Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1936, p. 3

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instead. of waiting to pay later to Dr. Forest Ray Mouiton, astron- the county coilector, you will great- orner, for twenty years at the Unîi- ly aid in an earlier distribution of versity of Chicago, will speak for the money te the varions taxing the New Trier Sunday Evening club) bodies of your village and the February 23,, on the, subject "The township. Question of Life on Other Worlds." Mr,. Hale says the second instali- He wi Il illustr ate b.is,,lecture with ment paytnents> have. not been corn- beautiful stereopticon slides, whicli ing in, as rapidly, as they should. wili prove Tapy of, great interest tothose Tapyrsý are urged. to get their who are* at 'ail interested ini astron- taxes in during the few dàays re- omy. maining, and also te Cal the at- Choir. to Sin tention of their neigbbors to, the 1T,'le Rev. .JamsTVnkasnEf im>portance of making payment te the First Presbyterian chlurcb, iI- telclcletr mette, wili give the invocation, and the Xew Trlier High school choir wiiI sing under thé dire .ction of MVrs.! Women Here to Observe Adelaide Jones Bradburn.- Dr. Mouiton was research associate 'ol a fPae at Carnegie Institute, 1908-'23. He The World Day of Prayer will be was major in the. ordnance depart.- observed at the '%iimette Parishi ment of the United States arrny, in 1\Methodist . piscoa hrho n charge 'of ballistics for the Ameican da,.Fbur 8,tesrieIe artillery, March, 1918 to 1919. He is dy eray2,tesrieoei a member of the National Academiv ing at 2 o*clock. The principal speak- of Sciences, feliow of the RoyalI er will be Jane Collins (Mrfs. C. E.) Astronomical society, A.A.A.S., Amer- Paulus, who lis a prominetît figure icami Acaderny of Arts and Sciences, iin the missions field of the church. A nie ri c an Matbematics society, Shie is a, graduate of tlhe Fisclier Anierican Astronomical society, hon- Powers school ini Ne%,, York City, orarv miember of the Britisb Asso- and was formerly, connected witIi the ciation .for the Advancement of divinitv sehool of tbe University of Scieces.Chicago. S1ie was fornerly president Weil Knowu Author of Chicago Conference of tbe \Wom- I-is iatest book is entitled "Consider en's Missionary society, and served the' Hea vens," and be bas bad pub- on Winona Sumnmer Scbool of Mis- ished six otber works: 4'Ceiestial sions board. Arnong the Bible in- Mýeclhanics," 1902; "Introductioni to stitutes and Scbolh fMsin i worth. Winnetka and Glencoe. The meeting will lie beld at Marshall Field and company's downtown retail store, 7tb floor, Ranidolpbh stretside. Res- erations shouild lie made promptly. The speaker for tbis occasion will be 'Cloyd C. Mc'ËGuire,. chief of tbe .Wilmette police department,, wbho initiated the safe driving school move- ment and bas been active. in 'securing. the cooperation of many civic groups'. .Tbe prograrn, as.developed by the police chiefs and representatives of the various organizations, is now bie- ing nfodedin: the safety scbool being held 'at New Trier Higb school, the next session of,,whicb will be Mofnday evening, February 24. The Civié league extends an invita- tion to all citizens of tbe township. especially ladies, to corne and. bear Chief McGuire explain. the program. Girl Empjloys Want Ad hein Search for Mother -Teyearning of a daughter for bier flesb-and-blood mother is re- flected ini an ad vert isement, appearing ini the Classified Ad columns of this issue. -nor about October 6, 1910." reads the advertisenient, "a baby girl was born at Chicago Baptist-bospi- tai, attending physician Dr. Henryý J. Casedy. iThe baby was aiote In attendance' upon the annuàl convention of the Departnient of Superintendence, to be' held in St. Louis, February. 22 to 27,. inclusive, wiII be the following school officials from nortbý shore, schools: M itthew *P. Gaffney;' superintend- ent of New Trier Higb 'scbool. E. L. Nygaard, superintendent of the Kenlwortb scbool. J. R. Harper, superinten dent. of t he Wilmette_ schoolg, 'and Dr Howard Lane,ý director of child study. Paul J, Misner; superintendent of. the ,Glencoe ,scbools, and, John' \àMc- Fadden, business manager. The, above will loin the Sguperin- tendents' Round Table of Northern Illinois group, leaving, for the con- vetîtion' city on Saturday morning. The- Winnetka schools will be repres ented -by .Superintendent Carle- ton W., Washburne, 'Miss Marion Carswell, principal of the Hübbard Wqods school,, and S. R. Logn, a.s- sistant superintendent of schools. Radio broadcasts of the proceedings ofthe convention have been ar- ranged by two principal networks, and will be of interest to nortb shore parents. The programns are as fol- National Broadrasting (ompany Wednesday, February 19,7:45-8 :00 p.ifm. Ea.stern Standard Time-WEAF' Net- work-"Our Afterican Schools,'- under the direction ofBelmiont Fariey Con vent ion, New$. Balistics,- [Y20, and -irnerential Equat iôns," 1929. The Moulton lecture will close the 1935-'36 season of the Newv Trier Sunday Evening club. Officers have been W. Frank McClure, for 20 Nyears president of the Wilmette Sunida y Evening club, president;w Dr. H. A. Orvis. Wininetka, first vice-presideilt:- WValter C. Hughes,. Glencoe,, secosid vice -president; F. J. Schmidt, Kenil-ý 'worth, secretary; G. T. Hellniuth, Wilrnette, treasurer. Village chairmen I see lustitute; Dixon School of Mis- sions;- Long Lake Bible inistitute, al St. Paul Bible institute. Robert- Cantwell Next Townsend Club Speaker! Townsend Club No. 1 of Wilmette wiIl b old its regular weekiy meeting in tbe Village hall, Friday, Februar% 21, at 8 p.m. Robert Cantwehi, promii- tient Chicago attorney, ivii le the cate own mother wno, it is under- stood. lives on tbe nortb sbore, etc."ý And there vou bave a beart-twing- 'ing story in a Xant Ad. IN SKATE CARNIVAL Miss Elsie Trhelen of Wilmette, a rneinber of the Chicago figure Skat- ing club, took part ini a two-day carnival at Chamnpaign February 1.2 and 13, 'returuing borne hast Friday. Monday, February 24, 7:45-8-:00 p. m. Eastern Standard Time -WEAiF Net- work-'Edueýation ln the News," under the direction of William D. Boutwell. Tuesday, February 25, 6:15-6:30 p. r», Eastern Staindard Time---WJZ Network -Presiding,'Lloyd. W. King, State' Supeér- intendent of Publie ]Instruction, Jeffer- -son City, Mo.; Paul R. Mort, Teachers College, ColUmbia lUniversity,,New York, N. Y.. -Federai Aïd to .»ducation"; Herbert B. Bruner, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, N. Y., is th le resuit of some liard work put in by a group of the young men in the league, Jerome Nevins having deslgned it and supervised the con- Struction. *No tickets are being sold for the pýley. A free-will offering wilIl be re- ceived and the .pubiic is, invited. We are thankful for your do- nations and hope you will con- tinue to remember that we can use any and everything you can spare. -Mrs. A. L. Ginnell, chairman. Note: Economy Shop lseconducted by, the Wonan'a Club of, Wilmette. WILMBTTB 4300 Adutaker 'ot,

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