Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1936, p. 37

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£ LS '.' 1£S~ a,.rnJ5 VIVUUKE~l f ins at Bleser's Bcwling academy last Monday night.. The St. John's, Wednesday xight of last week. Congregational and Methodist ttain,, Wilmette Auto Radiators took al rolled their highest gaines for t he three gaines from Brauin Brothers season. The Paptist had to give way and were assured of the league lead to the Congregationalists for. the highthre gineseres nd ighwhen* Bleser's sent HJugo and Bingo singe .ga i'th legue.eéwveespinalng to a three-game defeat. The sige mie i1h egu.Hwvr Bleser teain chalked up.. a 2,762 the Baptists strengthened their. lirst series, Hutchings leading with 578.' place position by, taking three gaines Schlitz won two froin John's, Place. froin the St. John's teain. The Con- Pu lsro clt aei gregtioal eai tok to fromtheseries for the books by totaling 636. Methodist. Very, good bowling was Bunalow Tavern took two out of' doue by most of the players. Those hefrmE lwis rolling 200 or better ere, Tucker 233, threeroinEdelw tes. uing T F. Guy and Ugolini 221 each and BHigh gaEdeles 24;e eveni oy Lindberg 215. Buros Eewis,24 ohingof Teai stndigs:John's Place, 216; Charlie Hutchng TeW. LstPntingsg of Bleser's, 216; Devine of Bleser's, Batit........ ., xL.7et,832 231;. Phil'Bleser of Schlitz, 216 and St. johns....... ...1 18 .633' 828 25 cong .... ....... ..... . 2 27 .449 82 Hugo and Bingo shot a,1,028 gaine methodist............ 9 45 .167 759 High-Three GanIes-t'ong...... which is high for the season. 2nd H gh-Three Gaines-Baî,tt.isýt . 2696 'The, Wilniette Auto Radiator teain, High-Single Gaine-Co. .. 982ý coniposed of Chubby Leis, John Bell, 2n1d High---Single Gan-e--Bltîti.st 97 Carl Schwall, captain, Bert 'Russel individual lwnors: rle , eis High-Three Games-Ugeoiinj ....... 582 and Abe Kohler, rle a286 eis 2nd Iligh-Threeo ;aîies-Dar-ling D6ThEAI fTANDIN'G Hligb-Single Game-Cook . 2471 Won Lost Pet. 2nd Hligh-S'ingIe Gane-2%, Quy 235 Vil. Auto Radiator . . 36 24 .600 Blsrs............_35 25 ý.583 NATIONAL TEA BUTCHERS -1Schlitz......... .......4 2 .6 (%Vil1 lette Bowling A.Ileys) . Hugo and Bingo......;;... 32 25 .561 Behoff's teai, contiues tio demon- Bungalow ýTaVern......... 32 28 .53 John's Plae ............. 28 32 .467 stratè their superiority. by winiing thee Edelweiss ................ 19 38 .333 moegae aans eehr~.Swoda's Braun Bros. 011. Co. ......18 36 .33 teain is %vell out of the duinps and took!i- tbree more gaines of the. Dusters, au.d K. 0Fl C.,LEAGUE% b% bowling a total (,f2299 are now Sec-' (BItBle er .ainofe ysr' ond high teain for tîiree gaine series. hi JsrcatiofteBsrs Captàain Béecher bowling 232 in second AËadeniy entry ini the Ouiluiette gaineie now high for. individual sinlgle Co!.ancîl, Knights of Coluinbus bowl- gaie. >ing league, smashed the. pins for a *Teain standings: 649 total during last Thursday night's Won Lost Pet AV9 engageinents. lis gaines of 245- 1. BehofS 37 il Î771 '8 3 _ 6-4 eetemanfcosi i 2. Dusitersj 22 26 .458 761 1321wr h in atr i i 3. ýSwoda's 21 27 .4371 81si- teains, triple mwin over the Krier 4., eehers 16 32 .333, 672 Buffet five. High-Three Games-Behoff's.....2344 ht' rcrsrtre oteir 2nd High-Three Garnies-Swoda.'s .2299 ir HighSinle apieBehff' ..837 willfing ways by trouincing. Meie' 2nd Iligh-single;Game-swod«a's .81 Tavtrn in' three tilts. The Grocrs, Individual standings: eghnd hila t.fvgies High-Trhree Games-Behoif.....583 a ghne-herledt i'e ga ie 2nd High-Three Games-Swoda 562 Teatro del, Lago weti ntati High-Single, Ganie---Bëee]heI.....22for runnier-up hnr0sth eut 2nd High-Single Gamne-Swoda. 226 winning a pair from Wilniette Ice.d The latter crew is in the throes- of a AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 46 terrific sluxnp. (wilmette Bowling AlleyIs) j Hub _Hoffnan, captain of theh Ablngdons (Warren)........ 15 a Warwicks (Knoop).........i11 7 Kents (Pendieton) ...........i11 7 Briers <Gage)............_ i 7 Oxcfords (Olin> ........10 8 Ralelghs (Danforth)........ 8 10 ,Sterlings (Cléments) ..,...... 8, 10 Lelcesters (Toel) ............ . 7. il Roslyns (Grimm)......7 il Tudors, (Martin).1............ 3' 15 Team-lilgh game-Warwicks ......1,097 High net-three games-Colton ..... 572 Hlgh gross--threegames-Colton .728 H'lgh gaine net-February 11- Elis............. ............ 222 Hligh game gros»--February,11- Ellis..................276 High net--one gaine- Gage ................... :......... 246 Paxton........................_245 Clements .....................2 Ellis ........ .................. 222 Colton........ ...... .........221 High gross---one' game- Gage ................. ......... 292 Paxton.......... ............. 286 Pa.idar... ..*..................... 284 Ellis........ ............276 Co...n........................ 275 Ind*iIdual Leaders 1ý -Crane ............ 1......... ... 165 2-Peterson................16 4 3-Kilner..................... .... 161 4 -Starrett .......................16 5-Warren ...................... 160 6-Paxton ....................... 159 7-Jones ....... ......... ........158 8 -Kelly.......... ..............15 9-Gage ..... ....... .......... .157 10-Clements.............. ....1,55 BOWLING TOURNAMENT A singles tourtianent will ,be heid at Bleser's Bowling Acadeiny, Ridge road and Schiller avenue, Wilniette, Saturday and Sunday,ý February 29 and. March 1. It wili be a twvo-thirds handicap affair, 200 scratch. -Prizes will be awarded. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Converse, 1610 H-ighland avenue, returned last week froin a three weeks' trip. to Mel- bourne, FIa., where they visited Mtrs. Converse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Irwin, and ber sisten,,Mers. Arthur Stewart, and faznily. Mr. and1 Mrs. C. B. Burpee of 815 Linden avenue, left> on Tuesday for New York. They sail ;today (Thurs- Iay) for a three weeksl' cruise ,to the. West Indies, on the Br.itannia.. ,nAing, AreJAuaay Ml. Menibers of the following football teams will receive the coveted '"K' for having- earned regular berths on the squads at joseph Sears -school, Kenilworth: 70-pound teani, champion of the north shore bantamweight division - Albert Horte, Leonard Gilbert, Donald Krock- er, Robert Rigler,,Myron Watklin, Deal Denson, Wilson Van Aredale Roddy Jones <. Charles Rockcastle, Dick Dahli Dudley Orvis, Roddy Messinger, Robert Ellis. 75-pùund teai, champion ot'the north shore peWee. dlvislon-EdWard Ktcam Edward Eggert, Bud Streed , Jen"y Zander, Charles Barnes, Tom. kettham. Dlck Jones,' BobbY Lideeker, Bill WrlgÏt; Charles IXreger,.Tom Wrlght, John Dar- Iey, Blly CrlhIy, ToClCaffey, Phil- llius. 85-pjound tean - Leoinard Liebuchuts, E dward Donahue, Louis Bouchârd, Bud Brown, Jack Cosner, Dick,Landn teve Chase, Kenneth Crocker, ledorl Kil ner, .Walter Boyle, John Conley, Don Campbell, Robert Montonara, Ray Wiese. Glen Andersen, Ed Claffey, Turner Wil- son. 10ù-pound team, tled with Ilaven school, Evanston, for north shore chan- plonshlp-Ralph Starirett David Dale, Grant Ellis, George Rothermel, Bill Mit- ten, Davn&1.We-hdell, Wendell Clark' Bb Clark, Roy Wittington, Willy- Broýwn, Bud Montonara, Riek Flandreau, Allen Gilbert, Don Ragglo, Bill Mead, Jin Crowley, Carl Messinger, Bruce Borre- gard, Jack Hoetzer. Paul Kelly and James Bay will receive managers' letters. ANNOUNCE PARTIES The women of St. Mary's society will meet 'for luncheon' at 1 o'clock Tuesday, February 25, at St. Joseph's school. After lunicheon cards and bunco .will be playeci. There wiIl also' be a' card and bunco party at the school at 8 o'clock that evenng. Prizes wiIl be provided for each table. Mrs. J. F. Steffens is the Iuncheon chairinan, and Mns. Robert Hoffmann chairnian of cards for the affernoon. The chaininan for the evening card partjy is Mrs. Matt Hoffmann. Janet. Kathryn Wnight, . who is -a sophomore at DePauw univensity, spent the week-end - with her par- ents,, Mn. and Mrs. George F. Wright of 1432: Forest avenue. (tiieser ,Alleys) 1. 'e"nYa CveniIIA lI . twec in IImeI Despite arctic blasts, the Wilrnette . doubles division of the Knights of Auto Radiators have "percolated" Columibus state tourney in Chicago, Perfectly for a 13-gaine winning went into ninth place in the final streak to gain the league leadership standings. George finished high in enjoyed practically ail season 'by the the singles also, witb a 1612 total. Hlugo and Bingo, pinsters w ho' sud- OuilinetteCouncil last week enter- 8 19 Oak Street, WinnefkaI phone 3 40Winn.tka

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