Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Feb 1936, p. 17

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club, it %vas announceci this wek fly area," she stated. i Mrs. 0. E. Thaleg, a nimber of the committee in charge of arrangements..North shore exhibitors are as -close The exposition will bc lheld in the. to Mrs. Thaleg as their telephiotes. Woniani's club building,on Marcb 24.* A cail will bring lier or a representa- 25- and 26- and N%1l41 doubtless, rawv tive with a blueprint *of the spaces hundreds, of peoiple from al over the available. Or choice locations, may be* Chicago area who are cagerto wit- reserved over the phone and details ness what is new for self and family arralIged wlEii convefàient, it is poixit- aud which. will contribute towarà ed out. Mfrs. Thaleg mnay be .reached nîiaking 1f e at home nmore pleasant liv calling Wilmette 980J. and convenient. Educational ValuzeI k Already. a numhber of local l>usi- I ncess men and others have subscribédj for space and have promised active,$ interesting exhibits. of uniustial cedii- cational value. It is hloped by the \\onatn's club that inany more. will sce tlfe. great; heinefiis 'to be <erived. through SUCl: effort and -,ill reserve their spaces. at once. It is further pointed ouà thatth X.Vomian's. cliii> is a lo*cal'organiizationii of lhtndrcds of local 'womi'en, themi- th~evs le shoppers of a numiber 'of homes in the conîmiunity. Côoperat-1 ing il te.and interested i their e.fforts., are sonic fifty othierwoe' e4,ItiI>s ii the area. Roduce Display Rates i tjors NvilI have an inside track tco el)JOY% soine of the voliumie of husi- f ness, for wvhiclh these north shore %%0unienl art, annuially responsible. 1 'lihe ywomcie n charge of arrange- iîients are flot sitting back on their: oars,:however. Thev are inakmng :eery vdlôrt to 'hein fthe exhibitors. ben edued tis ear atnd exhibitors have the privilege of selling diecl iroithecir boothis.%Ititit any coin- mlis.sion or chgrgeswhîvr 'l'lie \\'oînai's club is further pub- licizing . the exhibition anmong the fjfiv atiier clubs in the, area, 60,M0 Coxnplmentitry Tickets IDistribution of about 60,000 compiili- ineftarv admission tickets %v' l1 start withini tle next week or so. These tickets bcll lepaceci in the hands 14 al memibers of these other clubs ;mnd the exhihitors and will cover the efltir'e area froni Rogers Park to EACH4 New Trier seniors. ATTENDS NAT'L MEETING Iatthew P. Gaffnev, principal of New Trier HighI school, ,wiIl leave this Sunclavi nighit for the national meet- ing.of superi iltelldents ai St. Louis. The, conventioni wil I ast through Thursclay. A REAL HONIE ON HONOR ROLL J. S. Chaputan of Wilmette is list- cd amQng 358 students at the Uni- versitv of North Carolina who made the bonor rollin their studies durmng the, past quârter, accordinig to Dr. G. K. G. Henry, assistant registrar. Honor roll students must average a grade, of B (90 to 95). in ail of their. I studies. LINCOLNWOOD APARTMIENTS ARE MORE COMPLETE THAN MOST HOMES i.REFRIGERATION is included (fre t o charge. 2. -A GAS'DRYE-R for yoýur conutegniece in each laundry. 3.WATER ÉRSSURE PUMP mosures a steady supply of water:to ali part- ments during the arM est. and driest dys. This is on of fewinstallation of pressure pumpa 5in Evanston. A4n &UT A~icCOAL STOIKER keeps the heating pressure constant and the bot water supplg regulaw. 5. A PERENNIAL GARDEN of unusual beauty witb flowering shrubs în a spacious court. 6. SOUND-PROOF FLOORS ihrougho ut. Here a real effort was made toward sound-propfirng, and with excellent results. 7. An ELECTRIC VENTILATOR in each' kitchen. 8. INLAID LINOLEUM on kitchen floors. 9. ELECTRIc RIrRiGERAT0RS, porce- lain lined, placed at a convènienr beight. i o. REAL WOODBURNING FIREPLACES i ri 8 apartments with gas lighters Io ligbt the log$ without the use of kindling. z z. RADIO OUTLETS connecting '«Pubt 2.outaide atrial and ground wire r2.HUMIDIFYING RADJATORS in living room and dsning room. l3. STEEL CASEMENTS in dining rooms. 1 4. SHOWER EOUIPMÈNT in bath8 e. 15- lias recovereci suimciently to maice the trip. - Mrs. Charl es R. Mack, 707 Central avenue, Wilmette, was hostess to the Tuesday club aàt luncheon and bridge this: week. ON PRAIRIE AVENUE, A FEW PACES NORTH 0F LINCOLN STREET, EVANSTON Resident Manager-Mrs. Chas. H. Wible-DA Vis 2272 THERE 15, ALWAYS SOMEONE ON TUE PREMISES TO SHOW APARTMENTS' cQn ferre

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