hall at Comimunity flouse, Winnetka, at 8 o'clock « Tuesday evening, Febru- ary 2.5, wvill bc an occasion when al interested citizens on the north shore ivil! have an oPportunity to bear an accouot of hou, the problem of un- employnient, bas bee'n faced by the Roosev'elt Administration.ý The clubs feel that. Dr. Martin H. 'Bickham, of NIilmette, director. of labor iati- agement' for, the Works Progress Administration, who ivili spcak.i qualified, by training and experience. to handie the subject "Mass, Povertv I in the Democratic State" as are fcw People 'in the United States. Beginning lin bis .strident dais .at the University of Peninsylvania, [Dr. pcîdhrisas<>cfo,'h Bicha ien jteth sumis of of ihre Plays l)be y itven by the (idr Philadeiphia anid worked with the set- UîîkaCauund'IOS .tiroi tiements, social agencies and, churches liisisfiasoftwsisofCid in dealing %with tbe social probleins i i,îcîkû Chidrenîs Ilour cQîic then -existent. lie took graduate work at the University of Chicago ini the field cif practical sociology under Dr. In tlwc picture art: Charles S. Hendersoia. After serving I'irst row-Lotretta JatieSik*t..Caro- as general secretary of the Y. M.- une Buhai, L--ontine .jamiesoii. Si.,sie C.A. at the Great Lakes Naval Sigel, Enid Hammermian. Training, station and later with ti te Second row-Joan McEw%%an, Jean -Yoverseas Dr. Bickhani tretuirncd Middleton, Olive Hartshornie, Francine to the University of Chicago for fùrý.Rce.MraîCwn Studi.. Relef Conditions Bck-Not-for.Profit For thé next f ew %-ears Dr. B' - Corporations Now hamn made special studies in Chicago;I us ul anid viciuity, working with the United M s ieR P r Charities. 111 1929,.lhe turnied his at- 1 qJra tenltion to the studv ofuleiiilo NQýt--for-profit corporations which i HOCKEY CAME TUESflAY The hockey team of joseph Sears school. Kenilworth, wlII play its sec- ond gaine of the season next Tues- day against Chicago Latin'school at the.Keniilworth rink. Sears dlefeated this teani in the season's first clash PROMýOTES POSTUE I .lm0 Chicom Avenu., EvmtS' W Puppet .P n ne est" One of -a Progrant rrn's," theater iii.R-udolph Mats htall of tittpriiiiq. ebruatry32, ai I10:30 oclock. ýr'S HORTîi.rgraops spooi 'd y flie for t/nES sealo,;. S' AT COLLIEGIE FESTIVITIES Miss Ruth Johnson, Who attends the Finch school, went to Hanover, N. Il., Iast week to attend thte Dart- mouth WNinter carnival. fier sister. Miss Prudence, Who attends the sanie school, went to I thaca for the Cornell winter festivities. Botb tbe girls are daughters of Mr. and Nfrs. Homer H. Johnson of 158 Melros avenue. Kein1.,1w4.h tte -tfi Y grainto the Goveriior's Commsio On Utitemploym nt and Relief. WlVhen the plan was adopted by the tom- mission Dr. Bickhamn was. asked' te put, it* inte. operationà. Dr. 'Bickhamn continuedl this work under. the'.clll- nois Emergency Relief commission, planning the work programn for the entire State of Illinois. In visiting practically every. county and hun- <reds. of cemmunities througbout the >tate. he made first band studies of J. Hughes declares in urging suchj corporations to coinpl y with thi,ý rc- qilireinint at on1ce. Under an amendment passed by thé last regular session of the Gen- eral Assemb.1y, ail corporations oper- a ting, in Illinois under the Not For Profit Act of .1872, are required to file, an annual report, with the secre- tary of state'on or before Februar-, 29. The Iaw provides that the state, througlb the attorney general. take GLENCOE. WILMETTE, AND WINNETKA, ILLINOIS ANNOUNCE AFR11. LECTURE 0ON CHIRISTIÂN SCIENCE cuIige coirwii DIng ai vvînneîca 1nor appiy to churches incorporated Commnunity flousé. on March 31 while under the religious act of this state, nîaking its annual trip to eight mid- but does apply to any associationîni- western cities. Wilder is a member of corporated under the Not For Profit Phi Delta Theta fraternity and bas Actof 1872 although the work carried been elected president of the group on by. such association might :be re-, this vear. He îs a graduateof New garded'as in the nature of religious Trier High scbooL. work. Glenco. 339 Park Av. WiImelte: 1133 Winne$ka: 571, Unçoln Ave. Central Ave. =L21 i renei, prt,ý-,ý