Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 8

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SUNDAY SERVICES Cburch school............... 9:45 a. m. Mornirir worship................ 11 a. m. Luther league --ý.........5:30 p. m. Thre mursic for the. Service of Worshlp text Sunday mornlng lsas foilows: Pieude-Au- Convent........ . .Borodini Anthem-Breathe on Me, Bread of God Thompeon Tie Senior Choir S*ooLove Eterntal .........Adams me. Arthur Wernecke ]Poitlude--Allego from "lst Sonata". J Borowskij Victoria G. McLead-Minlstryr of Music Confirmation clase wlll meet on Friday afternoon at 4 ô'clock. Senior choir rehearsal, Friday evening at 7:30 o'ciock., Junior choir rehearsal, Saturdfay nxorn- ing at 10 o'clock. Church school, convenes ea ch.Sunday nlorhlng at 9:45. 'We haveclasses for alages. and a very fine, corps of teachers. *The Luther league, thre rganization for yôirng people, wil ieumtt undav evening at 5 :30 o'clock, The young peo- peaemost cordially invited to attend these fine meetings. Thre Womian's society willl hold their February Social meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Hayson, 297 -Green leaf avenue, Wilmette, on Thursday after- noon, February 20, at 2 o'clock. The Luther league le presenting "Thre Attorney for the Defense'," a four act play, on Friday evening, February 21, at1 -8 o'clock. No tickets are being sold. An offerng will be received. Be sure1 to see. it! Invite your friends. Asir Wednesday service will be held on Wednesday evening, February 26, at at 8 o'clock. WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER-Feb- ruary 28. This year the Service will be ireld in the Methodiet Church fromn 2 té 3 p. m. Al the women of the churches in the village1 are urged to attend tins meeting. Tire' theme for the day is "*Peace on Eoarth.y! First Congregwtsonal, John G. Hindley, minister "Thre Dynamlc of Fatire Love be the sermon theme for next Si morning's church service at il a. The mnusic for this service will f9llows; Prelude-Ciranson.... ........ Anthem-"Even Me" .......... W Qua rtett -Take Down Th>y Harj " v~'iil .ndo t' a. m. promnpuy. The Nelghborhood circle willi meet ti the home of Mrs. Edward Burge, 924 Forest avenue, Tuesday, February 18. The asstlng hostesses wlll be Mrs. Hlenry ,Pope, Mrs. Frederlck Newey, and. Miss Alice Wheelock. MONTHLY CIJRCH DINNER Church Fellowshlp dîner,,Thursday, February 20. The bookà, *"Life With F'ather" "The Lees of Virginla," "It Can't Be Done,"1 and "My Old World"' will b6 reylewed byr our pastor. You wIll want to reserve this, evening forthe entire family. THE PRE-BASTIER PREACHfINGý S1 PROU RAM February 16-Tire Dynamic of Fatirly Love. February 23-Tire Attractive Essentials. Marcir 1-Tire Problem of Power., March 8-The Instruments of Creative Living. Marcir 15-Mastering the. Havoc Makers. Mareh 22-The True Size of a Man. Marcir 29 - Persona1 Adequacy. April 5-Our Guiding Patterri. (Palm Sunday> April 12-The* Bountis of Life. (Easter Sunday). REGULAR ANNOUNCEMENTS Sunday-9 :30 a. m.-Churcir echool., il a. mi.-Church service; il a. in, Beginners' department; il a. iii.-World Friendship. for eh idren. Tuesday-3 :30 p. h.-Camnp Fire Girls. Wednesday - 3:30 -p. ni. - Brownies; 7:30 p. m.-Boy Scout Troop No. 2. Thursday-3 :30 P. -Grs choir re- hearsai; 4 p. m.-Boys' choir rehearsal; 7:15 p. ni.-Senior choir reirearsai; 7 :30 p. imi-Boy Scout Troop No. 1. rr Saturday-10:30 a. m.-.Girls' çiroir r- hearsal; il a. m.-Boys' choir reirearsal. The rnidweek service wil I e hcld Wed- nelay eh ~ve.ng p'ai Q8n'rloc,"fr a lthe, Wilmete Ba tist hurcir. We will continue our studly of te"Propirecy -of Isaiahi;" and w~e in-. Wilrniette andi Forest avenuies vite you to finti with us thre modern Rey. Geor ge 1) Allison, pastoî' implications of this great book of the- - Bible. Tonîiorol (Finîday>ý, the Wra' so-- ciety of the chui'ch hoitis its Februaî'y Thre choir -,,Ill rehear9e at thre ehurci luncheon at 12 :30. The prograin, "Bc- Fiîday evening. tween Two Centuries," will be presenteti. by bMrs. ýC. H..Jones. Word froliloui' Girl Scout Troop No. 5 wIlL nmeet at riiissionairy, Miss Bî'odbeck, tn West tire churcir Saturday. Ch ina hais been recelved,. and we, are ail gtad to know of her' restoreti healtir The Apollo club of Chricago Wîll Piresenz andi prescrit.safety. "Israel in Egypt" ti Orchestra Hall Tuesday, Marcir 3, accompanied by4tie On Sunday at 9-,30, tire, Church scirool Chicago Symphony orchestra. Tickets inieets in ail departrncnts. In the Aduit are on sale at Orchestra Hall. clasis, George B. Williams continues tire fine n,'aaattionnof the t'orinusNewa,- ,-March..........Mendel&solin At the mornlng worship service at il o'clock, the minister wlll preach on the therne, "The Forgiveness of Sins," the next in the sertes .of sermons on The Lord's Prayer. We Invite you to wor- ship wlth us. The musical program for the morning service,-arranged by Miss Erma Rounds, director, Is as follows: prelude,, "Meditrn- tion," Massenet; anthem, "He Shalh Corne Down Lil<e Bain," Buck;- solo, "0 God, Our Help In Ages'Past," West. Mr. Edward Otis,; postlude, "Credlo," Haydn. You are invitedl to.become a inember of our Sunday school wrhich meets nt 9 :30 o'clock every Sunday morning, un- dei, the.general direcion of Raiph H. Rice, sulieintendent. Our Adult Bible. class meet s wery' Sunday nt 10 o'clock, nt present 'etudy- ing the "'Life of' Paul." WVe invite you to .4udy with us. As a convenience to p)arents of chil- dre,n too young to be, taken to chiurc,î we have a junior church to rare for themn during the morning worship service. Otir Tuixis club will meet nt 5 -30 o'clock at the .fhurch; -bowel Peterson wilil entd the meeting, with the topic, "How To Con(ctuea Fear." AU the you.ng people of high school1 age are invited to corne. The Forumi wilI mieet at 5 :ý30 o'clock. Ail the parents and friends of the Boyv Scouts are invited to be present at the session of The Wilmette Court 'of Ifonor, at which the variouis awards and merit badges, and honors are awarded the scouits for their. work done, The Court vil meet atthis church Monday eVeflifg. rnay wor- orateti for thie «iffeent monLAAUAALiu.e son at 1 p. m. will ire served by tire Next Sunday being tire third Sunday Cneseent circle. A grotip of songs will i tire montir, will be QQrporate Com- be sung by thre guild's new chorus of munion Sunday for. the members of tire ten aingens: Mrs. C. S. Coates, Mrs. Altar (luild. Frederick W. Taylor, Mn.. H. C. Toep- pen, Mn.. C. L.. Darling, Mre. John B. Tire Associated GÙtîds wiil nîeet te- Hill, Mn.. W. A. Richardsoni, Mn.. H. A. mlormow (Friday, at Ul a.'nm., wîth * 'Ld. Mn.. R A. Marmaduke, and Mr$. luncheon at, 12:30 ant business meeting Gien 9. Roberttu, with Mns.. Paul Hayt, at 2 p. m. ................ ... nmuK ' Ol)ed tnar eveî& famlily -rela'ted te) Anthem . .............. Choir this church wWll br weli represented Offertory-Andante, Sonata No. 14 in the service on thatday. . .. . .. ... .. 1.. ... .. . .. ozart The Sermon-"So Run, That Ye May Theta Upsiion Rho .Will have a VaIen- Obtain- . 1 Corinthians 9:24 -10.5 tine party' tis Saturday evening, Fb- Postînde-Qul Tollis ........Mozart ruary 15, Intriteir recreatton room.. Tis In tre venng srvie, t 8 'clck, thre firet of a sertes of We*Is.e :Intheèveingserice at8 ocloktmeetlnge, to Which.al youn elemar tire ordler o! services w111 Include: CO 1rdially 1:Invited. Games opnoanre Prelude-Pastorale In'A,, from Fir.t lpiing-pong t'able are always aalbe 5 Ail are cordially invited to hear the unusually interesting address to be deliv- ered in thre evening, service by tire Rev. Mr. Brauer, our institutiotiai missionary: at the Joliet and Stateville penitenti'aiesi. Kenilwortk Union Dr, Herbert L. Wiliett, minister Dr. Willett's subJect for SundaY, Feb- ruary 16, il be .!The Roman Catholic Church," the second of three. sermnons on "Christendom." The church service is a t il o'clock. The Wornen's Guild wiil meet on Mon- day rnorning, February, 17, at 10 o'clock The work of the guild is for' the benefit of good causes in whicir the: women of the churcir and thre conmunity are in- terested. AIl wornen, of Kenilworth flot. otherwise engaged on Mondays are In- vited to share.[n this good wvork. Thre Sunday scirool will meet 'at 9:45 a., n. There are classes for clildreni fromi thire kindergarten through the higir schroQi. Visitors aire welcorne. Metkodist Churciz 'Ainos Thoi brg, lw tor DÈ. Horace Càleeley Smnith, l)re.s-ideiit of Garrett Biblivçal Institute, and fcrnwî'0 ministet' of tins c'huroh, %viiloectcupy the, PUIPit next Sunday niiîg, February ](;. fle wiII deliver th- hikOfrn messalge for thre W"Vaan'z; Msia society.' This Thank-Oftmnixag is- foi, Nvork at home and ah9ad. Is ex- pected' tirat a large ':o(ngregatio)n willi re in attendance to greet Dr. Sm îth. . His sermon therne will be -Tho Baisis ()f Sectprlty." !Wembers andi frientis ire reininded that thre Mrig~os Service begins with tire ý r'h pelude at 10:45 o'clock and tiie Poesoa 1{ynn begins at exaýxlv IP o'ciock, The mnusic for theeie next ç;-,nd;ty morning will be as follows: Organ (10:45):1 "Meditato n !.. Dubois 'Adagio" ............. . . .. Widor Marie iel Introit: "Hroly , Holy,' Holy".Gau Anthem: "Lord, for T4i y- T ender Mercies' Sake" ..........Farrant Offertory Solo: Organ Postiude: 'Prèlu.de and IFugue ln D Major"...........Bacir The Chureir school mieets each Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock. There are classes for aIl ages, from thre nursery to the ,adult departmIent. NeW enroîl- nients are made eachwe-1, W Dav

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