Hée complaaed UL eini uua of last. week, but apparentiy iniproved and be went to, bis office. at the railv Newts building on the following Thursday. When he again becamie iii, he returned. to, his borne, wbere a physician found he was suff ering writh bronchial pneumonia. Fa& ste RdiIy He. failed to'rally and was removed to the, hospital early- Sunday after- noon. Almost immediately aifterward he suf ered a siniking speli and in a vain effort to save.him he was placed ian oxygen tent. At the bedside when he died were his wife, Mrs Kathe rine A. Smith, and Paul. Mow. rer,, bis ass ociate. editor. Messages. of condolence have poured, in from leaders tbroughouat the, world. Funeral services were heid at 1 :30 'clock Wednesday afternoon of this week at the Glencoe Union.church. Dr. Douglas H4. Corneil, pastor of the church- Dr. .Edward Scribner Aines, bead of tbe philosophy departuient at tbe University of Chicago, and pas- tor of the University Church of the Di- sciples, and -Dr. Edgar J. Goodspced of 'the University of Chicago faculty officiated. Burial was in Mount Hope emer.Native of Chicago Mr. Smith was a native of Chicago, the son of Justin A. and Mary L. Smith. He receiýved his formai edu- cation at the Morgan Park Military Henry Jusin Stnith Don Liovlng Photo time especially, he and Mns,, Smnith have been much intenested in Fnencb, literature. societies and the ýFrench people. SethK. Packard, 62,- Dies at Brother's Home Seth K. Packard, 62 years old, died Sunday evening at 1240 Fonest ave- nue, Wilmette, the home of bis brother, Guy C. Packard, with wbom he had resided the past three years. He is also survived by a sister, Mns. Wilma Burchfield. President of two concerns,, the... Quaker Loan and Finance compatly' 'away from you without your knowl- edge or your permission !" So warned Miss Cathrine Curtis before a recent audience. Miss Curtis is the national director of Women Investors in Amierica, Imc., and is in this- vicinIity to address the third annual Woman Congress in Chicago this week. She has agreed to sta), over te Monday, February 17, iii order te address. the Women's Republicani Club of Winnetka. And, s0 that Miss Curtis maycatch a train for ber next engagement in New York Tuesday, the meeting is" being called for 10:30 inthe morning. It is to be held. at the home of Mrs. Walter Strong, 1377- Tower road, Winnetka. *All the members of the club and its affiliates in Glencoe and *Kenilworth are ïnvited. Wonaù of Varied Activity Miss Curtis' career testifies to the fact that she is no: theorist.. She has owned and operated a ranch in Ari- zona. She was the first woman teo pro- duce motion pictures independently. She bas been. on. the boards of dire.c- tors of the New York City Federation of Women's clubs and- the New York chapter of the League of Amferican Penwomen. programs on "Women and Money" over a network of 26 stations and bas since been devoting al ber time tc, seekingt.to amouse women te their .Miss Cathine Curtis Herber-t'Mitcheý-ll Photo fore it, theý finst time a woman 's or- ganization,,represented by a womnan, had ever made such an appearance. bidependent Amalysis The fact that Miss Curtis has nevèr bee.n employed, by any banking, brokerage or investments interests- or any industrial corporation or by any public utility orrailroad lenlds futher emphasis to ber independent analysis of present day conditions 'àfid 'trentds. 'Lbëlivé fhée' "s 1a n even more important war being wagecl in Washington today than was waged in Europe in 1914 to 1917." Mrs. Edward B. Hall announices that tbere will algo be a discussion of \ 1913 and ýnews editon fro m 1913 to n.t e latter year Mr. Smith Ieft* the newspaper field to beconie as- sistant to the president of the Uni- versity of Chicago. While there he devotedmuch of bis time to perfect- ing public relations metho.ds, par- ticularly in sending' out interesting press releases. When~ he went back to the Daily resided tnere until ne moved to wii- mette. He was a member .of a Masonic lodge in New Hampshire. Services were held Wednesday afternoon of this week at the Scott funeral home in Wilmette, with Dr. John G. Hindley officiating. In- terment*was at. Memorial Park. Katheririe M. Thompson Passes Away Wednesday stais iar, ne as umaniza4U andUominîig primaries andathe club wil dramatized finance" and she was rec- hé askéd to make an endorsement of ommended for appointment' to the a candidate at the Monclay meeting. non-member advisory 'board of the Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries, our. New York Stock Exchange, and representative in the General Assem- when the Senate Finance. committee bly at Springfield, wiII give a short was coniducting hearings on the Rev.. talk on "What Our Legisiature Is enue Bill of 1935.:she appeared be- Doing." NORTH WEST MEN'S CLUB Noted Educators Plan Conference The annual national conference of literature. The fact thati toci wvas, a mcmber oi the l of value. Il- egt1ý r0 U. 1A11 a iuwna- trouui wo through of eigbt years of age; frorn eigbt er Mn. and Mrs. George 11. Rodger of through fifteen, and from fifteen ly. 928 Oakwood avenue entertained two through twenty-two. In each of ut tables of bridge Saturday nigbt in these periods the treatment of the id honor of their week-end guests, Mr. subject is to be dynamic, showing the :es and Mrs. Oscar Danielson from New curriculum as. chaig in accordance, jersey. with the cbild>sdeeloment.