Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1936, p. 47

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127A-LTNý4i2.4te- North Shore PlIA PLAN A'MORTIZED MONTHLY MORTGAGE's Construction Loans ANI)D NO COMMISSION, - 5% INTEREST- SEMI-ANNUAL PAYMENT LOANS GEORGE T. COONLEYý il S. LaSalle - Wihmette 922-Cent 1812, 127A-LTN39-.tfr MORTGAGE MONEY. AVAILABLE. F O R RESIDENCES. apartments, and business. buildings Persoual service assures best teirms. W. R. MITCHELL Giencoe 309 Central 1661 127À-LTN40-4tp. FIRST MORTGAGEs, WE RAVE FUNDS AVAILABLE FORý conservative loans on residences and ýincome property., 4%to 6% interest 6 te 10 yqa.rs. P;ronpt serviceand moi' erate charges. Joseph C. Cormack & Co. 1569 Sherman Avenue University $353 127A-LTN26-tf<- HOME LOANS LOANS ON NORTH SHORE HOMES1 Borrow Up to 60% of value. Couven- lent monthly repayment plan oyer 5 te 1. yer.Full details by inqulry at Flrsi Fejieral Saving aud Loan Association of Wilmette. Mr. ClItton, Secretary. 1137 Central Avenue, Wilmette 863. 127ALTN2-tte 41* . y y 1-, LO AND IRONER, A-I CONDITION. W-ILL sactriflce for cash. Ph. Greenleaf 4646. 129LTN42-ltp WTrD. TO: UUY-HUgliOLD, 6OOD* CASH FOR YOUR USE D FURNITURE, modern or antique, and, other bouse- hold articles. Will also accept your furniture on con- signînent basîs. CROST FURNITURE STORE. Established 1808 1004-6 lDmersoni St., Evanston _Uni. 0189 BREAKFAST SET, DECORATED. 1 double bcd, rnattress and spring. Brown atnd tan sport sut, 1-8 or 20. 2 evening dresses, i short taIn Lapin Coat. Phone Winnetka 2634. 131LTN49-Itp PITTSBURG HOT WATER HEATER, 40 gai. capacity-, new, very reasonabie. 1(loek indel ra dio, fioor larnpm and otheir items. 1035 Ash St., Wlnnetka. 13LN42-Itp FOR SALE Na\7tional Cash ,Register', <;(>d ~nnitin. 35.Cal Genoe -. , LTN42-1t( wANTrED T suY-misÇ. $$$ OLD CLOTHIES $$$ SUITS-SHOES-OVERCOATS FUR COATS - PROMPT SERVICE Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custer, Evauston Uni. 2220 132LTN33-tt< Junk Dealer-Goidman EIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR AIl kinds ot junk and old ciothes. rhn WViiiette 6426, Wlnnetka, 3720.----- uliu-.luli itzipccsoi ne ri- uipanaemotion *may require. Always she club. Proceeds of her celebrated pro- là a graceful and graclous person te gramt of character sketches will swell watch. studnt ad fud atNew Mis-, Sklnner likes to wait until after the cluib's suetadfn tNwbe, firtit numiber, to see how It la re- Trier.heei f fgeii ceived and-the reactions of her aud1- Using.ýesl'à h n iuei her enee, to miake Up ber program. Site theater o)f the Imagination, Miss Skinner bas à large number of character sketches ippeals vlvidly to ter listeners ln ber ln ber repertoire which she eau render ,,tbility to persuade them to ,Join In and at a second' notice. Among these. nay omplete the entertai nnent.,lier use of be mientioned: At the Beashore, At New. p>arts of a sentence when a full sentence* port,, Tfimes Square, Belng. Presenited, lm, not needed, and even- her use of hait Lyrnch Party, Nurse's. Day. Out. Hotel it word when that. là enough to convey Porch, A Lady Explorer,, The 'Eve of- 'he idea, is charaicter.istic 0of the person Departure, SaiiIng Time, Homework, An. :f taste and wit. Mise Skinner takes'her Aimericant Girl on the Freneh Telephone,, tirne- to think thrnughý everyr turlh et In a, Telephone Booth. A «PMentecln, Xen- thought ln ber characterizations, and ber tucky,. Monte Carlo, A Southern Girl lu varied eniotional color ls refiected' ln the Sistine Chapel, Motoring in the 90', swiftly changing Moods. In a Gondola, Night Club, On the Beach Miss Skinner neyer overpoints a joke, at Bai-bad4,î, The. Calais-ParliExpress, neyer- pauses for a laugh, but, covers Sundav Driving, Snowbound 1lu I owa, the period of such a.lauffh wlth spon- Paris After the Armistice, Wonman'a taneous action. The rhythms of ber Crowning Glory. Spring Evening, OId <eharacterizations are varied, and true to Embers and, Aftermath. I SPEAKER ~ WetenThelgical Semiinary, and General. Theological Seminary in Newr York. He is a director of the Religions Education Association. '4 America, and the National Economnie league. He is vice-president of the Evanston Council, Boy Scouts, and is a member of Delta U'psilon fraternity. ICALIFORNIA Mrs. Armand H. Peycke, 24M Ra.. Ieigh road, Kenilworth, an4d be di ter. Jane. have been in Los Aî'geles since early in February. Part. of- their time thev ae ne<lnu;t * incr. Range, .mna.ogany l-Piece diniing rnu. bnthtubs and .meu's old ciothling. Pitous set. wieker sun porch furniture; 2 bed- Wtlniette 349. 132LTN40.4tp roon sets, rugs, Easy washer, Thor WAANTED TOBUY0--NE S EARTl- inangle and other household gond.L 900) eaé"okRte tnis ngo Central Ave., Wilmette. Ph. Wilmette nreCokRt"UesIlgd 585.129LTN42-Itp (<Ulditiofl. Ph. Winnetk.a 3295. COM-ýPLEFTE HOUSEHOLD FL'RNIS- 12LN2-t ings: 2 twin-bed, walnt4t bedrooin ECL NEU -s-t s. enoraniqechairs, orienîtai F R E E fSTOMACII ULCEÉS, OAS, rugs, nil paintlngs, art objects, and large PAINS, INDIGESTION relieved qulck. Frgd 'e No dealers. For appt. phone ~tte apedco' rsrpin Creenfleaf 0226. 129LTN42-ite Udga, at Boôulevard Drug Store. 10-PC. WAXED OAK DINING ROO'M 134LTN40-t set, Green Bedroom set, Junior Up- ATTENDS JUNIOR PROM Rosemary Day, granddaughter of M r. and Mrs. R. S. Swaim, 701 Laurel avenue, who is at Frances Shimner Junior college, came up. to spend the week-,end at Aun Arbor and at- tend the -J unior promi-She returned to the coliege* on, Monday. Mrs. Anna P. Manning, .who makes anteeuU. 1114i5 Zvis st. un FOR SALE: MOtERN G eix humnera,à two ovelis white enamel. $80. Phtone."%Y r -39.50. Guar- in every phas niversity 0990. Fields' combin 129LN424tpCh arlie Roovaz IAS RANGE, 1) "Cowboy" .and breller; Ulîjuette 43i12. cisave ViCtOrY N 129LN42ltp15 to9.> Troopers Bishop Ste~wart is flot only an out-E ime, the standing religious leader in this country, Carney but he bas aiso been active i civic Hobart affairs ini the Chicago area. >)ff a -de- He served with the American Ex-52 m score of peditionary Forces in France;, he is a WMm32 trustee of Northwestern Universîty, X9 w mmu UNBVUUUUT

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