1 YOUlR WATCH. IM WUmoiSS Avenue READ THE W-ANT-ADS 4 13 Lindon Ave.. Wilmeffe 4120 each have numb4 and will be thg rs participating 2004 Centrhl St., Evansfon UNIversiity 4700 O00ýr. Rose Lefohn ............z creator of the SKIN BEAUTIFIERS waiI be I'n'OUI ,,aemFriday and Sat- nrdy ! iisw'e nd wjil le glad to have you cal fo07 a frec consulta- tion and COURTESY FACIAL. luPidate make, ypui- appoiniment tdy ~, s, ers oi e oni; ini tht carnwvai. N. U. SWIM STýAR Bud Happ, former New Trier Higi school s wimming star, is a member oi NorthWesern university's tank squaÈ as it works out daily ini Patten g yn pool. Happ bas displayed excelleni form in the 50 yard dlash and along with Captain Bill Rollinger should bring home many points for' the Wilicats this season. Bud is a sopW. oinére wrho should, certainly be a big help to Purpie hiopes for a con ference swimmjng championship this season. j v-e have flot~ been able to contact. all ýn of our citizens as yet, Mr. OUi. said! Y '*Weare hopeful that those who bave ie been inissed will mail in their con- tributions and in that way further assist thie.committee with its w%%ork." Kenilworth is a member of the North :Shore Area council, of -which fHartry Fowler of. Vilmette is presi- d dent. It. consists of, all the- north n '~s'ho re ftowns from. Wilmette to WVau- kegan. in clusive. The area budget amounts, to $20;000. . Alreadyý High-ý d ~land* Park, Winnetka, Glencoe. and imte have underwritten their budgets, through their local Com.- r - munity chests; Lake Forest. Liberty- - ville. Deerfield, 'and Northbrool, are C. Dr. JoliG. Hindrey, ifitister of now engaged in their canivass.- along tte'chitrchl,, tillt present "An Hoin r with Keniilworth. [Vith Books" at the' concluson of the' There are 2,300 Boy Scouts Jin the ,'t'qîdar Chîtrch Nighit dinner ièi tMe area. Kenilworth enjoyed the dis- hrstLongeqaiona ~hrch /us tinction of having thelargest imber of boys in, Scouting per, capita 'Of. boy r/jitr)sda3y eveniun. Theprogria.iii wl/I population of any of the north sho re bc qiv at 7:30 o'clock. toWnps and ranks amonng the foreniost F of the nation in tha~t regard, accord- o b e considered b)- Dr. Hind- ing to recent reports frotn the airca i üv include "'The Lees of Xirginia,- Iby office. Hendricks; M Old Wýorld," Dinmet; 1 The commnittee ini char~ge of the \\'] Wth Father," Day. and "It Can'mt Kenilworth canvass is espeéiall -.de- Happlen lere." by Sinclair Lewvis. sirous of comipletingý the canvass this An interestinig ccincidence is foiund iii wveck. wihich - is the 26thanicar the fact that Howard L. Hindiev, cdi-j of the founiding of the Boy cu I wr (À the Rutlaiid ( Vt. Herald, a nmvement, and special effort 1 Ise 1)rother of Dr. Hlindlev, i, genürallv ingnmade to have the etîtirc l136 regard&d as the inspiration for Sinclair budg-et umi(erwritten this ek Lecwis' principal character ini Vit Can't1 Happ)eii Here." that of Doremu,, Jesù .M rdfma: ae4 Stoker Participates B~e Heard Here Friday 1 \hfieB adMetG t 2 o'clock Fri day- afternool rDr. GE1 _Nordoff; 1167 Wilmiette ve Again this year, as last year, Dee A.'Jue *~Ill appear in the> court of P'o- Stoker, who resides at 228 Myrtielice Mgita%\Jh'JlPtst street, Winnetka, is a mienber of the aniswer to a teclinical charge ofi kid- Illinois Shuffle board team. He is cap- napiiig Gordon Mordoif, IcL ii.cd tain of the teani this year. The Festival by Dr. Mordoif to bc the soit of of 'States ý tournamtent started Fehruary hmefadtelaeMs irof 17 and will continue through Mkarch 31. 'ohrodo h owoi i Fourteen states and Caniada are par- 1 os 4 years1 old, is c laimed b M'Niss ticipating, requiring à total of 31,5 ganes! to decide the championship. MagrtMn1f vntn h refuses to name the father. A civil -.- ~ suit to determine inareintaLxe %Wl1 h E FOR MIN 1164 WIMETIÈ. ve.,ParONE a.iLney epec43t jabout a month. tro ate-day trip to lier former burst home, Indianapolis, She spent some with time visiting ber .brother, John R. izanne Newcomb, and returned through rBel- Greencastie, where she stayed a day away and night with Peggy who îs in the Freshmanclass at DePauw. Washilns Bforthday Special ThisW.ek New York Wlth Cherries...4.* 5.* 'c Rogular 60c ývalu, (QUART) p EACOCWS <CE, CREAN 1164 WILMF.TTà., *VE.