. PMme.WiUeffe 3334 Henr A.Garduàer oustnin.His integrity. coura ge, qualities of leadership and nuques- ~toned indepenlence make hm pe- culiarly fitted to -'epresent a coin- munity. of the character of New Trier township. He bas 'pever been ideinti- fied with any particulan faction iithie- Republican party and thenefore Ws conîmitted to no particular 'machinie.' He bas always been a loyal supporter of the Republican panty, and is vig- oronsiy and unequivocaliy opposed to the New Deal. "His exceptionally able work as president of the Chi- cago Bar association last yean, and bis chairmansbip of the Winnetka caucus in. the past, bave shown his specialfitness for leadership ini public service, He gave' unstintingly of bis tinue and .energy in the cause of good governiment, according to those close- ly associated with him in these activi- ties. H1e bas proved bimself an able organizer and leader, a man well quaiified to take over direction of. Republicani affairs in New Trier, Township. "The Republican voters 'in' this townshp have seldomn had an, oppor- tunity to vote for a candidate so higbly qaulified and of snch superior calibre. u(Male TorT,. LVffo*flAj on the Democratie ticket. H1e is con- fiued to bis. home. andas a conse- quence is severely handiapp>ed in. bis campaigning and will not be able to Republican Organization Campaign cominittee. Tbis committee is stili in its formative stages and the chair- manî expects to announce the entire personnel within a short time. The purpose of this comittec is to coordinate the'activities'of ail Re- publicans ini New Trier township so that this predomin antly Republica'n conimunity "may make its influence feit ini aidipg to rid the state and nation of the 'New Dieal'." To this end, the,. committee solicits the sup- port :and cooperation of ail citîzens. At the April 14 primary eclection. party candidates will be choseil for icounty, s Itate and federal, offices. It is very essential to good govériiiiet that e.verv, citizen. exercise his righit of. suffrage at the primary election as* well as at the general electioti. the .Conuinitt ee points out.. Veterans Endorse Lynch Candidacy 'flie New Trier branch of the iii11- nois Veteran's league, at the hione uo Howard john Hickey, 350 Oak Circle, ,Wilrnette. passed the following resolu- tion, whlichi bears the signatures -)f Ho%%-- ard John Hlickey, president; andl Victor C.* Hilli,secrtary: ..Be it resolved that: W~e inembersiw.f the Executive board do liereby . ndlors e Thoina.sJ.. Lynch, Glencoe, for' Tewn- ship coniinitteeniafl for tht- f.I1>,wiiig r*ea tsons.: "Flrst-Beeause of his .qualifiecitioflS and service to .his country in timie of w&iV. "Sevond-He served as commander of Winnetka post of the Americait Legion for two consecutive terms. "Thir-d--He lias served bis conimunlty.. :t.;ate and nation in securlng oiin and aid to the needy. f "Foîi.h-He is well quaIifiefl hy ex_ jerlence to analyze a situation, dis- cover its possibilities and to foi-Iliac- euraite judgrnent as to the most effé!c- tive ineans for obtainlng resuits* for the people of this-district. " F!fth-He Ils fearless, courageous ýand at ail tim-es avallable to :fIglt as lie did in tlie World war to make our tniwnship a better-plae in whIcli to live. "Sixth-By educatton and ability he 1s .weli qualified to appear before tlie Demlo-ý era.tic party, national or state, as our epresgentative. Men's Regular.Democratic organiza- tion, which constitutes the precinct committeèmen and the Democratic district leader, of which Thomas J. Lynch is chairman." get around and sec as many people as he had hoped to. t I