Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 62

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RECUIVER ~OFFIIRS 13éautiful Colonial bouse, very attractive reception hall and'large living rm., brkfst. rm., tule kitchen, den, 5 bed- rins., 3 baths, club rm., 3 fireplâces. Marvelous buy aât approxlmately %~ of original coat. Mr. W. MeLaiaghlin. Winnetka $1,750 DOWN, PAYMENT Engllsh* brick, 8 .rnis., 3 bata61o1Iht., :2-car .gar., Wthconcrete bide drive. Only 6. yrs. old., Located among other 11ne homes. Will show at any tume. "Rent In- vestment Home."' Glencoe SMALL ESTATE Northeast, corner of Sheri- dn and Beach Roads. Firneb Renaissance, 12 mmcs., Sbàths, i blk. to Iake. Many unusiual features. Pa.neled iibrary, brkfst. rmi., 59 fine trees. ±farvelous buy. Mr. Newhall Highland Park A QUAL.ITY HOME Beautiful Deere Park-most outstandlng of Its type on North Shore. Overlooking bea.utlful ravine. 9 rnis., 4 baths, library and recreation rooni. Very attractive home. Priced reasonably. Mr. Pletsch 111LTN41-ltcý WINNETKA ViewN of Lake True American Co)lonli with 8rm. .1 bathe, lheated sun and brkfat. rms., game rm., canvassed walls,. oul beat .2-car gar. beau. 100-ft. woodedi lot. Perfect location.. $25,000. GLENCOÉ lot aize, la 82 teet x isu reet.. Tnere le an attached garage, and the heat 'le hot water oll. This, resi- dence, le.available for immmcdi- ate accupancy and -lae.prlced at .............87000 Situated on a woodedý ravine lot with, 100 feet- of frontage this homie le magnificent in everyý de- tai' Ite studio living room and the sun1 room are but two of its mnoat attractive features. There are four bedrooms, thmee tiled baths and theme la a two-car at- tached garage.. The property le excePtlonallY well landccaped and the house lein rifine -condition. Located in a neighborhood of distinctive well-kept, homes, this residence le well, worth the ask- Ing prîce, of ...........837,500.0 1-n an excellent. neighiborhood, this home of, six rooe(two: bed* rooms and oue batfi) ,wil l rentý montbly for . ............ $60.00 A re'd blk Coloil o f fht rooms with four bedrooras and two colored tule bathe will relit moftthly for........... $100.00, We still have cone available rentale, the price of whlch willl be eut sharply for hnmmediate oo- cupaucy. (CUSA (C *'SIGN WITH 1 1-1te 6bdurMS., 5 naths, 'nnsied base- ment wlth,,playrmi. and rec. rm.; * oil burner and oil water heater. A REAL BUY AT $25,000 Frances J,. Winscott 902:Spruce St. Winnetka 1267 ________ 11LTN4 1-1tW INNeyer Before Off ered IFINEST WINNETKA LOCATION near schools and lake. Attractive brick, 6 rnis., 2 bathe, carpeted through- VACANT Fine 50-ft. corner lot. Snap, $1,500. Outstanding buy in Highland Par, Cholce lot in our De Luxe Ravine View Subdivision. Nýearly an acre. $7,5Q0. .HILL,& STONE End IL" Willmette Wlilmette 1644 1I1LTN4I-lte. To the fa.mily looklng, for UN US UAL value and nea.r perfection, both as to house and grounds, we have a most Interest- ing-property to offer. To- day's price le $75,000, whlch le lese than HALF its original coat. For de- talle eéall Winnetka 89. R.* M. JAEGER & CO. 22Center St. Winnetka 111L4-ltp MUST BE SOLD. 6 rRM. BRICK COLONIAL IN PINE SWilmette nelghborhood. HOLC finane- lng, priced at $11,500. Your opportunht> to avold hlgher rente. Caîl Mr. Voss THE]BILLS RJZAL<TY, hIc. .529 DAVIS ST., EVANSTON Greenleaf 1166 Wilmette 3740 111LTN4I-ltcý $7,500 6 ROOM WHITE FRAIME, 12 YRS old. Attractive interior, ail in lighit colors. Glazed porch. Public schoolIý and tmansp. wlthln 4 blk,;. 2 car gar. Lot 50x150. Eddington. & Allen, Inc. End 'IL," 410 Linden Ph. WiI. 407 _________________ 11LTN41-lte -M-ionE. Reid & Co. 601 Lake Ave. Wilmette 771 111LTN41-1tc Î-POiýU RTÏ IA ND ONLY CHIANCE This situation compels qulck action If You decire a better bargain than found in any other offer. A distinguiehed, beautiful, large home adjoining Indian Hill Club. Marvelous, durable construc- tion. Large rooms, aIl year eomfort Wlith MIl decired conveniencee. The heavily 1 4 Acres West Winnetka COLONIAL HOME W I T H spaclous living rooxu, beautiful hall, 5 famuly bedrooms, 2 baths, m 1aid's room .and bath. 011 heat. At, extreinely 10w price. of Owner Buit -FrcnchProvincial ATTRACTIVE A ND ARTIS- tic. Library,, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths. 2-car att. gar. In Kenil- worth. $17,500. "Rent Investment Homne"' NESTLED A M O N G BIG trees this modern brick home> makes a cozy borne forsomeone whbo wants convenience to schools, public and parochial, and transp. 6 rme., 11/ baths, Sun and sleeping porches. Small, down payment and, balance like rent. Location, 717 GREEN- LEAF AVE., WIILMETTE.,Cali to e cethiis at once., Avallable INC. 1571 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON UNI. 2600 WIL. 2602 111LTN41-1te MONOPOLY Should Make- You Tfhink Mlake a homne your FIRST lnvestment while a smali cashi payment and lou- monthly payments (inciuding interest) will buy one. Rents will rise and land- lords wiii monopolize more and more of your income for ent If you do not act NOW. Among many opportunities to purchaise a homie on easy terme ve suggest the followlng: ATTRACTIVE .ENGLISH TYPE 3, bedroonis, 1% bathe, oil heat, 2-car garage, wooded lot in popular Hub- bard Woods section. Mtge., $10,500. Out of town ownem miakes special price.. . . ... .1. .. . . . .... 12,500.00 SOLID RED BRICK COLONIAL Northeast section Glencoe. An especially weIl built home. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, ohl heat, large lot, part of wlhich can be sold. Priceonly,......,,........ 16,500.00 în ENGLISH TYPE HOME Inexcellent condition. Location S. E. HUINSEN REALTY CO.r 460 CEX<TERl ST. WINNETICA 254f N41-1t M 5I. IIILTN41..îte BEST BUY FOe7,000 7 roonis, 2 porches, attached garage. Close to transp., Ehools, churches. 958 Pine St., Wlnnetka .1484. 111LTN40-.4tp T à 1800. -

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