YOUR WÂTCH HutCm. c ro Cmrefully Repar.d H jCnerIeC« * By an Expert ai Moderate Coit ite >fCCith balln»n. 0 Pree Inspection and Regulation I D. PAGLIARULO BOULEVARD DRUS STORE * tiS Wlmute vene *Eleventh and Central WiI. 4298e 4 ,nouencement .. 'l take this opportunity to thank inî patrons for their, whole hearted suppoirt dut ing niy dbseflee. I ,- an now ready to sreyou W'onIi The Machinelessa termenent Wave Vois eau now .get a beautiful Itinglèt Endil Permis- Breut Wave romplete. Any 3 for $1 a w 1........... .......$25 Vita-Toule Wave. ~aao.V g f-r W a ~ A beautlful genuine Fredrle Ptroit net M31 ni 1 r arri Mae oim~ @plete, BlIase, Arrlu or j~aI Marchleýie Permialent$6 Tri. compfrte $ fVICTORIA SIBEA UTY SALO N 3u8li Linden Avenue Walm'ette 16830 - - - - - - CONVENI ENT.ýé e e Today's convenience cornbirîed. wirbyes, terday's, pure ricb flavor iakes Lynans Ice Crearn THIE favorite. Made espe- cially fror N rs. Lyînan's uwn recipe. S pecial titis week English Toffee and Pineapple................ 42ë,C Fniirsonie Package, serves four ..25C [Fe wii deli ver prompt/yv at any time, you ,specily. Pharmacy Jtoh, P. Well. 985 Bluff road, Glencoe: tti zeek ictts t/he edpiciitt Hnrpresentedý i -the /)re-coluvetttiotvi ban quet of thei COpt1oi 's of Chicaeoh Jeld ai lte Hulel .Sher>,iti;t. Mr. Allen, w~ho Ps presideit.of the Brniuk-,lFxpress coiPatlyis thé second layiiaii, lu the history of the Chicago diocese lu receive the distinguished serv- i cecu~ He was given the award by Blshop George Craig Stewart for hius activitv a: head ()f the Centenarv cele- brai ion (À the (iocese last %-car andI as president anrd chairnian of 'the huard of the Church Club i) Chicagu(. fHe also) is o privsidenî of the Cathedral Shed- ter and Chase. floue, two wesî d Eýpîsc4opal church settlenients. "The Jew in Rome" Is Sermon at Congregsation Rabbi Charles Shulmian wilI' speak on tie suisject: "Th e J ew of Ronie»", at the, services in.. North Shore Cotigregatioîî Israel îenplîe Linicolin anid erinon avenues., Glen-7 coe. Suindav niorning, February 9, at -11 o'lock. The therne considers cient Fascjsmn.- N1usic at, the services \v]Il bc as harbor, it was announceil this week. Captain Jacobson retired February 1 after nearly 27 years of service iii the cuast guard. Cominended for Rescues HlowelI, %who holds the rank of chief boatswait&s mate, bas an inipressive scr% ice rec ord . Wh ile in temporary charge at tlie.O)Id Chicago station ini 1927, hie received a letter of ýcoi-, nic udation froin. headquarters for his. w1%ork in directing the rescue of wom- en a(i l idrei whose lives were periled by the sinkinig of the il4-aied Favorite, L.incoln park excursion boat wvhich liad been capsize<l by a suddenr s(luall. Géts Life-Saving Award in 1931 he vas- presenited with a si]-' ver, life-saving miedal for rescuing a woman who liad fallen inito the Chi- cago river. Howell. vho %vas off duty' at the tile. vas ail "slicked tip" for a date wvhen lie heard the .ries, of a wornaî. He promptly plunged into the nîurky river and swani to the d( )J. where lie grasped a narrow ledge andl lield the wonian's héad above water for 15 minutes iintil passershv hearA his cries for aid. Refore elnlisfincz w th thle coast guards. lie spent two v*ears in the life- saving service at Michigan Citv. xd. H-e ivent into:the coaýt guard service. at the OId Chicago station ii Febrýu- ary. 1918. .That' sanie vear hle w %a- tranlsi .rre(Ifi) Cris;i)Point. NI icli.. on1 Lake Superior., He wvas transferred, back to . the O1l Cicd station a vear later and served tiiere ttu illie camne to \Vilinette hiarl)or la,;t Itjlto take temiporarv charge wvhile Cap- taini Jacobson vas oni sick leave. Chief Howells hobbies are poo rap'hy-and boating, Dr. Allisoni Escanes Zero Wave on Trip West, r.George 1)ý Allison., pastor of the XVilmtte aptist church., has return- 'd f roui a trip 10 '«est .coast ci ties' il] the initerests of his denionîjuaitioni. He Pireachcd iii Seattle. Portland., Sacraienito, Stockton, Sani Franicisco.- al Phoeniix. atnd leld conferences, with iniisters at the variouis poinits.. Dr. Allison vas fortunate to leave tbis viciiiitv just iii advance of the rece t ,lh-7 rnx%,a- - -i,, . ...... ....i Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy, and ail other authorized Christiain Sience Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Rooni. T149 PUBLIC 15 CORDIALLY I1NVTEZ) TO ATTEND THIE CHUReR SERVICES AND V ISIT THE IREADING ROOM mi suggestion, is tlat they wil usPPIY- the required materials, the work to be doue Shirley McGill, who. is at Griieli with WPA labor. The petition was re- college, spent 'the week-end with her ferred to the sewver and water committe.parents, Mr. and MNrs. J. H. McGill of which Trustee Nathaniel N. Weblb i5 of 216 Broadway avenue. Shç left. chairnman, for consideration and recom; on Monday night to enter hersecond. iiiendationl. seniester at. the college. j-