IN OUR CHAPEL The Oldest Esiablisled'Jndertakers on the Imimediale North Shore SUPERIOR AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed.Lady Asistant BEWARE 0F FALSE BARGAINS DEOPLE are ofien trapped by misleading offers of "cheap"~ funerals. They are~ Sedto believe that bargain funerals may ýbe had from certain funeral directors Who advertise seeniingly low prices. This is.a false view. A legitimate fianeral director asks reasonable prices for al types of services, depe!nding upon the wishes and means of his clientele. "ýBargains" exiit only Where se rvice is slighted and the Cheapest kind of merchandise provided. W. wiil gladly explain -in detail our prices and the services we fùrnish., They. will be found as economical as those of any firm -meeting the same exacting, standards. WILMETTE 1118 GREENLEAF AVENUE., Phtone Waiintte 654 *WINNETKA 554 CENTER STREET Phone Winnetka 404. IDEPEINDARLE IHEATINO OIL -SERVICEI iný Ail Kindso0 Weather Enjo y the securit), of Braun Bros.. "Care-Irce" Heating Oil Service. With this plan of delivery, Braun Broc. talce the entire responsibility for your oil supply. They measuIre your tank regularly and make deliveries before the "danger-line" is reached. 4 You are relieved of ail worry. DRAUN Ri Braun Broc. ten years of dependable service is your guarantee of satisfaction. Braun Bros. xnaintain an adequate fleet of trucks, sufficient to maintain prompt service under al. weathet coniditions. Day or night, Sundays orh.olidays Braun Bros. service is.,always available. S . OIL CO. Phone Wilmette 831 "for fuel, use ou"e. PHIL H. DRAUN RODT. ýF. DOEPEL CARL L. BRAUJN 1301 Lake Avenue mette 40 OeýCoal.& Material Yard.' Phone Wilmette 4M0