0111 SHREN Permanent.5 e or Meilure for solemn requiem mass was celebrated. ANNOUNCE DIRTH Mr. and Mrs. A. Stiel announce the' birth of a, son, Ronald George, Jan- uary 28, at the Evanston hospitàl. Mr. anild Mrs. Stiel are! now, living in DesPlaines.- Mrs. Stiel is the former Mfiss Bertha Duwner of 1715 Forest. avenue. SUITS AND TOP CO4S $18.90 - $22.50 4 24.50 w431< Remodeling - Alierations -Repaîring Priiig . Cleaniing 1117 Greenlea Ave. -Wilmette 1h44 I. ylaSpeclal I VoI.u*imm. Boxes BOLVA<RD BÜSSTORE *Eleventh and Central W~il. 4298@1 -We'-veChan ged OuIr Address t. 1215 WiImefle Avenue WM. KCAPLAN, Saune Telephone- WiImefe 667 A New Combination You Are Sure to 11ke ChbocoIote Chip, Lemon Ice and Vanilla 4.5 Jc Regular 60e value (QUART) PEACOCKS Floyd . E.Thomilpsoii', iiinelt Iawuyer and former chi ef juistice of tihe Illinois Stîpreilc coi rfi. wiII be the sp'eaker ai the Neti Trie). Stij- day Evenisng. clu!'in thse hýy i-h doi)l auiditoriums Ssedav et essipïg. Pc)- ritary- 9. wbjctv.iIi ie bc: n stitutional Aspects o »f tihe .Vew Deal." The cliib meetiuq be1îis 4ai 7:30 o'clock.> Wo'Man A uthority on Plebisci tes WiII Lecture on Feb. il Miss Sarahi Wamnbough, br Illiant internationalist., fanied as tlhe world authority in plebiscites. %%ill give lier lecture "Europe XVhat X ow?" at. the \ýinietka Woinan's club Tuesdav eve- ning. Februarv 1.l. for th.e ten efit of the Radcliffe Alumnae North Shore chapter. scholarship fund. The lecture. wilI bègin at 8:30 o'clock * Miss WVanbaugh. daugliter of a %vell *known pjrofessor at Ha rvard Law school, wvas adviser and director for the 1League of Nations of, the S aa r plebiscite. and is ,'a]l1so the author of "A MVonogrami on Plehiscites," w~rit- ten for the Carnegie Eriltndweiit.for -International Peace. Shie declared that the Saar experience showcd the 1 U iii a 0%*L'j THE OIL Bob 'n'. Mac Main Street of Lindema Avenue W EL L Phn. WiImeft. 3334 be mientally unbalanced. Mrs. J. E. Day.and her daughter, Virginia, of Davenport. Iowa, are Mrs. G. W. Vaught, 511 flrier road, spending a few days at the home of entertained four tables at luncheonà Mr. and Mrs. Henry J.. Brandt, 816( and bridge at Shawnee Country club. Forest avenue.. Monday. son, flIy realizing the importance to the future progress of the work of an experience she had not had. Ha& Tlàow<ugh Training Mrs. Robinson, now in charge, of the office, is fully equipped to assumne its responisibilities. She is a graduate of the University of Miîchigai,' and has dome' graduate work in social service at the University0f Cicago. She has been ini the Cook Coulty Bureu of Public Welfare since 1932,' first'as a case worker and later as a case work supervisor. Shé lias becsî ini the',Eivalston office of the buireau siîe1933, and has super-vised those case workers in *charge of WVilmette families. In titis way, she has become- acquainted wîth social work iîee<ls of this commu >nity. In, addition. Mrs. Robinson bias had: a broad. experience in other fields, She formerly worked in :the warmtime goveruiment service, dealing ivith personnel. Cite Type of Work As the work of the welfarti (le- velops into a famiily case %workiing agency it wilI, in general. care for.the( following types of cases:- 1. Familles in whiclî the rai rb lemï is the iîeed foi, finaneial icie'. This includes familles who are nlot Jiegi-, ble for county relief, as foir examult*, where a head of a fainily is working full, tinie, althoiigh the inconie is flot suffi- dJent to nieet the full need of the family. Tt will also inelude fanillies who lieg-d eniergfl(y short time relief 0111y. 2. Famiulies and individuals m-ho sýeIk sI)ecial hellp and adviee for prbleins other than filancial ones. 3. Fanuilies .w1ho have requested he(-lb for sonie partirular pu'oblen and 'wý are. also In need of finaucia.1 as.,istan-. Continue E'ployment Servie The employnient service so plen- .1idly developed by Mrs. Blayl(ck will bc continued by the board. and ef- forts mnadc to extend it in order that as mauviý of the unemployed as possi1- llcniay besuppliedwith tem.porary- %vork if. pe rmnanentr jobs arce not avail- able. Tlhe an of the welfarc :orgaui a- lion wili bc to work very closely ý ith ind(ividua.ls who already l tow the famnilies seeking its aid. so that a 1I