Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1936, p. 40

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ýY SERVICES .... .... ... . 9 : 'igrwilliams~, Pione. piii: ý«r Allison spent four years ln dence, graduating from, Brown sityý, and ha. made la study of W~ political and religionA ideas. stUI'. on01 rty." rovi- Iver- anis' On. Friday ýevening, there will be an AII-church party at,8 o'cbock, ln honor of the 2Mt wedding 'ânniversary of Dr. and xmra.Aison. There, will be an .interest- Ing entertainment and prograni and 'Ial their Iriends are invited. Amont ,he high school group, a spe- cial choir Is being orgianized by M%&iss Lydia Koch. AIl girlo. lnterested tn church munic are corcliali>' invited. The senior choir continues its regular rehearsals -on I'hursdiYs.: Sunday morning at 9-.30, the Church achool meets. In -the Senior.departmenti3, 1rrank Githrldge. superintendelit, the pastorwill givé a talk ln theý study of' the Gospel of Luke, entitle& "John the' .Baatist and .iis Work.',' George B. Wil- liamsi continues the in teresting 'studies in New Testament literature based on, Dr. fGoodspeed's manual. The church service at il o'cloèk, cen- tors ln the Life of Christ during the season leading up to Easter. A. helpfÙl' sermon on "'Christ in Life's Tempests" bas been prepared by Dr. Allison for Sunda>'. The miusical numbers are: Organ-"*Dawfl"............... Jenkins "Berceuse"................. Spinne>' "Finale f romi D Minor Sonata" .Maii.ly. Anthem-~"Breathe on Mie" . . Tholupson *'The Stili SmaIl Voice" ...Hamen gtors .b ol< revîew ia St. A ugus tine'S Dr. Hubert Carleton, recetor Sunday, FebruarY 23, will ho Quin- qluagesinia Sunday, or the'Sunday next before Lent.. There, w-111 ho Holy.Com- munion aLt 8 a. ni., Church school and Bible classes at 9:45, and Morning Frayer with sermon at il a. ni. n rn fg os l.p -.. . . . . ..L.t Ii Luth er league ......... 5:30 P. M. The music for the service of worship next Sunday morning i. as follows: Organ Prelude-Melodie ln Eiý..... ... ........... Rachmaninoff Anthem-More Love to Thee, O Christ.. .~Brewèr Týhe S enior 'Choir Antheni--I Consecrate Mysjeif to Thee ....... ... Arkangelsky T1he Junior :Choir Postlude--Maestoso, Sonata No. 1. ....uimant VictriaMcLod-initryof Music The Womnan's. society will meet this afternoon (Thursday) at the home of, Mrs.. Frank Hayson, 227 Greenleaf,.Wil- mette,. at 2 o'cbock. Senior choir rehearsal, Thursday, ove- ning at 7:30 o'clock. Confirmation class, Friday affernoon at 4 o'clock., "The Attorney for Thé Defense," a four-gct play, will be presented by the Luther League on Friday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. Come and bring your frIends. Junior choir rehearsai,. Saturday after- noon at 3:15 o'clock. Junior choir party for ail the inembers of the Junior Choir, Saturday afternoon fromi 4 to 6.. Holy Communion wiil be administered at, the service of worship next Sunday morning. The Luther lague wilt meet at the church on Sunday afternoon at 2:-45 Aish vvcunesday service will oe neli on Wednesday evening, February .26, at 8 P. m. The Wonien of our church wili join in with the wonien of the conmunity for the World Day of Prayer service te be held in-the Methodist.church on Friday, Pebruary 28, frorn 2 te 3 p. m. r irst Con gregational The Rev. John G.* Hindley, minister. At the worship service next Sunda>' moring at il o'cbock "the pastor wil homo of Mr&. Bruce Owens, 714 ý 1im-, wood avenue, Monda>', Febtuarjr 24, for a, luninheon meeting.l.-is. Frank S. ,Currie Mlrs. F. L. Chapîn and Mrs. Her- bert B., Mlford .*Ill bhothe assisting hostesses. The North West-'circle will hold its monthi>' meeting at the home of Mrs., G. W. Putnam, 1127 GreeniWood avenue. Th e hostesses will be lira. G. T. Fryk- man, Mrs.. H. L.. Miller, and lira. H. J. Droba. TRE BOA» O F BELIGIOUS EDUCATION The Board of Religlious Education will hold iti regular monthi>' meeting Mon- day, F'ebruary 24, at 7:45 p. ni. at the church. BEGLARANNOIJNCEMENTS, Sunda>'. 9:30 a. m.--Church achool. Il a. m.-Moriiing.churých service i1 a,.r.-Deginner's department lila. n.-World Friendshlp pro grain for children 5,3 p8. . n-Young people'~s meeting, Tuesday, 3.30 p. m.--Camp Pire group Wednesday, 3 :30 p. m.-Brown les 7:30 p. n.-Boy Scout 'Troop No. 2 ThursdaSr, 3:30 p. m.-ýGirls' Choir re- hearsal 4 P. m.-Boys' choir rehearsal 7:15 p. m.-Senior choir rehearsai 7:30 P. m.-Boy Scout Troop. No.,i Saturday, 10:30 a. n.-Giris' choir- re- hearsal il a. m.-Boys' choir rehear4al st . wi Johit's Lutherant miette and Park avenues j. H. Gockel, pastor *SERVICES 9 :15 a. tn.-Plrst service. 9:30 a. rn.-Sunday achool and Bible classes. .1la. m.-Second service. 8 p. m.-Wednesday-Leflten service. MEETINGS Socil. circle, today, 1 p. mh., withMrs. V. H. Suhr, 722 Twelfth street. Young Mothers' circle presents play, today and tornorrow, 8 p. rn. Senior Walther league, Friday,,8 p. ni., at the parsonage. Junior Walther league. Friday, with Gilbert Petersen, 1501 Fowler, Evan- tion, Robert Gockel assisting. Children's Christian education classes, Saturday, 9 :0 a. ni., Wednesday, 4 p. n. C'horevhasa1Mnnday, 7:,45 p. nm. 1, Til During Lent, inembers of the Guilds Thursday wIli meet each Fiiday ln the Parlsh Fellowshlpq Hou. after the celebration of the *Ioly North West communilon at 10:30 a. mi., for sew'Ang, a book revi( folow4 by luncheon at 12:30. A Bakery WIth FathE sae will b. held each Friday after the '"lt Can't IH inneeon.dInner and Mareh i8-I-"Barabbas. or Jesus?" The World Day of Prayer ia Frtday,. ~!rh25-"S1uall 1 Crucif>' Your February 28. The Wîhnette ser-vice will ER1 King?" be held ln the Sanctuary of this'church e Monthi>' April l-"*Dosqt Not Thoui Fear God ? at '2 o'clock. Miss Marie Briel wlll be ed by the April 10 <Good Fridayi)-"'The Ques>- at the organ. nia," 'Life BeglnnIng AShl Wednesday, February )rld," and you have a speclal Invitation. to at- 26, a Service of Songa, Prayer and àMes- ne for the tend tiiese Lenten s;ervices, and. to Malte sage, wil ho held each Wednesday eve- or either,'Ior renew your ecquaIntance with l,m fing at 8S O'clock. ,It is hoped,,that man>' *Dr. Herbert LU Willett, minister Dr. Willett's subJect for. Sunday, Feb- ruary 23, will bo "The Protestant Churches," the last of three sermons en '"Christendo w." The church service la at il o'clock. The Womon's Gplldl wilI meet on Mon- ,day morning, Fébruary 24. at 10 o'clock. Trhe work of the, guild 18 for the benefit of good causes ln which the womnef of the church. and the. conimunity are ln- terested. Ail women of Kenilworth nlot otherwise engaged on Mondays are ln- vited to share ln this good work. The-Sunday school will mieet at 9:45 a. m. There are. classes for cblîdren from the kindergarten throu#h, the hIgh sehool. Visitors are welcomne. Methodist Church Amos Thornburg, minister "Ail the Family *ln ChUrch. Sunday", will be observed next Sunday morning, February 23. It ,la hoped that every fam'-ily related te this.church will make, an.effort te be well represented at the Il o'clock worship service. Plan to bring the entire family, If possible, and help) niake of this, a gireat day in. the l11e of this church. The service will be of in- terest teolod and young. Menibers and friends are reminded that the musical preparation for the niorning worship service begins at 10 :45 o'ciock.' The 'minister will be in the p)uipit on Sunday morn ing. The .iusic for the worship servie February 2U wil be as follows: Orgari (10:45): -lIn Thee Is Giadness"......... Baeh -'Adagio" (Trio. $bnata, III) :BaÉthl 'Sonatina" (God's Time Is Best), Bach Marie Bni Introit: -Grant Us True Courage, Lord". ý............Bw Anthem: "Sleepers, Wake, a Voice Is Sounding".......Bch Offertory Solo: Postludé : ' St. Anne, Fu~gue ....... BachI- The Higli Séhool Epwor.tb blague w ili meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock. Trurnan W. Potter is in charge of this group. Theta Upsilon Rh o wil meet .S unday evenir., at 5 :30 &élocký. The bi-monïthIy open forum: wil! be- feld at that time. The Thank Offering -committee wisbes to express Its appreciation to members and- friends of the Woman's Missionary soeietY fer their generous gifts to the work' of the year. The fund remains open t6 receive gifts froni those members who were unable te be presest la.st Sunday.

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