four revenue air passengers in the United States during. 1935 traveled over some division of American Air- limes,, Inc, announces C. R. Smith, p1résident of this compafiy. Smith also says the total of 178,0W revenue pas- sengers transported by this lime dur- ing the year was greater than the pas- senger total of amy other air lime in, the entire world. Ail air uines in thé 'United. States transported a, total "of 642,905 passen- gers, including both, revenue and mon- revenue, during the first, 10 months' >of the last, year, accoirding to figures made public* by the V. S. Department of Commerce. Smith says: American Airlines' total of 153,069 revenue pas- sengers for tbis samne period equalled 23.8 per cent of the Whole, and if fig-ý ures for the entire industr.y ivere lim- ited to, revenue passengers oly, American s total would rexceed 25 per cent. Smith also points out that Ameni- can Airlines' gain of 71 *77 per cent during 1935 as compared with the pre- ..vious year was considerably ahead of the indicated gain of approximately 62 per cent forecast for the industry as ýa whole. In each of the past twelve months. American Airlines, Inc., carried more passengers than in amy. comparable months in the history of the coin- Sidney SpiegeI, Jr., of Winnetka, head of the Essaness theaters, bas proved conclusively he loves to fIy.' ýSaturday, February.1, he- escaped injury when his plane rolled over during 'a forced landing.on a snow- cover-ed field at, Mifflinburg, Pa. Hie was returning fromi New York where lie had flown the previous Wednesday f rom Curtiss airport. Bob Peck, Curtisi flight mechanic, went to Pennsylvania for the plane and returned with -it last Saturday afternoon at 4- o'clck. Every me- cbanic at-Curtiss got busy and had tbe, plane in shape at 10 o'clock Suniday morning--when Mr. Spiegel climbed aboard and took off for Los Angeles. Thé state highway crew had cleared a special runway througb the,snow at Curtiss fie.1d. Issue First U. S. "Aerial Rioad Map"9 The first "aeriai road map» of the United States ever compiled as à unit, was issued recently by officiais of American Airliries, Inc. A. large map, depicting in colors every trans- port air line in the entire country, is augmented by an attached set of thirteen "strip maps," detailing ail of, the 6,845 miles of route operated by Pbarinacy, la. a man ev- ery: on e lu'Wlilmette shoul know. For. the past 9 years he bas be conscientloupgly servi ng the pharmaceutical -needs of many remldents.. A graduate etf Illinois Uni- verslty Collége of Phar- and hie years -of experieuce ln thie highly epéclalized field. are rec- ommendations which ,you MUet flot overlook. 1Mr. Seyler ad1fr. Cae1 bave lQfg gplulgel themeelves to supply only rellabie merohandlse at 10*W prices and t. off.r a preséription service trust- wvorthy li every respeet. In thie. connection both of the partuers, aeaert,'Wb have: It, wIlJet It4 or It lan't made." This ln lt- self shoul assure you of the typeof service to ha found. at their two pro- gressive phanmaee.ý J. B. Sye ~~"'I k~ .. . . Toeth A. P. W, la Rous 11ToiletPapew..$ contempiatea nuproveoments in serv- ice which will affect virtually ail of the 52 cities served by American Airlimes, we are plamnng to transport a total of mot less than 300,000 passengers during the present year," Smnith de- clares. MUSIC OVER PÂCIFIC KGU, broadcasting station aât Honolulu, recently dedicated a musi- cal program to.the "tmi-Pacifi PaPn at Culver Military Academy this ses- sion. This is his first season on thei squad. He will compete in the Welterweight class. Boxing is popular among the cadets and a large per- centage of the-Culver corps is, en- rolled in the. several varsity, junior aa, priaiy, areae Usi5I8aL On the separate strips, together with the exact position of more than 500 visual beacôns for night operation. Also shown is the location of more than 200 government and American Airlines weather repo rting stations, situated along the routes at frequent intervais. More than sixty American Ailines' 'and .Department. of Com- merce short wave radio broadcasting stations are lncated.. as well. «ian roaci. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rogers of 622 Central avenue are entertaining. at 'a buffet supper and, bridge on Sunida.y niight. GareWashigton Hatchet Center New- Semational Ga«» Similar t. M.m<op<Iy $1 DOUBLIE KAY:NUTàS FRESH DAILY XÇesSotZa In- 901 Ridge Road Phone Wilumtte 316 SNIDUR-CAZEL DRUG Co. 1167 Wilm.ette Avenuei Phone Wilm.tte M and here are unusual ,,lemvf 0640 tir P-Man-MBÉ-