Dessert Bridge Parties Are Todeyi Today is the occasion .,of,'thei three - home, one - kind. sanie-ý he1ur, same-purpose event given 1w. the North End circe' of the' Congregational church.ý At 1 :30 o'clock, a dessert bridge te hiellp rais e- funds. for church . vork., wvill be given in tbree nii." Wilrnette. Mrs. D. C. IKemp wiii be one of the boste sses at ber residence, 1030 Ash- i.and avenue; Mrs. Lester. Mee is opening ber home, 1227 Cbestnut avenue, for, the second; -Mrs. James WV. Aider' is baving.tbe third at bier homne, 931 Greenwood avenu e. On the commiittee for the benefit are Mrs. A. M. Anderson,- Mrs. C. Il. * anker, Mrs. C. R. Bixby,ý Miss, Florence 13utz, M4rs. F. S. Currie, Mrs. C. E. Drayer, Mrs. C. D. Ewer, Mrs. R. R. Lippincott, Mrs. W. T. Maugban, Mrs. H. B. Muiford, -Mrs. J. A. Pancoast, Mrs. E. J. Poiman. u'illi MNrs. Hope Thompon, Mrs. Donald Keuit M. Gallie, Jr., and Mrs. Bruce P. ntii Ovens. thev Information mnav be obtained from bard] member of the cornmittee. tea. 1fi This comrittee met Iast Friday at /'resik the home cf Mrs. Mee te complete ieailli AI arrangements for the benefit for* whicb it bas desired enthusiastic ce- operation. Hr Thaleg-Bates Wedditng Candlel*ight Ceremo.ny lu candieliit last Saturday' after- nloon at 4 o'clock, in the living rootti of th e farnily residence, at 6.17 Green- leaf avenue, Miss Mfary Margaret Thaleg, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Thaieg of Wilnîiette, was niar- r'ied to William Irving Bates. son Durant Photo Jn'tdoitbtedl mie of the. largest aff airs in Kenilwvorth for t,:any mnon ths be the tea Monda y afternogu at the Keniliworth clubf given by thé wotrth center of the Infant WVe!fare Society of Chicago. Three, of the, bers of the comtnitte for the eveut are f'ictured here. F~ront lef t to right aire Miss Katherine 'Stolp of Kenilworth, M,'s. Charles Gibson of H-ub- Woods and Mrs. John H. McDo7c'eIl of Winnetka. Guesis of honor at the ,0 Z(hIkýh all Kenilworth 'U>oDI1C are invited, '«'iii be Airs. E lias L vinan, Jr., dent of the tWoinai's aux.tiliar.i ofth InfJian ,,t Wefare sacieav. and .1fiss 'elfe Towiiseiid of the ('hicaflo office. )Graffis to Speac on Delta Gamnma Programn The Evanston and North Shore Alurnnae association of1 Delta Gana is having an evening meeting Wed- liesday. February 26, wvhich wiii be the one meeting of,,the year to wbicli nien are invited. The speaker for th e occasion is Herb Graffis, a mna't known for bis. bumor, and for the e(Ieveriness of bis articles wii ap- Episcopal Circles WiIl Be in Session Friday Thie regular, meetings of the circies .Of St. Auigttstine's Episcopai churclh ivîIlI be lheld. Fridav of this %veek. ViTe East circle nxeets,-with Mfrs. AVi1iam F. Arnold, 920 ;renWood 11:30 O'dciçk. Lunlieon wlI bc serve(l at .12:30. l'le .North circle NviIl I)e.entertaiti(I at the homie of Mrs. Josephi B. Marshall, 1040) Mark Shawnee Ckub's 7th Anniversary The seventh anniversary dii-. ner dance of Shaàwne Counitr), club wiIl be held Satu rday of this .week with .jee Pudolph's orchies- tra supplying the. music., The hosts and hostesses, at the cliii> talie will be Mr. and N1r s. Creighton'Whiting. 'Mr. and M rs.' Bruce Bail, and '.\r. and MNrs. fiarold Perkins. Amnong those thus far who liavt niadC rreservations are: Messrs.-an( I Me-4aîîe- L. A. Harnilton, Paul: Cook. L. E.. Walker,' Fred Minkier, Alonzo. Hani- mond, T. C. Allen, Fred Reckstein, C. E. Jarichow, Allen Wright,' George Vaught, Fred Pioger,, Charles Gray.. Amos Bail, Edward. Hender 'son, E. C. Howard, Roland Feitman, Donald Silli muons, N. G. Wettiing, A. W. \Vithrowv, Harold Johnson. Reservations have aiso been niade bv Herman Hintzpeter, John Thornburo. A. R. Carpian, Creigbton, jr.. Frank Adkins, Roy -Stevens, Tom inii'. and Frank Marshall. fridaày evening, Mârch 6, Chiicagvý University ýcornes to Sbawrnee for a swimming'meet and water polo. *Foi- iowing the mneet, an informiai da!icr wili be lield front 9:30 until 12:30 ,,'clock. Helen Finn Becomnes Newton Tobey's Bride. Interesting înews ,from .Mr. ami Mirs. John Fitîn of Pîtsfieldf1Mass., brings the announl-cernenft. of the mar-1 naeof their daughter, He .len, to Newton, Hayward Tobey of. Huar Woods. 4br. The wedding took place at 4,;30 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, Feb- muary 18, at the borne of the bride'., your say with a bridge and dinner party at tract îoulowing. buvsr. ij their home. Just by chance the guests gress with partulers and aiso on that' occasion, nurnbered thirteen. Tea wiil be served at 4 o'clock. pro- For Friday evening, F pivot. the club calendar schedi nual Fathers' and Sons' ýriends and ci f .a ôd prizes." bruary 28, es the an- mner. Spoke Eigbit of tbe Presbyterian churcb wiii meet at 1 o'ciocIc Tues- day, February 25, at the home of Mrs. Rogers Fiske, 134 Seventeentb, street. MiLs. Robert Glenn tlis assist- isng hostess.'